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Peter goes on patrol more often now that the avengers know he's spiderman.

He was able to tell them his past. And includeing the super speed.

He was gratefull that no one had him use the power. That they where more carefully about the words they say around him.

They cared, and Peter cared for them

How long will it stay like that?

Peter was out on patrol stoping a robbery one guy. Easy.

Little did he know.

Peter was surprised at how easy he Webbed the guy to the ally wall.

"Sorry sir but your going to jail"

The masked criminal laughed at Peter.

"How about I make a deal?"

Why did he find that voice so familiar?

"What do you mean?"

The masked man shook his head. The mask fell of to reveal his short blond hair, scars, and greyish eyes.

"No..." Peter mumbled it couldn't be. "Matthew"

"So, spiderman I need your help. You find me a kid named Peter Parker. In return I'll give you anything. Money, power, henchmen".

Peter couldn't believe this Matthew was back and looking for him.

"I-i can't do that, sorry but no"

Matthew shrugged. "Eh, I'll just get another super"

Peter narrowed the eyes of his mask "no. Your going to jail"

Matthew chuckled. "Am I?"

Peter knew it this was to easy. He had finally had his "happy ending". But no he had this. This sick life of never ending hurt.

Bullets started ripping through the webbing and Peter ducked behind the front house next to the ally. When the bullets stopped Matt was gone.

"No... no,no,no" Peter saw the webbing knife slashes through it. He wasn't alone during this fight. But matt didn't know he was spiderman. That's good at least.

Peter swung home as fast as he could. Using his mask to text the avengers. Tech sure was helpfull.

Guys. Problem

Mr Tony
What's wrong? Did you get shot?

No, it's matt he's back I saw him he's looking for me I'm comeing home now.

Mr Tony
Crap. Don't worry kid he's gonna have to get through us ok? Your not gonna get hurt I promise.


Mr Tony
Yup, once you get home we'll alert fury and look for Matthew. Do you know his last name.

Uh, Clark I think

Ms Natasha
Alright he's going down

Thanks I'm home now in coming comeing in.

Peter opens the door and once he's in his home locks the door behind him.

"I'm home!"

The avengers sigh in relief knowing Peter was safe at least for now.

Tony runs up to meet Peter and get him something to eat. "hey Pete I've been looking into all the Matthew Clarks that live anywhere near here we will find him don't worry"

"Thanks d-tony"

Tony and Peter walk off to eat some take out Chinese food.

*Time skip*

Peter wakes up his Spidersense tingling. He hops out of bed to get dressed quickly.

He opens the bedroom door. His spidersense tingling more.

He goes to check on the avengers and make sure there ok. Everyone seemed normal exept for Bucky.

Even vision who's never normal is normal compared to this.

When Peter went near Bucky his spidersense went into overdrive to the point he almost got a migraine.

Bucky was less like himself, he didn't talk with his hands as much, he didn't interact as much ether.

He just watched them. Peter noticed similarity between him and Matthew now.

That's when Peter had enough. When Bucky was in the big open space. He jumped of the balcony that overlooked that spot in the house and webbed him to the wall.

He Webbed him where you could only see his face. Then more webs.

It take a Hulk to break this. Steve saw this and ran to Peter concerned.

"Peter what's wrong?"

Peter put his arm infront of Steve stopping him from getting any closer to "Bucky".

"Thats not Bucky"

Steve looked at "Bucky" and was confused. This was Bucky he looked and sounded just like him.

Steve looked at Peter and saw his scared face behind the expression he had on.


"He acts different he acts like Matthew"

Steve figured it was just nerves on Peter. "Pete, thats Bucky...well find Matthew don't wo-"

He turned to Bucky who was laughing.


Then Bucky started changing and growing, he turned huge and green. He turned into the Hulk.

He tore through the webbing and started hitting at where Peter and Steve where. Peter dodged and pulled Steve away by the arm.

They ran into the nearest room and locked the door. Tony and Natasha sat on the couch watching Brooklyn 99.

"What's up?" Tony asked looking at them.

Peter was panicking so Steve spoke. "Peter thinks its Matthew, but Bucky turned into the Hulk and is now on a rampage"

Peter took deep breaths "it's not Bucky, it's a shape Shifter. Matthew gave himself powers"

Tony and Natasha stood up but flew back as a green fist punched open the door. They ran through another door in that room that led to a library-ish place.

Bruce was there reading. "Whats-"

"StOp" Tony had everyone behind him and called his suit, Natasha drew her knifes and widow bites, and captain grabbed his shield.

Peter didn't want to out himself as spiderman. He would make sure this is the real Bruce first.

Tony continued "tell us something only Bruce would know!"

Bruce thought for a moment "uh, one time Tony got super drunk and asked pepper if she was taken. And cried when she said yes and walked away before she could mention you where married to her."

Tony lowers his hand that was glowing from the center. "Alright it's you"

Bruce closed his book and stood up. "Yup, now tell me what's going on"

Steve and Peter explained what had happened and Bruce turned a little green just in case. Not going full Hulk just yet.

They all heard a scream comeing from Wanda's room.

"Wanda" they all said at once and ran to her scream.

They burst through her door and saw her. And Natasha trying to stab her.

"Natasha what's wrong with you!"

Natasha ran and tackled other Natasha. Steve grabbed Wanda and ran out the room.

(Wandas mind powers work a little different becouse the story would end quickly if they worked the same:/)

They all locked themselves in a bathroom and explained to Wanda what was happening.

Peter made sure this wasn't a trick and asked her something only she would know.

