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SpaceDad started a chat

SpaceDad added Pidj and Bandit Keith

User "Bandit Keith" cannot be added

SpaceDad: unblock him. Now

Pidj: what even is this?

SpaceDad: now

Pidj: 😒

User has been unblocked

Bandit Keith has been added to the chat

SpaceDad: what was that?

SpaceDad: I get that you two aren't seeing eye to eye, but do you really think me Hunk or Lance asked for you two to take it out on our project grade?

SpaceDad: you're talking this out

Pidj: says who? I'll just leave the chat

SpaceDad: no, you won't. I already told Matt that if you two didn't talk this out, I was driving Keith over to your house and making you talk face to face

Bandit Keith: tf man?

Pidj: I have nothing to say to him

Bandit Keith: you sure about that? Because you definitely had a few choice words back at school

Pidj: don't even freaking turn this on me, I did nothing but try protecting my friend

Bandit Keith: Do you actually believe I was trying to hurt him?

Bandit Keith: I seriously just wanted to make amends

Bandit Keith: and plus, it's not like you protected him at all, if you haven't noticed, you dropped him when he needed you most

Bandit Keith: if you haven't noticed, Lance has freaking anxiety. He needs a friend's help, and you turned your back on him. So don't even give me that "I'm not the bad guy" speech, because you and I are in the same boat

Pidj: how do you know about his anxiety?

Bandit Keith: 1. His body language and social skills are a dead give away. I should know, I have anxiety as well 2. So you know and you still make him face this alone, wtf is wrong with you?

Pidj: I

Pidj: ...

Pidj: I really messed this up didn't I?

Bandit Keith: I honestly don't care whether or not you hate me. You wouldn't be the first. But please, I'm trying to make up for my mistake and befriend him, would you just let me do that?

Pidj: I need to think about this...

Pidj: I'm going to Lance's

Pidj has left the chat

Bandit Keith: Shiro I'm sorry about the project, I really am

SpaceDad: I know you are. That's why you're helping clean up the science lab WITH Pidge for the next three weeks after school.

Bandit Keith: you're kidding me right? I couldn't have just failed?

SpaceDad: you'll learn soon that Dr. Stewart doesn't enjoy failing students, but that doesn't mean he won't make you make up your grade.

Bandit Keith: what about you Lance and Hunk?

SpaceDad: we did our part of the project, and he made observations before you two tore it up :]

Bandit Keith: well, wish me luck dealing with that for the next three weeks

SpaceDad: I know you actually care whether Pidge likes you or not. So maybe, just ignore their comments. They're all bark and no bite

Bandit Keith: I think they actually tried biting me today

SpaceDad: bad analogy

SpaceDad: what I'm trying to say is, just let them talk. Don't give them anything to fuel the fire. I know you both have some things in common

Bandit Keith: like what?

SpaceDad: you both want the best for Lance

Bandit Keith: ...okay, I'll try.

Bandit Keith: have you eaten dinner yet?

SpaceDad: nope, want to go grab something?

Bandit Keith: yes please, I'm starving

SpaceDad: I'll come by in like five minutes, be ready.

This chat has ended

::I'm so hyped for Lance's birthday and for season three, you don't even know. Can you believe there's only gonna be seven episodes? I know that season four is in October but I'd rather have a longer season and wait for season four because I just want as much as I can get out of the eight seasons we're gonna have.

QOTD: what time is it where you are?

My answer: when I'm writing this, it's 1:09 am, but idk when I'm posting so...::

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