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It was all a normal day. I got changed and went to school. Oh wait, I'm Amy by the way. Im a 12 year old girl that lives in a small town called Prudhoe. I have blue eyes and dark ash blonde hair. Anyway, back to the story...

It was an average boring Thursday. My first class, by far the most boring, was science. I was sat near the back when it happened.

My teacher was acting a bit nervous today but I just suspected it was about what was going on in the news. People weren't responding for a while without an explanation and it wasn't long before they started... ...killing other people. No one knew the cause is this. Scientists were baffled. And everyone was scared but all the adults around me assured me it would be ok and would be sorted out soon. I believed them.

Miss. Laidler went white and the girls started to scream as I was jolted out of my daydream. My eyes shot to the window when their was a man. Not an ordinary man though. Something was off about him. His eyes were white. And he was very pale and his veins were a deep blue. He had many bruises and was missing an arm. I was to shocked to scream.

That's when I realised he was nearly through the window.

I bolted to the door, grabbing one of my best friends Jess on the way. I told her we needed to leave. Now.

My other friend, Annalise, had grouped together some of the girls in her class. She was just as scared as we were. By now we had me, Jess, Annalise, Abby, Beth and Hannah.

Abby was in tears and so was Beth. Hannah looked to shaken to cry she just looked a bit faint. Annalise was the toughest out of all of them, I had known her since nursery and had never ever seen her cry.

We agreed that we needed to grab our belonging and leave. We stuffed as many items as we could fit into our school bags and ran.

As we left we heard screams of pain not far behind. We could hear moans of the monsters and doors and windows being broken which only made us run faster.

We ran and ran and ran until we made it far away from that building. I knew we had to stay together to survive.

And I knew we would make it.

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