"Umm, one time Tony got drunk-"

Tony cut her off "alright, alright it's you"

Bruce got a idea and grabbed a marker and asked everyone to roll up there pant leg.

He put a "x" on there knees and covered it back with there pants.

"There, now we have a mark and the shapeshifter doesn't know"

Everyone thought it was the best thing they could do right now.

Steve being the leader he is told everyone to look for more people and split into groups.

"Me and Wanda"

"Tony and Peter"

Bruce looked confused and Steve told him "you stay here and guard as we find more of our team"

Everyone nodded and split off

      *With Peter and Tony*

To say Peter was scared was a understatement. He was pushing a panic attack down low.

He wished Matthew would just give up, go to jail or die. Just leave him alone at least.

Tony checked Wanda's room with Peter. No Natasha here room was empty. He left the door open. So that way if it was closed someone was there.

They went into the kitchen and saw Clint,

Tony fired his blaster and Clint looked at him popcorn bowl on hand.

"Uh, hey Tony...why are you in your suit"

Peter put his fist up "tell us something only Clint would know"

Clint put the popcorn on the counter and thought for a moment.

"Peter can sing, like really good"

Peter blushed and remembered Clint walking in on him singing by accedent. "It's him..."

Tony didn't have time to explain and pulled him into the the bathroom with Clint.

They also told him what was happing and marked his knee with a "x".

Clint stayed with Bruce so now everyone had a teammate. Peter and Tony went back out.

         *Steve and Wanda"
Steve slowly opened the door and found Bucky in his bed relaxing.



Wanda put her arm out and stopped him from getting closer like Peter did.

"Tell us something only you would know"

"Hmm, Steve couldn't tie his shoes till he was 14"

Wanda looked up at Steve for confirmation.

"It's him!" He says happily and he jumps to give him a hug (Stucky👀)

They quicky explain what was happening and drew a "x" on him.

They get up text the group chat saying they found bucky.

Mr Steve Rodgers

Found real bucky

Mr Bruce
Good, now we only need





And vision

Mr Tony
Right Scott, thor and Loki are away this week thank god.

Everyone went back to searching till Bruce and Clint heard the bathroom door giggle.

"Let me in losers"

Clint and Bruce looked at eachother, it sounded like Natasha. But was it?

"Tell me-"

Natasha cut them off "alright, listen up Clint. One time you tripper over your daughter's toys and fell flat in your face, you broke your nose and went to med bay. You told everyone you got into a fight In reality you tripped over Thomas the train"

Bruce stiffled a laugh as Clint silently opend the door.

Natasha rolled her costume leg up and put a "x" on it.

Natasha told them matt got away and went to find Peter.

As Natasha left Clint heard her foot steps slowly fade away. He took a deep breath and trurned to Bruce.

Just then there phone's dinged.

Mr Tony
Found him!

Mr Bruce
Who? Matt?

Mr Tony
Yes matt Peter left the room, he can't look at him.

Ms Wanda
Who is he

Mr Tony

Mr Clint
How did you know

Mr Tony
He didn't run duh.

Ms Natasha
Ah, how did you keep him from running?

Mr Tony
I knocked him out, Peter webbed just in case but yeah hes out cold.

Peter was sitting outside the lab even though he looked like peitro he wasn't he couldn't look at him.

Tony was in that lab with a unconscious Matt. Peitro was sitting next to Peter comforting him.

Matt's face was in pretty bad shape but no one cares why would they? After what he did to Peter Tony was happy to blast him in the stomach, and hit him over the head, and punch him in the face. Ok he did alot.

Peter wanted him locked up not dead. But of he where to die? Peter would be a mess of emotions but not upset about his death at least.

Tony watched as his form went from peitro to Matt slowly the injurys still promonite.

He slowly stirred and once Tony saw he was awake gave him two options.

"All right matt you have two options, we get Bruce to find away to take away you're powers and then lock you up for life. Or we kill you for even dareing to think about hurting a innocent person, child no less"

Matts voice was rough and scratchy "f**k you, I d-did what was r-right. Who are y-you to get those powers i-i gave Peter what anyone would d-die for"

Tony rose his iron glove and fired it up threatingly, "one more chance buddy"

Matt continued smirking "i-i found the a-abilty to b-be more, y-you gonna t-t-take that from the world?"

Peter heard a loud lazery sound and a Grunt of pain from Matt. Then silence.

Matt came into this tower for Peter. Now he would be looking for his head.

Pietro ran off to tell the others Matt's dead and that they'll need to explain the rightfull reason of his murder.

Peter watched as Wanda's twin brother took off. And shakeily stood up

Tony walked out and closed the door behind him. "Hey kid?"

Peter looked at Tony who then pulled him into a hug. "I'm here for you"

Peter hesitatedly put his arms around him. How easily his family was able to take down his biggest enemy. How easy his dad was able to kill matt for him.

He felt safe. They cared.

"Thanks dad"

Tony couldn't believe it. He called him dad. A smile spread across his face. He texted pepper to get the adoption pappers.

Pepper and Tony where about to have a son. Peter Benjamin parker-stark.

Peter and Tony hugged and Peter started to cry into Tony's shoulder.

He felt safe, Peter repeated it in his head. He felt safe. And it was true safe and happy.

The avengers called Scott and Thor and Loki and the guardians and told them that they took matt down.

Peter went to bed and Tony also told them that he and pepper where adopting Peter as a surprise.

A\N: can someone give me feed back on this? I'm wondering if y'all like it so far

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