New home

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(Aphmau walks to her new house)
(Aphmau walks in)
???:Hello I'm you new mom!

Aphmaus mom:Show her her room
Kitty:Let's go sis!
(She shows Aph her room)
(Then they go back down stairs)
Aphmaus P.O.V
As we went down stairs the door ball ring. I opened it and seen IVY! Are you kidding me! I said "What are you doing here!" She said "Here to see my bff!" I asked "Who's that?" Kitty said "Me." Ivy and Kitty hug. That's the moment I knew I could not trust this family so the next few days I didn't talk to them or eat with them I would go to a friends house or something. As I was sitting on my bed the door ball ring so I opened the door and went to sit on the couch not caring who it was. Then I heard someone say "Kitty I'm here!" Then I here Kitty say "Heyyyyy Zane so this is our first date at my house lol." Zane said "Lol." Kitty said "Zane come sit over here and we can talk!" And they sit next to me Zaen saids "Hey Aphmau!" I say "Go die..." Kitty says "She doesn't like to talk much she acts like no one understands her lol." I say "Shut up before I slap you!" Kitty says "Ok. Zane wanna play Minecraft!"

Zanes P.O.V
I wanted to say not but I said "S-Sure." I had feelings for Aphmau not Kitty! I was going to tell Aphmau but I couldn't! Kitty said "Aphmau can you leave please." Aphmau said "Can you die please!" Kitty said "Grr....." Aphmau said "You will never win a fight with me." Kitty transforms

then she says"How about NOW let's fight!" Aphmau says "Ok. TRANSFORM!!"

Kitty says "I-I-I didn't know you can transform!" Aphmau says "Shut up." Aphmau then stabs Kitty I say "APHMAU WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!!" Kitty says "H-Help!" Aphmau heels Kitty and says "That's a warming." Aphmau then walks up to her room. I say "Sorry Kitty I'm breaking up with you bye!" I run out of that house!

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