Zane x Hanahaki! Reader

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This is during Starlight Wonderland Mystreet Season 5
Your POV
I knew he'd never share the same feelings, but I didn't want to admit it. But I knew sooner or later I would have to.
I couldn't tell my family otherwise they would make me get surgery, and I'd forget Zane. I've been his friend since we were 5 and I know he doesn't have a lot of friends.
It's hurtful to see the person you love with another person, just seeing them together makes my stomach churn in pain. I think Aaron's slowly starting to figure me out, since he's been watching me closely whenever Zane and Kawai~Chan are close by. I think he's been noticing the pain and hurt in my eyes.
At the moment I'm sitting in the living looking at my phone going through Snapcat. (I meant to do that) Suddenly Aaron stomps in and looks at me, I look back and give him a questioning look, "Everything ok Aaron?" I ask him worriedly.
"You have Hanahaki, don't you?" Aaron asks me concerned yet sternly.
"Whatttttt are you talking about Aaron?" I question him with a wide nervous smile.
"You do!" Aaron states while pointing a finger at me. I look around and make sure no ones around, I wave my hand towards me as to tell him to come closer. He does and leans down towards me, I cup my hands around my mouth and whisper in his ear,
"Fine I do, but please don't tell anyone. I don't know if I want to get treatment or not." Aaron leans back up and looks at me concerned and nods.
"Just know if you need someone to talk to I'm always here." Aaron says while looking at me with worry.
"Thank you Aaron but I'll be fine." I reassured him. He slowly nods and walks off, to my guess, to find Aphmau.
I then look and see Zane walking in with Kawai~Chan, I feel sickness rise in my stomach, thorns stabbing my  insides, and I feel something blossom inside of me. I quickly wave and speed walk to my room quickly.
Once I'm in I close the door and lock it, I run to my bathroom and run to the toilet. I close my eyes in pain as I feel thorns and petals being shoved out of my throat. I feel something large and soft suddenly be pushed out and fall. I slowly open my eyes to see blood, thorns, chunks of meat, and a large white rose with small splatters of blood on it. I sigh and place my arm on the toilet seat and lay my forehead on it.
Suddenly I feel a hand rubbing my back, I turn quickly to see that it's Aaron with a concerned and scared look on his face. I lay my head back down and sigh again.
"Y/n if you don't get the surgery you're going to die." Aaron says concern laced in his deep voice.
"I know Aaron but, the consequence is that I'll forget Zane. And I don't want to do that." I say with my voice wavering trying not to cry. Aaron here's the sadness in my voice and pulls me into a hug.
"It's ok Y/n, everything's going to be ok." Aaron consoled.
"I-I don't want to die Aaron." I weep loudly.
"Shhhhh, it's ok Y/n let it all out." Aaron soothed. I continue to ball my eyes out on Aaron's shoulder as he rubbed my back and said comforting words.
After crying for what feels like hours my crying stops and turns into sniffles.
"Thanks Aaron." I thank him.
"It's no problem Y/n, we all need to cry at times." Aaron reassured. I then make up my mind on what I'm gonna do.

.•.If you get surgery.•.
I asked Aaron if he could go with me to go get the surgery since he's the only one that knows, and that I don't want to be alone. And he agree to do so, understanding my fear.
As i sit in the hospital room that they've assigned me to be in till they get the surgery room ready. My hands shaking in fear and nervousness. I look over at Aaron who's sitting beside me watching my every move to make sure I'm ok.
A doctor suddenly walks in and says, "Ms. L/n, are you ready?" I look over at Aaron and smile a little and sigh.
"Yeah, I'm ready." I state looking at him.
Aaron's POV (during surgery)
I wait in her hospital room tapping my foot in worry. You see there's a chance that the surgery won't work and that she can die front the surgery, there's also a chance she'll remember Zane and her love for him and the process will start all over again. And I'm scared about all of those things.
Y/n has been my best friend since she was 5 and I was 9. It may have been a huge age gap but she's always understood me and supported me and my choices. Even with the incident she always stranded with me, even if she would get hurt she stranded with me in that long year. And I'll never be able to thank her enough for it.
After hours of waiting a doctor entered the room and said her surgery was done and was a success. I smiled in joy, thanks him. I wait for them to bring her in, and when they did I see she has wraps wrapped tightly on her stomach. They push her bed against the wall and push down the brakes. A nurse walks in after the doctors leave and hooks up her IV into her arm.
"She should wake up in about an hour, if she wakes an later don't worry she's probably tired from not getting enough sleep." The nurse says kindly with a kind smile. I nods and thank her while lookin at Y/n
'Poor thing' I think to myself while thinking of all the pain she went through.
Your POV
My eyes flutter open only to see a all white room and a bright light. I look over and see Aaron sitting in a chair beside my bed on his phone.
"Aaron why am I in the hospital?" I ask him and he looks up at me.
"Um you had something wrong with your stomach, so I took you to the hospital and they got rid of the problem." Aaron says while looking up at me.
"Oh." I state simply. "Do you know when I can leave?" I ask him.
"Uh yeah, the nurse said you'll be able to leave after you wake." Aaron says while looking at the clock on the wall to check the time. I nod and smile, he smiles back.
When we get back to the house I see a male with black hair, a baby blue eyes one being covered, and a mask covering his mouth and part of his nose.
"Y/n where were you?!" He asks me frantically. I give him a curious look and say,
"I'm sorry I don't know who you are. But it's lovely to meet you."

.•.You don't get surgery.•. (Warning a LOT of blood)
I didn't want the surgery and it worried Aaron. I mostly stayed in my room, to scared that I'll see them. Aaron always spent time with me, Aphmau would come and check on me from time to time and ask if I wanted to hang out but I'd always decline politely and tell her I'm not feeling well. She would understand and hang out with me in my room.
Aaron would always tell me about how everyone was worried about me and how they missed me.
I would right my will in my free time. I would always question what I've done in my life. Have I lived it to the fullest? Will I regret not getting the surgery? I won't know till I'm at deaths door.
I would still cough up flowers, some with stems some with none, the ones with the stems never having thorns anymore since I've coughed all of them up already.
At the moment I felt a flower roll up my throat, I put my hand over my mouth and have a coughing fit. After coughing for what feels like hours a large black rose sits in my hand, soft specks of white are placed on its petals.
"The last flower." I state in shock, I grab a piece of paper and write down the password to my phone so people can read my will. I feel a cough rise in my throat and I cover my mouth and a loud coughing fit starts. The coughs being more painful then ever. I want to scream but all I can do is cry. I cry and cry as I feel blood crawl up my throat. I try holding only for it the flow out of my mouth. Blood fills my lungs and goes to my nose, I cough only for blood to to splatter on the bed sheets. I cough once more attempting to get air into my lungs, and I start wheezing. My vision starts to get burry with tears and I fall on my back. I try to sit up to for me to fall back. I feel a my life slowly slipping away from me as I fight to keep my eyes open. I slowly stop fighting and close my eyes only to be greeted with a bright light waiting for me.
'I'm finally free.'

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