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Starboy🌠 has started a chat

Starboy🌠 added Hunk™ and Pidj

Starboy🌠: who has Shiro's number??

Pidj: I do

Pidj: want me to add him?

Starboy🌠: well if you want him participating in this project, then yeah.

Pidj: you say this as if you'll actually participate.

Starboy🌠: just add him

Pidj added 🌚

Hunk™: am I the only one wondering why Pidge has Shiro's number, when we've never even talked to him

Pidj: maybe because I'm social

Starboy🌠: 😂😂😂😂😂 Pidge? Social? Since when???

Pidj: 🙄

Pidj: okay maybe I already know Shiro because he and my brother are friends.

Starboy🌠: that's more believable

🌚: Let me guess

🌚: Starboy is Lance right?

Starboy🌠: correctamundo my man

Starboy🌠: and I had the name before the song came out

Starboy🌠: don't come @ me

Pidj: he gets very protective of his username

Hunk™: but anyways, welcome to the nerd club

🌚: I feel very at home in this club

🌚: So what are we doing for this project? It has to be big.

Hunk™: giant baking soda volcano?

Pidj: NO





Pidj: I hate both of you

Pidj: what if we do a solar system mobile, but make it huge

🌚: Nah, a few guys did that last year. Judges literally said it was boring and basic and that they've seen it a thousand times

Starboy🌠: what if we do a diaramma of the constellations?

Pidj: diorama*

Starboy🌠: don't correct me

Pidj: I do like the idea tho

Hunk™: I like it too

🌚: Don't think anyone's done that yet. Sounds good.

Starboy🌠: :')

Starboy🌠: I finally had a good idea

Pidj: redemption from that God forsaken volcano

Starboy🌠: 😏 it was worth seeing you freak out

Pidj: 🖕

Hunk™: so where are we doing it at?

Starboy🌠: can't at mine. The twins have declared war on each other... Again. Everyone is always screaming. It's chaos.

🌚: My house is always empty, we could do it here

Pidj: littt we can get supplies tomorrow then head over there

🌚: Sounds good, see you guys then

🌚 Has left the chat

Pidj: I gotta go too, see ya

Pidj has left the chat

Starboy🌠: any chance I can crash at your place?

Hunk™: are you that scared of the twins?

Starboy🌠: they each threatened me that if I didn't join them, they'd do something

Starboy🌠: they might be only twelve, but I don't feel like having have my head buzzed or covered in honey when I wake up

Hunk™: alright, but hurry up. I'm making dinner

Starboy🌠: oh please, I've been outside for five minutes

Hunk™: you idiot, come in

Hunk™ has ended the chat

::Welcome to my newest disaster of a book.

I've recently become obsessed with Voltron, and each of the characters and ships and ugugjhhhhh!!! So I decided to start this book.

To clear any confusion, in this story Pidge is non binary. I know everyone had a different opinion on Pidge's gender, so this is just how I'm gonna write them as.

Also, this is an au, so there most likely won't be any alien contact, but we never know.

I hope y'all enjoy::

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