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Rukmini was in her room with Rukmika, servants kept coming to inform them about the happenings of the Swayamvar.

"Maharani, even warriors like Karn and Shalya failed to string the bow. Now the competition is open for the Brahmanas also." The servant informed and left.

"Well picking up a Shiv dhanush, stringing it and using it to shoot arrows are three different things." Rukmini said.

"It is an impossible task for mere humans. Then why was such a competition kept ?" Rukmika wondered.

"Maybe Maharaj Drupad has a specific warrior in mind." Rukmini said.

Soon another servant came running to inform them of the good news.

"An illustrious Brahmin has won the Swayamvar ! He picked up Shiv Dhanush, stringed it and even pierced the eye of the rotating fish with 5 arrows. Rajkumari Draupadi, joyously garlanded him." The servant said.

"Finally !" Rukmini and Rukmika smiled.

Suddenly another servant came towards them, panting.

"Maharani.... Rajkumari.... The entire stadium erupted into dispute and conflict. Kings raised their weapons against the Brahmin and his elder brother." He said.

"What ? Maharaj Drupad must've given them protection ?" Rukmika asked.

"No. It was the two Brahmins who gave protection to Drupad. Both of them fought valiantly and defeated all the kings." The servant said.

"Tell us more." Rukmini said.

"The garlanded Brahmin fought with Maharathi Karn but was too powerful for him. The king of Ang couldn't tell whether the Brahmin in front of him was Parshuram, Harihaya or Achyuta Vishnu himself !" The servant said.

"But wasn't Angraj...student of Parshuram though ?" Rukmika said, Rukmini shrugged her shoulders.

"The elder Brahmin was even more deadly than his brother. He and Maharaj Shalya fought like two mad elephants. He surprised everyone with his strength. The mighty Brahmin threw the king on the ground but did not kill him. And when Shalya was hurled down and Karna scared away, the rest of the kings became too frightened to fight the two Brahmins." The servant said.

"So the fight ended ?" Rukmini asked.

"Yes. Dwarikadheesh intervened and told everyone that Rajkumari Draupadi had been won by the Brahmin in accordance with Dharma. And hence all the kings backed away. Rajkumari Draupadi then left with the Brahmin." The servant said.

"Who must've that Brahmin be ? So valiant that he defeated all the foremost Kshatriya kings ?" Rukmika wondered.

"I don't know. But he must be the greatest archer, unparalleled in the three worlds." Rukmini said purposefully.

And at that Rukmika looked at Rukmini, with wide eyes as a sudden realisation dawned upon her at 'greatest archer, unparalleled in the three worlds'.

"Servant, how did the garlanded Brahmin look like ?" Rukmika asked standing up.

"He was big and strong, his arms were long and seemed to be of maces. His skin tone was unique, never have I seen a silverish dark-skin. His unkempt hair was in dreadlocks but one can tell they used to be curly. His eyes big like the petals of lotus, and were copperish red." The servant said.

"You may leave." Rukmika said, the servants bowed and left.

She then looked at Rukmini happily and joyously.

"Jiji ! He was my love !" Rukmika said smiling.

"Your love ?" Rukmini asked knowingly.

"Yes ! He was Kuru-kumar Arjun ! The one I love and cherish close to my heart !" Rukmika said sitting beside Rukmini.

"So Panduputra Arjun is your lover. Lucky you." Rukmini smiled.

"He was Arjun... He was Arjun !" Rukmika giggled.

"What !?" A voice said.

The sisters turned around and saw Rukmi, standing there with wide angry eyes.


*Rukmi ke sar par tapli maaring*


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