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I think a part of me will always be waiting for you.



Tony was surprised when he woke up to the pilot announcing their descent. He didn't think he'd be able to sleep, but here they were, five hours passing in what felt like seconds.

Tali was still asleep, one lone curl dancing back and forth every time she exhaled. He'd have to wake her up, unfortunately.

He waited until they were taxing up to the gate before he murmured to her, "Wake up, sweet pea, we've got a new city to explore."

She gazed up at him blearily, and tried to snuggle up again.

"We're in Paris. All the croissants and cheese you could possibly want. And some wine for Aba."

Tali stubbornly hugged Kalev to her chest. At least she was looking a little more awake.

By time Tony collected their carry-on and made sure all their items were accounted for, Tali was wide awake and bouncing around in her seat.

"You must've slept well," he commented, shimmying into the backpack straps so he could pick her up.

Her only answer was to pat her stomach and growl.


She nodded.

"Well, that's a first." He started to suggest they stop at one of the airport's restaurants before finding a hotel, but then he remembered all the snacks tucked away in his bag. "What would you like? We have fruit snacks, Goldfish, pretzels, and some Oreos."

He didn't expect an actual answer, so he was stunned when she said, "Fish."

He carefully reached around, blindly fumbing through the backpack until he found a package of Goldfish. He tore the bag open, careful not spill any, and handed them over.

She stared at them for a moment before accepting and digging in.

So the kid would eat Goldfish. Good to know.


They found a nice hotel and dropped off their things before setting out to see the city.

Tali didn't seem too impressed, but Tony fully intended to change that.

"What say we go see the Eiffel Tower?" he asked, already waving down a cab with the intentions of heading in that direction anyway.


He looked where she was pointing, to a windowfront dedicated to Curious George books and collectibles.

"Monkey?" he tried.

"Kof." She pointed more desperately.

"Okay, you like Curious George. Did Ima use to read Curious George to you?" Abandoning the impatient cabbie, he took her closer to the window.

She scanned the book covers for a moment until she found one in particular. Curious George and the Puppies.

"Kalev," she said, again pointing to the book.

He could see a vague resemblance between the cartoon dogs and Kalev, and wondered if this book was the reason she had Kalev.

Tony noticed the cab skid off out of the corner of his eye, but he didn't care. Instead, he took Tali inside the store, where they bought both the book and a stuffed Curious George.

Once back outside, he decided it would be a better use of their time to just walk to the nearest park and sit there until they went to dinner.

A quick Google search led them to le Jardin d'Acclimatation, which boasted a small waterpark and a petting zoo. Tali didn't have a swimsuit so the waterpark was out, but Tony gladly paid the tiny fee to get into the zoo.

Tali had a word for each animal, which Tony repeated and then named in English.

She said a few of them with him but for the most part seemed uninterested in using English.

She was definitely Ziva's daughter.


Okay, super short, but it's been a busy day and I still have loads more to do. Tuesday's update will be longer, I promise!

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