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Y/n's POV

(It's now around 7:00)

After we got home we played games on Kennys Xbox and ate snacks. After a bit we decided to separate and go do our own things. I went to my room and read a bit before attempting to make dinner.

Kenny's POV

After me and y/n were done hanging out I went up stairs to go on my favourite game of all time. All I could think about was Lia though. I met her in history today. She was so pretty. I snapped out of daydreaming about Lia and saw a notification coming from "lia1762354". It was to good to be true.


Lia1762354: hey Kenny.
Me: Who are you
Lia1762354: read the user:)
Me: oh are you lia from school?
Lia1762354: yeah. Wanna meet at the park rn? You seem very cool.
Me:oh Uhm sure!
Lia1762354: see you their :)

I was so happy. I quickly got on my best cloths and went to go tell y/n.

Anthony's POV

Me and my friends were hanging out till we had an idea.

Micheal: We should prank that loser for trying to steal y/n from you.
Anthony: he's not.. He lives with her I think..
Jack: how about your other girl? Lia!
Anthony: I don't like her you guys know who I like.

Micheal: still he likes Lia. So let's pretend to be her on that game he likes.
Anthony: mm ok.

So we did just that and it worked.

Y/n's POV

Kenny sprinted to my room.

Y/n: oh lia! Want me to come?
Kenny: no! I'm going to try and make a move.
Y/n: ok text me. And stay safe!

He nodded his head and sprinted away. I didn't want to burst his heart though early in math lia told me she was going on a trip to her grandmas today. After he left I followed him. One after the other we arrived at the park. Kenny stood their while I waited in a distance. Soon enough I saw a group of boys. I ran to Kenny as fast as I could. As soon as I got close enough I saw Anthony. I turned my back to him and looked at the other guys. I tried throwing a punch but they held me back. Kenny started running one other of Anthony's friends followed him but the rest were with me.
Jack: common larusso. Hit her!
As soon as Anthony saw my face his eyes widened.
Anthony: WAIT NO!
Jack: what? Afraid to hit a girl?
Anthony looked him dead in the face and punched him in the stomach. Anthony was surprised that he could punch someone that hard

Jack fell to the ground.
Micheal: aww somone has a crush. No wonder your so afraid.. lupusso!

Anthony looked at him and threw another punch in the face. That caused micheal to drop me.
Anthony tried to help me up but I just looked at him like I was about to cry.
he could tell that I was talking about him planning something on Kenny. He just stared at me. Before he could say a word I ran off to go see if Kenny was ok.
After running down the lighted path I found Kenny leaned up against a trash can getting punched by one of Anthony's friends I threw his friend to the side and see if Kenny was ok. I helped him up and the we started to run but first I turned around I threw a punch at Anthony's friend and started running with Kenny's arm around my back. We arrived home. I put them on the couch and got a glass of water and some stuff for all the bruises.

Me: are you ok Kenny.
Kenny: not really.. but thank you y/n for being there and following me, as a friend I love you...
Me: I love you too Kenny. do you need anything?
Kenny: for you to beat Anthony's ass.
Me: oh I'll do somthing.

As of always I'll try to post tomorrow. Also if you would like me to change any of the pronouns of y/n just tell me. Have a good day

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