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Felix and Haerin sat outside the bench beside the garden

"Sooo felix... how are you?"

"Im good...... "

"How about you and your dad ??" Felix didnt dare to looked at her,he keep fidgeting his hands as he was nervouse asking this question

"Well... we started to talked with each other and we are in a good terms well thanks to you.. " He relief when everything went smooth

"Thats what I promise right "Felix said while smiling ,hes glad everything when well

"Felix, can you promise me something?" Haerin asked him,I finally face her ,and again she look so pretty, her soft voice that makes me get attracted with her

"What isit haerin?"

"Promise me to take care of feelings not to hurted anymore?" Haerin gave a hint ,she doesnt know how to confess that she LIKE him
Felix was shocked , what does haerin wait wait...

She means...

"Huh.. wait wait...You liked me back??" Felix asked in shocked while grabbing both of her shoulders
Hyerin nod ,felix smile brightly
"ohgosh!" Felix immediately pulled her closer to his embraced

Haerin chuckle and hug him back

"I will promise you , haerin !"

"I will promise you, haerin "
"I will promise you , haerin !" Haerin cover his mouth as he was repeating it, she chuckle

"Okay then better make sure you keep that promise or else my brother will beat you up ! " I told him ,
He remove her hand away from his mouth

"Sure love!" He winked,he grabbed both of her hands and he kneeled down on the grass and I can hear someone squelling,I turned around I see all of them were spying on us,hiding behind the bushes

"seo haerin!!" I face at felix

"Will you be my girlfriend seo haerin!?"

"I would love too! " felix smiled, after two weeks waiting for her ,He kissed both of her hands,he pulled her up to be in his embrace m,placing her hands over his neck,and his hands over my waist

He leaned down and kissed me passionately
Loud cheers and screamed were heard to see the both of them


"I love you haerin,I promised,I will not treat you like how I did in the past,Im sorry baby,im deeply sorry !"He said while leaning his forehead ,his nose touching to mine ,Haerin kiss his lips again ,he smiled

"finally seo haerin is mine !"


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