Moist Wet Cheese

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Chapter 3  

Narrator: The kids got caught trying to escape. They messed up, BADLY. Now they have to comply with AD, or who knows what will happen…

Slave 1: Man I can't believe he caught us.

Slave 2: Yea, it's like he's superhuman.

AD: “I hear everything……. MWUAHAHAHA…” *He says quietly and faintly in the background*

Slave 1: How did he hear us, were talking in our heads.

Slave 2: Whatever let’s just get back to work.

Slave 1: Wait, what are we supposed to be working on.

Slave 2: I don’t know, ask him.

Slave 1: I’m not gonna ask him, he’s gonna swallow me whole, with that snake like tongue of his.

Slave 2: Then you just gonna have to die then.

Slave 1: Imma ask to go on break.

Slave 2: Ok, your funeral.

Narrator: Slave 1 goes and walks around to try and find AD to ask to take a break.

Slave 1: Man, where is he at. This place is so big. Oh there he is.

AD: *He was relaxing, eating some lettuce wraps from pei wei and a egg planet when he saw slave 1* “Oh hello…. you need something?!!!" *He said smoothly…*

Slave 1: Yea, um… can I take a break. I’ve been working really hard and I’m really tir-

AD: “NOOoOooOoOo"* he hissed* “You cannot take a break slave 1 you are here for life and this is now you home."*He changes the led lights red*

Slave 1: Awe man I’m really tir-, Wait did you say for life?

AD: *He nods and licks his lips, and nods his head*“For life”*He laughs uncontrollably*

Slave 1: *Sighs* Ok sir

Narrator: A very sad, scared, and angered Slave 1, goes back to slave 2 to say the terrible news.

Slave 2: Hey, what's wrong?

Slave 1: The weird man told us that we gonna be here for life.

Slave 2: Wow, you think? Who would have thought that a creepy man that kidnapped us would let us go?

Slave 1: Oh

Slave 2: Yea oh, stupid dumbass.

Slave 1: I don’t like your tone bro.

Slave 2: What you gonna do about it.

Slave 1: *gets in slave 2s face* I don’t know, what you trynna do.

Slave 2: *Pushes Slave 1 into the shadows of the locker room*

Narrator: Slave 1 stumbles a few steps back and falls into the shower part of the locker room, it smelled moist and like wet cheese, he thought he was gonna fall on the hardwood, but landed onto something, or someone he didn’t expect….. A tall and menacing figure stood above slave 1, the beat of magnolia then flooded the shower area of the locker room. The figure stepped out from the shadows and reveals himself

Mystery Man: H-hi

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