Bakugou Katsuki Comfort Scenario | Period Cramps

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Bakugou knew something was up when you woke up even more of a mess than usual. Dark circles, messy hair, grumpy, all signs that your little friend is paying another un-welcomed visit this month. That loud 'UUURGHHHHH' he heard coming from the bathroom was even more proof that today is the day.

He quickly started brewing coffee and making waffles; extra sugar in that coffee. Your period hormones were already bad enough as it is. He wasn't going to top it off with morning tantrums.

You walked into the kitchen looking a bit better than when you first woke up. At the very least, you brushed your hair out after your morning routine. He quickly passed you your cup of coffee in silence, carefully turning the cup handle to your direction as well. You swiped the coffee from the kitchen counter and took a large sip as you walked towards the breakfast table.

Bakugou always feels like he's treading on thin ice during your period. Now he may have his own anger and attitude issues, but this man would be lying if he said he wasn't bat shit terrified of female hormones.

Growing up with Mitsuki was a traumatizing experience to say the least. Bakugou Katsuki is the spiting image of his mother, from looks to personality, he takes after her almost completely. If Katsuki and Mitsuki are on equal plane field with their fiery attitudes on a normal basis, Mitsuki on her lady days is just a whole another level. He will never forget the day Mitsuki smashed the glass coffee table in the living room that was two inch thick. He swore that day he would NEVER get on her bad side on her period.

Fortunately, you're not nearly as bad as Mitsuki. In fact, you're one of the most easy going people he knows for being able to deal with him. However, hormones is just too powerful of an existence, capable of turning a person's personality in a 180, and you're definitely the type who tends to get in a foul mood on your period.

"Hey, uh, I made you some chocolate chip waffles. Do you want anything else to go with it?" Bakugou asked as he carefully placed the plate of waffles in front of you as well as the utensils.

"No. Thank you," you muttered as you stabbed at the waffle with your fork. The sound of the metal utensil hitting the plate sent chills running down Bakugou's spine, and he unconsciously backed up by three steps.

Everyone has their own preferences when it came to periods. You generally liked to keep to yourself on your worst days. The reason you preferred not to be bothered was because you were self aware of your grumpiness, and your fear of lashing out on people caused you to lock yourself into your own personal space.

Bakugou wants to help you, but he also has his own trauma regarding overstepping boundaries with someone on their period, so he normally stays on the sidelines, giving you minimal assistance so you don't feel invaded.

"I'm going to go to the grocery store to restock. Do you want me to get some ice cream?" he asked as he put away his apron.

"I'm good." You say that now, but Bakugou knows you'll be looking for it later, so he made a mental note to get your favorite ice cream. Not a big tub, because he doesn't want to irritate your stomach, so a small one would do.

People tend to crave high calorie food on their period, and you're no different. Keeping things nutritious while satisfying your cravings has always been a struggle for him. These morning grocery trips have always been a nice way for him to give you some space to let your hormones settle in while he plans out your meals for the day.

When Bakugou got home, you were already snuggled up back in bed. Estimating the time, Bakugou was pretty sure your cramps are starting to kick in. This is going to be a very tricky time. The ice is really thin right now.

Once Bakugou finished putting away the groceries, he placed all of your favorite snacks in a bamboo woven basket alone with a thermos full of your favorite sweet tea. Once he finished making your period care package he tip toed into your shared room to find a dome on the bed.

He cleared his throat softly, so he doesn't alarm you. "Um, Babe?"

"Not now Katsuki...." you groaned.

"I know. I know... I'm just gonna leave these here, so uh... Remember to stay hydrated. Call me if you need anything," Bakugou practically whispered as he set the basket down beside your bed and slowly backed out of the room.

Just before he closed the door, Bakugou heard a soft and muffled "thank you" coming from under the blanket.

"Any time."

He's safe, for now. He knows better than to let his guard down. It's not over until the period is over. Truth be told, Bakugou has never actually seen you explode before. You've certainly shown obvious signs of grumpiness, and overall just not being yourself. You've even glared at him before, but you've never really snapped at him. If you're anything like his mom on her period, then Bakugou sure as hell isn't willing to risk waking the beast. He'd rather play it safe. The only time you'll see the Great Explosion Murder God: Dynamight play it safe is when it comes to female hormones. He really can't with that shit.

He started preparing lunch. Bakugou took out the pressure cooker to make some beef stew noodle soup. First, he needed to make the beef stew.

Bakugou never admitted this to anyone, but cooking is actually one of his favorite hobbies. He grew up helping his parents out in the kitchen, and it just became somewhat of a family bonding kind of event for him. He doesn't make it obvious, but Bakugou is actually quite the foodie. He enjoys gourmet food, and he's interested in nutrition. He has a stash of books on nutrition and famous chef recipes.

The kitchen is a very calming place for Bakugou. Like how some people use meditation to calm the mind, cooking is what helps eases Bakugou's nerves.

Everything was so calm until he heard loud thuds coming from upstairs and the sound of you screaming in the master bedroom. Uh oh. That does not sound good.

Bakugou rushed upstairs into your room. "What's wrong?" he asked. His eyes widened with shock when he found you bawling on the floor.

"Katsuki...." you sobbed.

"Babe, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" he asked worriedly as he squatted down next to you.

"....I-....I can't open this..." You held the thermos in your left hand, your right hand on the lid.

