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Kaalkhand chuckled as he tightly held Syamantaki from behind, with one fancy dagger around her neck. His troops had gotten hold of the soldiers of Satrajit.

"How sad that Arjun is not able to recognise his Rukmika !" Kaalkhand laughed.

"What ?" Arjun's eyes widened as he looked at Syamantaki struggling in his grasp.

"Yes Arjun ! She is Rukmika ! Your penance bore fruit and brought her back as Syamantaki ! She remembered you but you didn't ! But sadly you are too late !" Kaalkhand said.

Arjun looked at her and now everything started making sense as to why her aura and touch was so familiar and why she had the sandook and his ring.

Kaalkhand looked at his dagger and brought it closer to her neck.

"Syamantaki !" Arjun panicked.

He was about to rush to her but Kaalkhand gestured for him to stop.

"Don't even dare to move !" Kaalkhand said. Arjun stopped.

"This dagger is not an ordinary one, it is laced with the deadliest poisons, not even we Nagasurs would survive this. And if it digs a little inside her, a human, she will fall dead in a moment." Kaalkhand said.

"I know you are doing this for revenge, so do know that it was me who killed Vishkaal. Let her go. Take your revenge from me." Arjun said.

"Oh I'll take revenge from both of you. After ensuring you lose your love the second time, I shall end your miseries too." Kaalkhand said.

"Don't even think of it." Arjun warned.

"She rejected the advances of my brother and then he was killed by you ! You think I shall spare the life of you both ! Never ! You both will pay-" Kaalkhand stopped mid-sentence feeling his torso numb.

He looked down and saw Syamantaki holding a dagger, through which his abdomen was stabbed with blood oozing out of it.

Syamantaki quickly freed herself from his grasp, snatched the poisonous dagger he was holding and grabbed him by his hair, pulling him down.

"Some people learn from mistakes, while others don't." She said and with the poisonous dagger stabbed his heart. As Kaalkhand fell on his knees going numb.

"I had warned your brother not to come between me and Arjun but he didn't listen. And you made the same mistake, but this time I won't make the same mistake of being defenseless." Syamantaki said pushing the dagger more into his chest causing him to groan in pain as he felt burning sensations throughout his body.


*Clicks tongue* Bete Kaalkhand... Kshatriya kanya hai woh... Kamar pe Kayabandh bandhe na bandhe kataar awashya bandhegi U.U

Iss liye sailors....

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