"I don't wanna be anything
but I would do anything just to run away
I don't wanna be anything like this at all
but I would do everything if you'd hear me say"
would do anything to escape the sterile air of the luxuries of Ba Sing Se. She would do anything to escape and run away from the hands of the Dai Li and the aching expressions that befall her father. She would do anything to just live, to escape, to feel like a kid with loving arms around her and kind voices in her ears. However, she is stuck with a father who is hardly an adult, himself, and a mother who has been nothing but an unknown name and a dream in her long nights. She is a shadow in this world; she was born to follow the sun, to envy the stars, and to pity the moon.
She is a shadow to the world.
Lian is known among the world as such. She is a mystery, an unknown little thing. They do not know her face, nor her voice, or much more than her name. To the world, to the Earth Kingdom, she is nothing more than the daughter of the figure head. She is only the daughter of the Earth King, who has been sheltered from the real world for far too long. She is nothing more than that, to them. But to the sun, she is the very earth. The very thing that keeps them alive, the thing that shelters them from harm. She is anything but nothing. To the sun, she is everything.
envy's the earth. He envy's the way it knows her movements and feels her heartbeat. He envy's the way it knows her and gets to feel her and see her and hear her. That it gets everything he does not. He is the sun, but he wishes he were the earth. Perhaps then, he would not have to know her in only his memories. He would not have to miss her in his dreams, or ache for her in his thoughts. He would have her with him, feel her in his arms, hear her voice in his ears. He would have to miss her as he misses everything else in his life. She would, simply, be there. He misses her, he thinks, more than he misses anyone else. Save for his mother, the woman who was stripped from him, leaving him in a home that has only ever sought to burn him down and chain him against his will.
He is the sun, and he feels as though he is burning.
He has been banished and burnt, and now he feels that he is a bit more found. He is no longer alone, an abandoned star in the sky, but rather, one that has a friend. He travels through this world, this life of running, with a companion. A companion in a man, his uncle. A tea-lover, and a person who can only speak in truths and wisdom. But still, the sun feels alone. He feels as though something is missing. He has lost his way and does not know how to find his way back. But he knows, if anything, that the sun always has a shadow.
"do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles and the water is clear?" Tao tzu
lian (lee-en): lotus
[I don't blame you if you want to bury me in your memory] Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart ; Mitski
"can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?" Lao tzu
zuko: failure
[I'm sure we're taller in another dimension] White Ferrari ; Frank Ocean
other cast as their respective characters
playlists on Spotify: nowheregirl05
TikTok: nowheregirl.05
Oh my goodness, I am actually so excited for this! I know I say that every time, but I actually am so so so excited. I've been alive as long as this show, so I'm very excited to be finally doing this; I've been toying with the idea of Lian for a long time, just different variations, so I'm excited (as I've already said) to finally be putting this all together!
So, I do not own Avatar The Last Airbender or any other of Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko's work. I only own Lian, her storyline, and any other unoriginal characters or storylines not in the show. Please, please, please do not steal them!
This book will include any graphic scenes and imagery from the original show, as well as some other new ones. It includes gore and death, destruction, mentions and examples of mental health and PTSD, possible negative self talk, parental relationship issues, and other possibly triggering topics. If anything makes you uncomfortable or triggers you in any way, please skip past it and do what's best for you!
I will do my best to add warnings before anything if it does occur!
Alright, I'm so excited, here we go!
And, as always, I hope you enjoy!
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