-19- Confess

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After Izuku confessed he was petrified to move from the position he was and his mind was screaming at him to run away but he couldn't move. He was so scared of his own feelings ruining everything for him.

"Izuk—" Denki approached him and that's when his body started to listen to his mind. Izuku stood up swiftly.

"N-no! I'm s-sorry I'm a-a fr-freak!" Izuku tried to run to the door but it was once blocked again by Eijiro.

"Izuku, calm down!" Eijiro grabbed his shoulders firmly and leaned down so he was face to face with the smaller boy. The green haired boy just nodded and wiped away his tears quickly. He stuttered sorry over and over again before Denki just rolled his eyes and kissed the small boy on the lips, since he was obviously not listening to their words. Izuku looked up at the blonde with wide confused green eyes.

"W-why'd y-you do that?" Izuku questioned, un tensing his muscles slightly. Denki hugged him and Eijiro explained.

"We like you too Izuku, you freaked out over nothing silly." Eijiro chuckled and hugged the relieved boy who now felt very embarrassed and hid his face into Denki's shoulder. Izuku groaned.

"W-why didn't y-you tell me s-sooner?" Izuku asked as they released from the hug.

"Uhh, we honestly didn't know if you would be into dating the two of us.." The red head admitted as they moved to sit on his bed. Izuku nodded, it seemed reasonable enough for him. The three chatted on the bed for a few hours before Izuku eventually dozed off.


After Shouto had held onto the blonde Katsuki sat on his bed and recalled the encounter. What was Shouto talking about when he screamed about not hurting me? Katsuki questioned through his mind as he sat on his bed.

"What are you thinking about?" The taller of the two asked as he leaned so his elbows were on his thigh.

"What were you talking about with the promise bullshit?" The blonde questioned. Shouto groaned.

"Do you remember when I left to do something and I didn't come back that one time during training after you got jumped?" The dual haired male questioned and Katsuki nodded and Shouto continued. "Well Momo approached me during that time.."


"Shouto I have a proposition for you." Momo stated as they walked out of view.

"What is it? I need to get back to Katsuki." Shouto stated blandly, already bored with the conversation. Momo's face dropped as she heard the name of the one she hated the most.

"Well I want you to date me." Momo stated confidently.

"Yeah, no. I have my eyes on someone else." Momo growled.

"Let me rephrase this, be my boyfriend or I swear to god I will have my friends hunt him down and kill him in the worst way imaginable and you won't even know until we send you one of his eyes." Momo threatened Shouto with a dark voice and he was furious. The male believed that she would, Momo was very popular in the school and he knew that she had many friends in the halls that would die for her.

"Damnit, fine just I swear if any of you lay a finger on him I will make you wish you're parents aborted your sorry ass." Shouto hissed while Momo just smiled sweetly.

"Of course, now come sit with me and my friends so I can introduce you to them."


Katsuki just stared at him.

"So you dated her to 'protect' me?" Katsuki just snorted and eventually it turned to full blown laughter. Shouto looked at him confused but with a small smile. The laughing blonde eventually calmed down.

"You're a dumbass, I can defend myself." Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"W-well I was worried since you just got out of the hospital." Shouto blushed as he spoke and Katsuki just walked over and sat up, flicking him on the forehead.

"I'm okay you stupid candy cane." The blonde grinned and Shouto just looked at him.

"You know most people would run for the hills if they ever did that to me." The taller male admitted, shifting his body so he was facing Katsuki. The blonde rolled his eyes and flicked him again.

"Well I'm not most people, dumbass." Shouto smiled and leaned over and kissed the smaller male, something he has wanted to do for awhile. Katsuki just blinked and his face became red.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Katsuki shouted and Shouto just rolled his eyes and kissed the male again when he was about to start screaming at him. Katsuki eventually started to kiss back the male that he liked.

Shouto leaned forward into the kiss as it became more heated and Shouto pressed Katsuki down on the mattress.

This was a terrible chapter lmao sorry xD
And I'm that the ship escalates quickly but I feel like that's how it would be like so that's how it is.
Also have pictures of innocent Momo

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