[10] I love you

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Moving forward from this chapter to the others , keep an opened mind and study the pattern.

Please don't judge.
Over three weeks being here and I felt so much better, like a whole new person.

Especially when I'm eating right and I've seen my period for three days an not the original seven. That's a big jump. Plus I felt little to no pain and the flow went by smoothly.

This man surprised me with making chocolate from scratch as he found cocoa pods. I sat and watched him through the whole process and I started falling in love with him.

I ate homemade chocolate while he rubs my back from the slight pain I was having.

He had removed my stitches and my skin was looking how it's suppose to, but I don't know how to bring up the topic of seeing our friend again. It's almost a month being here and I'm sure Tarique is worried about me.

An seeing Zackari so happy, I didn't want to spoil his good mood. Otherwise, I'll be walking around on eggshells for he looks deadly when he's showing no emotions.

"She loves me now!" He sang loudly from the outside in the pouring rain.

He has been going out with Farmer MacFarlane to the butcher shop to have a big slaughter this past week. Returning with meat from pigs, cow, goat, chicken and seafood from the inland Aqua-farm. Filling the fridge till it could barely hold anymore.

I peeked out to see him washing the large rug he spilled coffee on this morning, trying to get out the stain.

"She loves me now! I must admit, I feel the same!" He continues, throwing it unto the soft grass. "Babes!"

I smiled. "Yes?"

He looks up and found me watching him and he grins. "Pass mih body wash, please."

I nod, rushing towards the bathroom and grabbed it. Standing on the verandah and held it out for him, but he took me by the waist and pulls me out into the rain with him.

"Zac!" I laughed.

He held me closely, looking down at me while I'm staring at the water running off his skin. Trembling sightly as the cold drops fell on my body and hair, soaking me wet.

"Yuh pretty bad, Annie Mae." He whispers and my smile widens.

"Suh yuh tell mih everyday."

"True ting." He says, looking at my lips.

"Wahm'n?" I asked.

"Mih really wah kiss yuh."

I put my arms around his neck and meet his lip in a kiss. Moaning as he held me much closer to him.

This is my first kiss and I know it will be the best, but I needed more of him. Especially with his erection poking me in right in the stomach, but he was pulling away.

"Zac." I breathe, holding him from moving.

"Yes baby?" He smiled.

"Can... Yuh can..." I sigh. "Mih want yuh."

The rain fell even harder and he lifts my head. "Yuh sure?"


"Where yuh want it?" He asked but I have no answer for that.

"I don't know." I smiled, thought a bit embarrassed.

Lifting me up, he dropped the bottle of body wash and brought me over to the rug, putting me right on it.

'Kinky!' My subconscious screamed at me.

Kissing me in the rain as he got me naked and threw the wet clothes aside.

Every moan that escapes me, fluids my need for more. Even as his mouth sucked upon my breasts, licking the rain water off.

His touch brings me more pleasure before he removes his shorts along with the underwear.

The only thought in my head was to get this over with, but then I opened my eyes and saw the monster of a dick he was packed with.

I gasped, but only for a second as he kisses my lips to distract me. I pulls away and said. "It won't fit."

"Yuh trust mih?" He asks and I groaned.

"Yes." I sighed, licking my lips.

"Good." He said, kissing me again.

I wasn't too distracted by it, as he was laying between my opened thighs with a finger spreading my natural lubricant. Then coating himself before he ease his way in.

I gasped louder with everyone movement, then cried out from the pain. Bit by bit till he was deep inside me.

"See, we fit perfectly." He chuckled and I laughed with a little tears in my eyes, keeping my head under him as the rain was going in my eyes and nostrils.

"Cyaw believe wih a do this in the rain." I laughed louder and he moved, making me gasp. Holding him tightly.

"Ready again?" He asked and I hummed.

He raised my legs a little higher, thrusting dangerous sweet and I sang like a canary. Shaking from the pleasure and the cold soaked rug.

Between my moans and cries, his grunts and harsh breathing fills my eyes.

Then I felt a pressure in my abdomen and my ears popped. Noticing his sloppy thrust and his hissing.

The moment I orgasmed, he pulled out and release on my stomach. As if he has been holding back.

He leans up and put another kiss on my lips. "Ya mine, Ms. Gabriel."

I blushed, looking down at him to see the rain washing away the blood on his still erected penis.

"Tek mih up. Mih cold."

He chuckled and laid next to me instead.

I closed my eyes, feeling every drop of rain on my body. Then it was his fingers circling my breasts before he kisses my shoulder.

"Annie Mae." He whispered.

"Yeah?" I turned my head to him.

"I love you." He says and I smile, covering my eyes and turns to him.

"I love you too."

"Of course you do." He chuckled. "Yuh nuh have a choice."

I rolled my eyes and sat up, reaching for my clothes in the grass. "Mih cold."

"Mek with bathe inna the rain and yuh can feed mih afterwards." He commented and I shook my head.

"Ai sah." I got up, moving towards the back of the house where I'll rather shower.

'Nuh yuh just fuck inna the front a dih yaad.' My subconscious laughed. 'Miss Kinky.'

I didn't move around much as the pain between my thighs and around my lower half left an ache.

Sipping a second mug of cows milk while I listen to the still pouring rain that lasted into the night. Reminiscing about the moment we had and his words.

I heard his footsteps on the wooden floor as he walked over to me.

"Babes, a when yuh wake?" He yawned.

"An hour ago." I smiled, looking up at him.

"Best sleep mih eva get in a long while." He sighed, sitting next to me and pulls me right on his lap to sit.

"A the rain." I laughed.

"A yuh good body put the Saint to rest." He smirked, putting his arms around my waist. "Mih tell yuh mih love yuh yet?"

"Mhmm hmm." I blushed.

"It's not the first time I'm suggesting." Then he kisses my neck. "I love you, Annie Mae."

I filled my mouth with more milk, blushing profoundly.

"Annie Mae Gabriel."

I moved the cup and starts coughing. "Get to know me before you say things like that."

"I know enough." He said rather suspiciously and I looked at him.

"Who are you really?" I asked, putting the tea on the coffee table.

"You'll know a little about me everyday, because you know why?" He smiled, but it did match the sinister look in his eyes. "You won't be going anywhere."

"We won't leave here?" I whispered.

"We will, but you'll be a Gabriel soon and that's for spilling my soup." He playfully glares at me.

"What soup?"

"Mih a dih only man apart from Dad who wore white to the funeral. Imagine how mih feel when a little nuff hair woman pass and bounce mih hand. Yuh spill mih Manish water babes. It hurts mih to this day." He hissed.

Laughing, I pressed a kiss to his jaw.

Mih handsome crazy man.
Question: What was the name of Kayerachilani's two male friends?

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