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Aqua-star's POV

"So if you're not in the garage what will happen?" I ask Arcee as we spar.

"Don't know, but by Nurse Darby's serious face and Jack's scared one. I say he'll me in a lot of trouble" she states.

"Arcee, you're needed" Optimus says over the coms.

"Guess practice is over, go knock them dead" I tell her.

"You know I will" she says and we fist pump. Before she left. I tired up the training room before going to the bridge.

"What's up?" I ask Ratchet.

"Energon mine, Arcee and Bumblebee have engaged the cons. Just drones" he states. "Oh and Optimus wanted me to give you this" he adds handing me a data pad.

"What's it about?" I ask him curious.

"It's all the medical records of when your mother was sparked with you. Everything for what happened during and her bringing you into the world" he states. "Optimus thought you should be prepared, even though you don't plan on having a sparkling" he adds.

"Thanks, by the way. Something has been bugging me about that" I tell him. "My carrier needed CNA from a mech to get sparked. So who's my sire?" I ask him curious. Before he could say anything Arcee coms in.

"Ratchet, I need a bridge" she states. He bridges her back to base, then straight to Jack's garage. Not long after Bee returns with more energon.

"So you didn't answer my question" I state. Looking at Ratchet expectantly.

"I have to go do infantry on the energon storage" he tells me. Then left the room before I could say anything. Great first they kept what I am a secret and now they won't tell me my sire. But why? What's so bad about him? I hope he's not a con.

"Star, a bridge" Arcee says and I bridge her to base.

"Did you make it in time?" I ask.

"No and Jack maybe grounded for life" she states. "Did Bee get back safely?" she asks me.

"Yeah, along with the energon" I tell her.

"That's something at least" she states. Just then Optimus appears with Bulkhead. "Hi Optimus, am I needed for the rest of the day?" she asks.

"No, your free to do as you please Arcee. Good work today" he states. "Where's Ratchet?" he asks us.

"Energon storage" I answer and he left us. "Race to Jack's house?" I ask Arcee. "We can chill until his mother and him get home" I state.

"Sure, prepare to lose" she says transforming.

"Not a chance" I tell her transforming. "Three two one" I count down. I take off doing a wheelie.

"Show off" Arcee says. I laugh as we exit the base. We activate our holo-riders and speed off towards Jasper.

(Time skip)

We tied. We're currently sitting in Jack's garage chilling in our vehicle modes. We notice a baggage on the table for Jack, but leave it alone. Jack arrives home. "Hi Arcee, is mum home yet? I didn't see her car" he states. "Hi Star" he adds.

"Hey Jack" I say in greeting.

"No, we raced from base to beat her here" Arcee tells him. "Oh and there's a baggage for you" she adds. He picks it up. Opening it.

"Hello Jack" Silas' voice says from some sort of device that fell onto the table. Arcee and I transform saying Silas' name.

"What's going on?" Jack asks confused.

"MECH" Arcee tells him.

"They know where I leave?" he asks.

"We know things about your family, that even you don't know" Silas states. "For example, do you know where your mother is?" he asks Jack.

"What did you..." Jack starts to ask.

"Understand Jack, we have no intention of hurting her" Silas assures him. "In fact we'd like to reunite the two of you as soon as possible. I just need you and Arcee to follow the GPS coordinates programmed into this communicator. Along with the one know as Aqua-star if she's present. They'll lead you to the temporary facility I've set up" he explains.

Arcee attempts to contact base. But a loud screech fills our comm-link. We gripped our helms in pain. "Did I not mention our communicator scrambles the signals and your brains?" Silas asks. "Any break in communication or attempt to reach the other autobots and Miss Darby. Well, I wouldn't want to feel responsible for the out come" he explains. It turns off, well the comm does.

"I can go get the others" I tell them.

"There's no time, my mum needs us now" Jack states.

"We're on our own" Arcee states. "Star you follow us at a distance, keep hidden. Try find Nurse Darby, Jack and I will stole MECH" she tells me. I nod my head and we transform back into our vehicle modes. We take off following the GPS.

(Time skip)

We reached an abandoned factory. While hey distracted MECH I started to look for June. I soon spot her hanging from a crane. I climb up to her stealthly. "Nurse Darby" I say queitly. She goes to scream and I signal her to be quiet. "I'm here with Jack and Arcee, we're going to get you out of here" I tell her.

"Where's Jack?" she asks me concerned.

"Don't worry, he's safe with Arcee" I assure her as I activated my blade. "Lets free you" I tell her. I start to cut her free slowly, carefully so as not to risk dropping her.

"Are you Rose?" she asks me.

"No, that's my holo rider. I'm Aqua-star, but everyone calls me Star" I tell her. I soon hear Jack screaming for his mum. "Jack, up here!" I call and he spots us. He races over as I pull June onto the platform.

"Mum" he says relieved.

"She's ok Jack, I take it Airachnid is here?" I ask.

"Yes, she's working with MECH. They have Arcee" he states.

"Well lets free your mum, then I'll get Arcee while you both run" I tell him. He goes to protest.

"I was hoping you'd be here Aqua-star" Airachnid says. I activated my blasters and point them at her. "Your time is up Jack" she states.

"I beat your deadline" he states.

"Afraid not Jack, the task wasn't to find your mother by midnight. You had to rescue her and times up" Airachnid states.

"You want them, you're going to have to go through me Airachnid" I sneer.

"With pleasure" she says with a smirk. I tackle off of the crane. As soon as we hit the ground. We get onto our fight and star to fight. Hand to hand. "Your good, but your still no match for me" she states after I clip her in the face.

I hear a familiar engine. "I know I'm not, but you forget. I have a partner" I tell her. As Arcee appears and kicks Airachnid away from me.

"Go help Jack and June. I got this" she tells me. I nod my head and climbed back up to Jack and his mother. I cut them both free. I transform into my vehicle mode.

"Hop on" I tell them. Jack hops on first, June behind him. She holds him tightly as I zoom down to the control panel. "Activate it" I tell him and he hops off. "I'll get her in" I add and go help Arcee. "Duck!" I shout and Arcee does. I kick Airachnid into the mold. "Now Jack!" I shout and he turns it on. Pouring the quick dry cement onto Airachnid.

"Clever" Arcee says. "We're coming Jack" she says and we head for them. Only to be attacked from behind by Airachnid. She webs us to the ground. Before she could do anything Agent Fowler appears with three copters that attack her. She scanned one and flew away.

The copters land and we're freed. "We'll get her next time" I assure Arcee. "Come on, I think it's time June officially meet us both" I tell her. We head over to Jack and June.

"And she would be your?" June asks.

"Motorcycle, guardian, autobot, friend" Jack answers. "Her partner Aqua-star" he adds.

"Call me Arcee" Arcee tells her. June stands up to face us.

"Thank you Arcee, Star" she says sincerely.

"I think it's time for that ride you once made me promise" Jack tells her.

"Race you back" I tell them transforming. Activating Rose. I race off towards base. Arcee soon catches up. "What took you so long?" I ask her in a teasing tone.

"I have two humans on my back" she states. I giggle as we race towards base. As we reached it, we slowed down and entered it. To be greeted by everyone else.

"Mum, meet my science fiction club" Jack states. They hop off of Arcee and we transform. We do the proper introductions. Before Jack gave June a tour of the base. I went to my room and started to read the data pad Ratchet had given me.


Picture above of of Airachnid caked in concrete and picture on the external link of June Darby webbed up.

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