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As per Shri Krishna's hint, Satrajit invited great sages to conduct a yagya for a daughter. The Syamantak mani was kept in the forefront of the podium constructed for yagya.

The Yadava chieftain had offered tons of gold, as a sacrifice to Agnidev with great dedication and perseverance.

"Raja Satrajit, according to your desires a daughter will be born to you from this yagya. Through the Syamantak mani, she will possess radiance and brilliance equal to the sun." The chief priest announced.

Saying this he poured the final sanctified sacrificial offerings into the fire. And suddenly the opulence of Syamantak Mani that was always spread in all directions, came together and fell on the Agnikund.

All the gold that was offered by Satrajit as sacrifice arose in the Agnikund, forming the shape of a body. Everyone closed their eyes unable to take the brilliance.

The gold took form of young youthful maiden with waist like that of a lioness, and behind them were her long locks of wavy hair reaching till her curvy hips.

As she stepped out of the altar with her soft and tender feet with a single garment around her petite body, her face became more clear.

Her lips were tender like two petals of freshly bloomed pink roses and she had a petite button nose. With her big amber doe-like eyes she looked around innocently.

Her entire body of melted gold complexion shone like the Syamantak mani, she really had the radiance and brilliance of the sun.

Satrajit opened his eyes along with the rest present there, he gave out a cry of joy unable to bear his happiness. He went forward and cupped the tender cheeks of his daughter.

He kept looking at her with tears in his eyes while she looked at him innocence, her lips partly open giving a glimpse of her pearly whites.

"Great Priest ! Let her know no one but me as her father !" Satrajit said.

"So be it !" The chief priest said.

"My daughter, today you have given me great joy. All my despair have been turned into hopes, all my dismay has been turned into happiness." Satrajit said kissing her forehead, causing her to smile.

He then turned to the chief priest and other sages, and looked at them grateful with a big smile.

"Greal souls, since I have obtained a precious daughter like her. I will be blessed if you would bestow her with a befitting name, because I cannot think of a name worthy of her." Satrajit said.

"Since she is your daughter she shall be known as Satrajitaa. And because she is born with the radiance, brilliance and opulance of the Syamantak Mani, she shall be known as Syamantaki." The chief priest said.




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