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I wish I could say that the first day of school went how I imagined it would.
I could've woken up at 6:30 A.M, worn the most killer outfit, had a hearty and delicious breakfast, while also getting to school on time.

Instead, I woke up at 7:40 A.M, missed my bus, and threw on whatever I could that looked halfway decent.

My 'nutritious' breakfast was half a banana and an almost burnt piece of toast. My orange juice had pulp in it, which I despised, and school was going to start in fifteen minutes.

I hastily put my hair into a loose ponytail, grabbed my bag, and practically ran out the door.

Luckily, my new home was near my new school. However, today the city decided it would be a great idea for them to do construction on the crappy sidewalks.

Why? Out of all the days they could have done this it had to be today.

My 'run' from home to school was pretty uneventful. I did catch some creepy construction worker checking me out. He even felt the need to whistle at me.

Which is absolutely ridiculous, I might add.

Also, I almost got stuck in wet cement....twice. Honestly, they need to get better warning signs.

I managed to get to school at 8:05 which is actually not bad. I quickly signed into the main office, trying to completely avoid the reason for why I was late.

The secretary gave me a temporary schedule to follow for the day until they sorted mine out.

Chemistry Rm 201

I looked at the walls lining the hallways for any sense of direction that would lead me to my class. Soon I found room 201. I peeked inside the little window that showed the classroom.

Shoot class started already. But really, what did I expect? Everyone to wait for me?

Gently, I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again until someone told me to come in.

I opened the door and stepped inside the classroom. Looking around I realized that everyone in the classroom was paired up with someone and they were all wearing lab coats and safety goggles.  The students that were once working all looked up at me as I approached the teacher.

After speaking with him, he pointed over to the lab equipment where I could get my necessary materials. He also happened to show me my lab partner for the day that I hadn't noticed before.

My lab partner was a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He gave me a friendly smile as I approached him. His smile actually made me feel a lot better about the garbage that I had gone through to get here. I sat my bag down at my table and got my goggles and coat. After situating myself I sat down next to the brunette.

He focused on my face for a little bit before actually saying anything to me. (I didn't actually mind it that much.) I focused on the board because I didn't want to miss anything.

"Hello," I looked up from the board and stared at my lab partner.

"Hey." I stretched out my hand. "I'm (Y/N)." He shook my hand.

"I'm Peter. Peter Parker."

"Well nice to meet you Parker." I turned back to study the white board once more before becoming very confused.

How much had I missed?

I tapped Peter on the shoulder hoping that he could help me out. Peter, who was also studying the board, turned to look at me.

"Yeah, did you need something?"

"Actually, could you explain this problem to me?"

Peter leaned in a little bit closer to me to study the problem. I wondered the whole time if Peter was like some science genius or something. He knew exactly what he was doing and completed the task with ease.

He even explained the whole project in terms that helped me understand it better. He really was a great lab partner.

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