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(comment literally anywhere in the story and I'll post your question and answer here)

1. Is Tony together with Andrea from Paris or are they just friends? (rikencislover02)

*shrugs* I was actually intentionally vague about that because I wasn't sure, lol. It's up to the reader, honestly. If you guys are hard-core Tiva-to-the-end, then maybe they're just friends. Maybe Andrea is just a familiar face in an unfamiliar country. Maybe she's just a convenient place to drop Tali off while Tony's at work. On the other hand, maybe Tony's dipping his toes back in the metaphorical dating pool. Maybe he's ready to move on. I'm a very indecisive writer where Tony and Ziva are concerned. Sorry if you wanted a more concrete answer. :)

2. What else was in the box?

*shrugs again* I hated writing about the box, honestly. It was an absolute struggle trying to think up what could possibly be in there. I mean, that box could've contained literally anything, but I had to think: what would Ziva put in that box? Even with that train of thought, I think I still deviated from reality. We saw from season six(?) when Ziva's apartment exploded or caught fire or whatever that she's not really sentimental about her stuff. Besides the I Will list (which I still think is kind of uncharacteristic of her), she probably wouldn't have put anything in that box. She wasn't the type to hang onto dozens and dozens of pictures, although I'd like to believe that somewhere she had baby pictures of Tali, and she wasn't the type to write some long gushy letter about her feelings and thoughts and regrets. But that's just my opinion. Dream away, my little Tiva fans. The possibilities are endless.

3. Up for grabs...

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