-15- Liar

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It's Friday and Katsuki was worried that he's barely seen his roommate yesterday and today. He kind of missed him, when he does see him the taller male completely ignores the blonde and it pisses him off.

Katsuki got ready for the day, Shouto was long gone and Katsuki was starting to get frustrated that he started to avoid him. He missed his stupid face.

"H-hey K-kacchan, a-are you okay? y-you, look t-tired." Izuku asked, concerned for his friend who looked more upset than usual.

"I could say the same thing, what happened?" Katsuki noticed that his eyes were puffy and that they had dark bags underneath them.

"O-oh! It's nothing, m-my roommate made m-me w-walk around t-the halls." Izuku told him some of the truth of why he was quiet.

"Wow what a dick, you want me to beat him up?" Izuku grinned and shook his head.

"N-no, t-thanks for the o-offer." Kat grinned, feeling a little better talking to his childhood. They picked up Hitoshi on their way to the cafeteria. 

As always, they were the last of their friend's group to arrive. They quickly got the breakfast and sat down with Mina, Eijiro and Denki.

"Hey guys, how was your morning, Judging by your faces probably shit." The three 4 levels nodded, not even trying to explain what had them in a mood.

Breakfast was normal for the most part except that Izuku had noticed a hickey on Denki's neck and it made him feel a lot worse, he ignored the pit in his stomach though, and kept on playing with his food.

"Oh my god, by the way, did you guys hear that Shouto has a girlfriend?" Katsuki looked up with wide eyes.

"How would you know?" Katsuki asked.

"Someone said they saw them kissing in the hall yesterday in the afternoon, honestly I'm kind of surprised someone won over that edge lord." Mina snorted and bit into her breakfast burrito. she soon snorted it out of her nose.

"Oh shit! Guys, it's Momo!" Everyone at our table turned to see Shouto walk into the cafeteria with his arm around Momo's waist and her smiling brightly.

Katsuki quickly loses his appetite and says he needed to go do something and left the cafeteria.

She's why that Icy hot bastard is ignoring him. He just needed to get out of there before he tried to throw another tray.


Izuku was not feeling good and it did not go unnoticed by Eijiro and Denki. the three were the only ones left at the table because Mina went to talk to some girls and Hitoshi left to go do something.

Izuku was much quieter than he usually is with the two male and they were concerned 

"Izuku are you okay?  If you're having troubles you can talk to us." Eijiro said with a kind tone. Izuku looked up with a squeak, his eyes wide.

"I-i'm f-fine! J-just ti-tired." Denki and Eijiro frowned. Usually, when the small boy stuttered a lot more than usual it usually meant he was not telling the whole truth. They also noticed that his bottom lip looked bruised.

"Izuku seriously, if you need to say anything you can talk to us." Izuku's heart throbbed and he put on a quick and easy fake smile.

"I-i'm okay. really j-just tired." Eijiro and Denki seemed content with that answer and didn't push the green-haired boy anymore. He excused himself when the bell rang and he practically disappeared from the two's vision. He ran to his classroom and sat in a chair at the back. anxious to just get this stupid weekend out of the way. 


Katsuki was pissed, to say the least. That scumbag lied to him and made him feel things that he didn't want to feel in the first place. And now he's sitting in his room, peeling the wallpaper as he did on his first day there. There was a huge wall bald spot where Kat's bed was. He hated this feeling he had and wanted to make it stop. He decided to get to the classroom before the games started because he wanted to make sure Izuku and Hitoshi would be okay.

As the blonde sat up from his bed the door swung open and closed and Shouto walked through. Katsuki rolled his eyes and got up to walk past the lying asshole. But the lights flickered and the halls filled with rioting students so when Katsuki tried to open the door it was slammed right back into the door frame. Katsuki groaned and sat back on his bed and chooses to ignore Shouto for the rest of the time. Or as much as he could control himself.


"Leave me alone fucker." katsuki interrupted him quickly, not wanting to talk to the taller male.

"Why are you upset?" Shouto questioned. The blonde rolled his eyes and flipped him off.

"You lied to me."

"What did I lie to  you about?" The blonde laid on his side and face the wall, choosing to take a quick nap over talking to his roommate.


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