chapter nine

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It was like everything happened in slow motion.

Minyeon recognized the moment the car to her right honked its horn, alerting her and everyone else driving on the newly remodeled road.

She recognized the moment her heart sank to her stomach and when she felt like she was no longer getting air to her lungs.

She recognized the moment the person tried swerving. Although, it didn't help too much. She saw the way the vehicle crashed into the side of her car, pushing it further along the road as she and the other driver prayed they'd somehow get out of the accident alive.

She recognized the moment her head crashed into her window, pain findings its way through her body as small bits of blood trickled out of her scalp and clung to her hairline, drying on her forehead and in strands of her hair.

She recognized the moment steam began to expand from her engine, making everything in front of her blurry while the other drivers crushed engine steamed on the right side of the car- blocking the sight. She wasn't sure if she was glad or not to know that she couldn't see the other person.

To the left, she could see people hopping out of their cars and rushing over to the two vehicles. Many had their hands over their mouths as they went around Minyeon's car to help assist the other person.

"Are you okay, darling?"

She couldn't nod as a response and the older woman could only try reading her non-verbal cues. Minyeon grimaced as her head felt like it would explode from pounding so much.

Her skull felt like it was tightening, along with her chest as smoke filled her lungs when she tried taking a deep breath.

Her lungs felt like they were coated in nasty gunk as she coughed, her throat feeling like it was being clawed at whenever she tried breathing normally.

She heard a few faint "no" responses coming from around the other car as someone approached her, his arms wrapped around a small child.

She felt her heart finally slowing down as she looked at the child, noticing no injuries or cuts, only a very confused face as it looked around at everything with an oversized mask on its face that Minyeon assumed the guy put on it to keep the smoke from messing with the small things breathing.

"I'm so sorry," he rambled quickly. "I was distracted because my sister was upset over something and I tried moving but it was too late by then and I didn't know what to do and started panicking and- oh my god, my mom is going to kill me- I'm dead! I'm dead, oh my god-"

Minyeon attempted to muster up all of her strength to stay standing up straight as she tried sending the two a polite smile in hopes it would somehow help the boy stop panicking.

"I understand, thank you. I'm just glad that you and your-" Minyeon stopped talking as a small child who she presumed to be around the age of five or six scurried over towards them, tears stained under her eyes.

"Wooyoung!" She cried out, attaching herself on the boy's legs. "I thought we were going to die! Can I call Mommy?"

Wooyoung and Minyeon both felt their hearts drop hearing her first sentence. Wooyoung nodded, searching his pockets for his phone and pulling it out.

He handed it to the little girl, letting her put in his password, and immediately go to their mother's contact before pressing on call.

The two young adults were silent as the child held the oversized phone to her ear, waiting patiently for the other end to pick up.

It didn't take long for their mother to pick up, immediately stating a welcoming hello before the young girl started talking.

"Mommy! Wooyoung was just driving and we got into a car accident and crashed into this girl but she isn't mad and she's really standing right here and I don't think she's mad but I'm upset, can you come pick me up? I want to go home now please."

Maybe rambling runs in the family, Minyeon thought to herself.

Wooyoung felt his heart speeding up as he watched his little sister nod before passing the phone to the him.

"Yes, mother," Wooyoung said sadly. "Yes, the kids are okay." Another pause. "I'm... not sure? It's not too damaged, I don't suppose." And another. "Yes, she's... um... standing right here." Another pause. "No, not too bad I'd say considering we're all alive." The last pause before he nodded, pulling the phone away from his ear and awkwardly holding it out for Minyeon. "Um... our mother would like to talk to you."

Minyeon's eyes widened slightly before she nodded, taking the phone from his grip and holding it to her ear. "...hello?"

"Hello, dear. I've heard about the accident and I'm so sorry. May I know your age and name? Possibly an address or somewhere we can meet when all of this is settled down a bit? My son and I will help repay you for your damages. Truly from the bottom of our hearts, we wish you our sincerest apologies."

Minyeon looked over at Wooyoung, noticing how he wasn't even looking over at her anymore, instead, bending down to his younger sister's eye level as he patted the back of her head, trying his best to console the now crying girl.

The baby, now sitting on his knee, was still looking around confused but every few seconds would look at its older sister, its big eyes examining the way she was crying.

She watched as tears began filling the baby's eyes, getting upset just by seeing the young girl with tears.

The child seemed to notice the way her crying affected the young baby as she tried to quickly wipe her tears away and put on a smile. "It's okay, Minho," she tried consoling him. "Everything will be okay. Mommy is on her way," she nodded, patting his head like her older brother had been doing to her only seconds ago.

It was a sight that Minyeon was happy to see, how one sibling's reaction could affect another's and change how they reacted to different situations.

Wooyoung smiled sadly as the baby began to calm down once again. His left arm outstretched, pulling the younger girl towards him as he hugged the two children tightly. Minyeon imaged it was his way of thanking the universe that the three of them were still okay even after the accident.

It took Minyeon a second to realize that she had still not answered their mother's question. "Minyeon. My name is Na Minyeon and I am twenty years old."

She couldn't see the mother's reaction on the other end of the phone but she could swear she heard a small gasp.

If she did, the lady didn't speak any of it. "My name is Kim Chaeyoung. My son that had the accident is Kim Wooyoung, also twenty. Once again, we're sorry for the trouble. Today has been hectic for all of us and I'm sure that this didn't coordinate with your plans either. If there's any way to repay, for the stress or even if you just need a rented vehicle to get where you need to be, please just let me or Wooyoung know."

"It's okay," Minyeon declined, not wanting to ask the family for any more than repairs on her car. "It was just an accident, there's no need."

"Please just let us know if there's anything we can do. I'll be arriving as soon as possible and we can discuss further wherever you'd like."

Minyeon wanted to decline the offer but the way the woman spoke made her unsure if she really wanted to do so. "Yes, alright. Thank you."

° A N T I - R O M A N T I C °

kinda long chapter 😎
hope y'all enjoyed it 😁

i think this is the second chapter i've posted this week... yeah i need to get a better writing schedule lmao

i'm gonna be honest here, there's not much of an update for my life rn. i told y'all my life would go back to normal a few weeks after school started and it pretty much has

except i keep seeing crush boy (boy #2 in simply rants for those of u unfamiliar to him. he's the boy that i have had a crush on for like the past four years or smth) and we keep making eye contact 🏃🏽‍♀️
but i'm still not sure if he has a girlfriend so 🧍🏽‍♀️
every time i see him leaving school or coming into school he's with a specific girl but they could honestly just be friends cause he's friends with like everyone and his parents know a lot of people around our town too. but then again they could be dating lmao 😭

anyways not much to report on dream boy or confession boy. i think i'm finally getting over dream boy and i haven't really seen confession boy around so i'm not too worried abt him. the feelings for dream boy may have just been a one-time thing tho bc i don't think i have the same feelings for him like i've had for crush boy.

but yeah besides that there's not much going on. i made two new friends but they're in the grade above me. we've gone to the same schools since we were kids tho which is rlly cool. they're super nice and rlly funny and we get to talk a lot at lunch. it's like never quiet at our table 😭😭

anyways how has y'alls week or day been? i'm genuinely curious so let me know!! hope y'all have a good day or night <3

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