Chapter 1 - Missing

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Kuroko's POV

We won.

We won against Jabberwock.

We earned their respect and had revenge for Japan.

I celebrated happily as I see the others smile and reclaim our rightful throne as the Generation of Miracles.

As I see golden confetti in the air, symbolizing our victory.

As I hear the cheers from the audience about how we won against the most famous street ball team.

This happiness didnt last long though.

I just finished changing in the locker room when I felt a call from nature.

"Minna-san, I'll just go to the bathroom." I said. Why did I even bother. They were all too busy talking about the game, and my lack of presence isn't helping either. I decided I would go to the bathroom by myself.

That turned out to be a horrible mistake.

I was washing my hands when Jabberwock's captain, Nash Gold Jr., and a few other guys from that team stormed in the bathroom. I was minding my own buisness when-

"Goodnight Phantom Sixth Man," they teased.
"Wha-" Then black.

Akashi's POV

We were outside deciding on how we were going to celebrate our victory.

"I'll go anywhere as long as it has food. I'm hungry." Murasakibara said, while munching on chips.

"Why did the others have to leave? Now its just the GOM and Kagamicchi! T_T" cried Kise.

"Why do you even care Kise? Too bad for them if they can't stay." Aomine growled in annoyance.

"Kagamicchi, do you mind if we celebrate in your apartment? Maybe Murasakibaracchi can help you cook! ^_^" exclaimed Kise.

"Oh, uhh, ok. Lets go to my apartment then." Kagami agreed.

Murasakibara : ☆○☆

"Its agreed then minna-san, lets go to Kagami's apartment!" I shouted urging everyone to go.

"You better not use my lucky item again Kagami. Today its a salt shaker, nanodayo." Midorima scowled.

"But where's Kurokocchi?? (?_?)" Kise asked. Everyone murmured in wonder.

"He disappears a lot after Seirin games. Lets see if he's in the locker room." Kagami suggested.

I volunteered to go and look for Kuroko since we've been dating for a while now.

I scanned the locker room and found Kuroko's stuff. I brought it outside with the rest of the team.

"He's not at the locker room, its been a while since he was here so lets split up to find him. Midorima and I will search the stadium and Kagami, Kise and Aomine will search at nearby courts. Murasakibara, guard our stuff," I ordered.

"Hai, Akashi/Akachin/Akashicchi,"

Kagami's POV

I got teamed up with Ahomine and Kise? Hopefully this can't get worse. Why am I even listening to Akashi? I lost my train of thought and switched back to reality when I heard Aomine.

"Come on, Tetsu can't have gone that far."
Kise and I nod approvingly.

Time Skip for Kise, Aomine and Kagami

We spent over an hour trying to find Kuroko. There's no trace of him anywhere.

"We can't find Kurokocchi anywhere!"
"Obviously. You couldn't even shut up for two seconds in the past hour."
"Why are so mean Aominecchi? T3T"

I rolled my eyes. They're so troublesome.

We decided to go back and see if Akashi and Midorima has any luck. I'm getting worried, he was never gone for this long before.

Kuroko, where are you?

Midorima's POV

Ugh, Kuroko. Why am I even surprised. I tried to remember where he could've gone to.

I decided to go to the stadium, nanodayo.

He's so stubborn, no wonder Cancer and Aquarius never get along.

Then I realized what Oha Asa said this morning.

"Who will fall last place today? Too bad, it's Aquarius!"

I became a little worried. I didn't give Kuroko Aquarius's lucky item today, nanodayo.

I just walked in the stadium when I heard a faint scream from Akashi.


I ran as fast as I could to the direction of the sound, which turned out to be the bathroom.

I saw Akashi sobbing on the floor. He looked at me in despair

My eyes widened as I saw-

Akashi's POV

Midorima and I split up to search the place. I tried to remember where my dear Tetsuya could've possibly went.

In my head, "bathroom" popped in my mind.

How am I going to survive if I ever live with him?

I shouldn't worry about that now. We've only been dating for 2 months. So far, he's an amazing boyfriend.

I stopped daydreaming about him when I arrived at the bathroom closest to the locker room. I took a look inside.

I screamed.

Midorima must've heard me because he came rushing to where I was. My heart starts pumping out of control.

I was sure of it.

I saw-

Third POV

Blood. Kuroko's blood.


The ceiling, the walls, the floor.

"Are you sure that's Kuroko's, nanodayo?" Midorima asked, hoping that there was at least a drop of doubt.

"I told you Shi-... Midorima, that it's Tetsuya's blood!"

"Gomen, Akashi, you must be really worried."

"Let's go back, we have to tell the others quickly." Akashi said.

"Hai, nanodayo,"

Murasakibara's POV

Where are you Kurochin? I'm getting hungry.

I suddenly remembered Kurochin when we we're still at the locker room.

"Minna-san, I'll just go to the bathroom,"

Oh. Thats where he was. But I don't remember him returning after that.

I was too busy eating Maibou.

If only payed more attention to him, we would've been already eating at Kagachin's apartment.

Ugh, baka.

An hour later, I saw Kagachin, Kisechin and Minechin walking towards me.

I didn't see Kurochin with them.

"Oi, any luck finding Kurochin?" I asked.

They looked more worried than they were an hour ago.

When they finally came, they looked at me and shook their heads.

Suddenly, Midochin and Akachin came running from the building.

"Bathroom... blood - Tetsuya!" Akachin stuttered. He never stuttered before, so I figured it was serious.

"Nani, Akashicchi?" Kise said.

"We... we saw Kuroko's blood all over the bathroom, nanodayo..." Midochin said.

Oh no. I was right. The bathroom.

We were all stunned. Everyone had a shocked look on their face except Kagachin and Minechin.

I could see the dark aura surrounding them.

Suddenly, we jumped when we head a familiar voice.

"Domo, minna-san. I was here all along."

Did you like it? Make sure to leave some comments after reading to improve! This is my first fanfic so I need all the help I can get.


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