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Armoured and with a bow in his hand and quiver of arrows tied on his back, Arjun went to Yudhishthir to touch his feet before leaving.

Entering the room of Dharmaraj he saw the rest of his brother and Panchali there as well, all looking worried..

"Pranipat. Is everything alright ?" Arjun asked.

"Y-Yes." Bheem said nervously.

"B-Bhrata you seem to be going somewhere ?" Sehdev asked.

"Yes. I am going to akhet with Rukmika." Arjun said.

"You will not go." Yudhishthir said, a little too straight.

"But why ?" Arjun asked.

"What Jyesht meant was, that it's inauspicious for bride and groom to leave the house when the ceremonies commence. Someone may cast a bad eye." Nakul said.

"The ceremonies will commence from tomorrow, Nakul. And I know Jyesht didn't mean that." Arjun said.

"You will get tired if you Arjun. Then how will you perform ceremonies ?" Bheem made an excuse.

"I am Gudakesh Bhrata, because of which I don't get tired easily. What is the reason you want me to stay ?" Arjun asked raising an eyebrow.

"What will you do going for akhet ? Even Rukmika is not there." Bheem said and then instantly bit his tongue.

"Rukmika is not there ? Where did she go ?" Arjun asked frowning.

On the other side in the forest, Rukmika got down from the horse after spotting Rukmi and Vishkaal, talking behind the bushes.

"Amazing Bhrata amazing. Spectacular display of treachery." Rukmika said going towards them.

"Rukmika ?" Both the men muttered.

"What did you think ? That I wouldn't come to know of it ? Every time I think you cannot stoop low any further, I am proved wrong by you." Rukmika said.

"Listen Rukmika, your brother and I only wish the very best for you." Vishkaal said.

"Shut up ! You don't wish anything good for me and neither does my brother ! You both are selfish men driven by desires who don't see the emotions of others !" Rukmika said.

"Then teach me Rukmika. I believe your love can teach me about emotions." Vishkaal said.

"How many times should I tell you that I am not interested in you ! I wish to marry the man I love ! And not a heartless being who measures love with jewels !" Rukmika said.

"RUKMIKA ! Why don't you see the benefits of you marrying Vishkaal !?" Rukmi asked.

"I don't see the benefits because there is none ! The only one benefiting from this alliance is you Bhrata ! " Rukmika said.

At that, Vishkaal held the hand of Rukmika, but she jerked it off. The Nagasur-raj looked at her with his patience running thin.

"Do not test my patience Rukmika." Vishkaal said.

"And do not test my love Vishkaal. If you try to come between me and Arjun then you will pay with your life." Rukmika said.

Seeing the fire in her eyes, the determination of hers of loving Arjun, told Vishkaal that even if he forcefully marries her, she cannot be his. And he didn't like that.


Issh ! The shit about to happen ! The shit about to happen !

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