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Felix woke up when he heard a knocked on haerin door
Haerin was fast asleep at his chest

"Haerin open the door!!" He heard changbin was knocking on the door,and he realized both of them were NAKED !

"fuck.. " Felix cursed when hes doomed

"Haerin wake up wakeup!! your brother is outside!" I wokeup haerin, she rubbed her eyes and groaned
"Haerin!!" She heard her brother voice, she looked down and she realise She is naked same goes to felix

"Hide hide! dont let my brother to see you" Haerin said to felix, felix quickly wore his shirt and pants and hide inside the bathroom

Haerin took her robe that was lying across the room , adjusting her messy hair to a bun . She opened the door and gave her morning sleepy face to him

"why did you locked the door dummy! I said no locking your door right! if anything happens to you how!" Changbin nagged at her sister , he doesnt like her sister locking doors when shes alone in the room as anything could happen

"Argh changbin , you dont have to nag at me early in the morning!" she said while closing her ears and

"anyways —what the hell are you wearing! "Changbin eyeing her sister from head to toe

"What??? !!Cant I wear it?" I annoyed

"Obviously no! Youre living with boys ! "He said with a firm tone

" Go washup and go down for your breakfast , Im going to wakeup the rest!" Changbin said while walking to felix room beside it

"Fuck changbin no!" She cursed at his brother when he wanted to go felix room

"No i mean!! can you please take a water !! Im soooooo dizzy!" I hold my heard and pretend to be sick, changbin came towards me and rubbed my temples

"Are you okay?" He asked in concern
"No changbin! My head  really really hurts!" I told him

"Okay go and rest ,I'll take for you some medicine!" He said while walking me towards my bed ,He laid me down  and pull the covers towards my body

Changbin walked out from my room, after changbin had left I stood up and peaked at door , She sighed when he was walking down to the kitchen

"Felix! Get out from room,dont ever tell you friend what we did yesterday  " I glare at him ,he smiled and nod, walking  out from my from the room,he went over to his room without anyone sawing him coming out from haerin room

Felix quickly open his room door

"Felix mate.. Where were you ? " Chan was hiding behind his door ,felix gulp when chan was glaring at him


"Holyfuck rowoon, I did it! You know I can see how he suffered the way he beg me but I just ignore him wah!!!! I finally satisfied what I did yesterday with him, the revenge was super good bro! I finally get to controlled him back and did you know , I was shocked when he actually cried and apologising while making out...." I told rowoon who was on the phone with me

"No what?? he apologise and cried to you while making out? "I nod and replied him

"Yes he did. I was kinda shocked to be honest, never ever In my life making out with someone the person will cry espacially a guy though .." I told him

"Hmm so whats your feeling making out with him?" Rowoon asked me ,I sighed

"This feeling sucks rowoon, I felt satisfied but I saw his face was filled with saddness,I feel bad hes like expecting me to make out with filled of love not filled of revenge..."

"So you really like him ah?"He asked
"What.. Are you talking about??" I asked rowoon ,he chuckled that make me pissed

"C'mon haerin,You wont bothered about other people feelings when you want to revenge right!"Rowoon asked

...Am I?? Perhaps....

"Ha i dont know rowoon... I really dont know...." I told him

"Haerin!!!" I heard Chan called

"hey i need to go! called you back later bye!" I hung up the called

I walked in the house ,chan was at the kitchen

"Yes chan?" I walked towards him,Chan gave me a bowl of porridge

"huh? im not that sick....?" I told him as ,he smirked and shake his head

"I know! Help me send to felix, hes sick"Chan said

"what???" I asked in shocked, I need to looked after him,I ran up to his room but i stop my tracked when I realise... over my actions... I was worried about him when hes sick???

what the hell haerin since when you worried about him

"Hahaa someone is inlove!" Chan chuckle when she saw how haerin worried


I watched felix was sleeping at his bed.I put down the bowl of porridge beside the table.Quickly climbing up the bed and sat.I place my palm at his forehead ,his forehead was burning hot

suddenly he flinched,He rubbed his eyes and woke up from his sleep

"Haerin ... what are you doing here???" He asked with his husky voice that makes me fall for him.. haerin... get a gripped! DONT FALL FOR HIM

"Chan instructed me to give you the porridge ..eat up and get well soon!" I told him,walking out from his bed ,He grabbed my hand

"Can we speak..... for a moment please "

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