"I-Is that why you're crying?" Bakugou asked. Just because of this?! The thermos held hot tea, and the high temperature will increase the pressure within the thermos, making the lid tighter. Usually it wouldn't be an issue, but when your arms are feeling limp and weak due to your period, it could become difficult to open.

"I'm so useless!" you sobbed.

"What?! No! Here- Gimme that!" Bakugou reached for the thermos, but you shifted it away from him.

"NO! I have to do this on my own, or you'll think I'm useless again!"

"I don't think you're useless."

"You do! You always call me a dumb piece of shit that can't do anything right in the house!" you cried.

"I-" He can't deny that. He does tend to call you a dumb piece of shit pretty often in the house. He doesn't mean it 99% of the time. It's just an insult that he was used to throwing around. Every time he called you that, you'd just laugh it off, so he thought you knew he didn't mean it. He never expected it to get to you like this. "Fucking shit..." he cursed out of frustration.

Bakugou clasped his hand over his mouth the moment he let it slip, and it was instant regret.

"See?! You think I'm a fucking piece of shit!" Tears poured down your cheeks like a waterfall.

"No- Babe!" Bakugou has never felt so frustrated and guilty and wronged at the same time. If he knew this was going to happen he definitely would have fixed that bad habit of shooting meaningless insults. "I'm sorry. You're not dumb. I never thought you were. I just-.... You know me. I say things I don't actually mean. And you're not useless. You're just on your period. It's normal to feel weaker than usual. Here, give me that." Bakugou took the thermos from your hand and opened it with ease. He carefully placed it back in your hands. "Careful, it's hot."

You felt horrible. You knew he doesn't actually think you're dumb and useless, but you couldn't help but throw a petty tantrum, all because you couldn't open a stupid bottle. You didn't want to cry, but the tears won't stop flowing. "I don't want to be like this!" you cried.

Bakugou placed his arms around you. "Shhhh, I know. I know. It's just your hormones acting up. You don't feel good right now. It's okay to let it out."

"I don't want to lash out at you."

"I know."

"I don't like the way I am when I'm on my period!"

"It's okay. I love you. Even as you are right now. It's okay to throw a few tantrums. You deserve it," he said as he gently patted your back.

Bakugou felt horrible. He shouldn't have avoided you like the plague like he did with his mother, stepping around you so carefully like you were a volcano that could erupt any moment. He probably should have let you thrown some tantrums, smash a few things. Maybe if you had an outlet for your emotions instead of locking yourself away like this, you wouldn't be feeling so miserable. Seeing you like this made Bakugou feel utterly heartbroken. He felt like he failed you as your lover.

Instead of staying on the sidelines, perhaps it was time he start pushing the boundaries. "It's okay. It's going to be okay. Here, drink some of that tea while it's still warm. It'll make your cramp feel better."

You nodded as he helped bring the rim of the thermos to your lips. You took a sip. It was sweet, just the way you liked it. Now it just made you feel worse knowing how much Bakugou's done for you, and yet you still ended up lashing out at him. "I don't deserve you Katsukiiii..." you sniffled.

"Shhh, don't say that. You deserve the world," Bakugou took the thermos from you, and set it to the side. He grabbed a smaller blanket from the closet and wrapped you up like a burrito. "Let's go downstairs. I'll put on Miraculous Ladybug for you."

"But you said that was for kids..."

"But don't you like it?"

"I do...."

Bakugou carried you down, bringing the basket of snacks along with him. He set you down on the living room couch, where you curled up like a caterpillar. Bakugou couldn't help but find you adorable, the way you wiggled around to find a comfortable position. He turned on the t.v, and started streaming that lame kid's show that for some reason you adored.

You didn't care if people called you childish. You liked what you liked. Sitting down on the couch and watching your comfort cartoon helped distract you from your emotions. You especially liked it when Ladybug and Cat Noir transforms. You don't care if you're well over adulthood, magic transformation slaps!

As you were enjoying the episode, a large hand placed a small tub of ice cream in front of your face. "Don't get too full on it. I'm making beef noodle soup for lunch," Bakugou reminded you as he sat down beside you.

"Thank you."

Bakugou placed an arm behind you, resting on the back of the couch, still unsure of whether or not it was okay to touch you. You ended his hesitation by leaning your head on him, and he finally placed his arms around your shoulder.

"Hey Katsuki."


"Adrien is a fucking dumbass."

"Yes, yes, Luka is best boy." He nodded while rubbing your shoulder soothingly. Normally he would tell you to shut the fuck up about that stupid show because you're always rambling on about these fictional characters from a kids show, but he wasn't going to tell you to shut up today. Rather than letting you have another meltdown like earlier, he'd rather listen to that annoying rant about fictional characters.

Bakugou didn't know whether it would offend you if he fell asleep, so he forced himself to keep his eyes open for the most boring 40 minutes of his life while you watched and commented on your favorite cartoon. He was so relieved when the pressure cooker started signaling that it was done, and he finally got up to finish making your lunch.

It seems that the nutritious comfort food was what you really needed to improve your mood. He was relieved to see you visibly calmer and relaxed. After you finished your lunch, Bakugou cleaned up after you while sending you off to continue watching some Miraculous Ladybug. By the time he made sure his kitchen was squeaky clean and came back to the living room to join you, you were clearly in a much better state than before, even the dark circles seemed to have gone away.

"Hey Baby." He sat down beside you, wondering if it's a good time to propose changing the channel.

"I wish they gave Nathaniel more screen time," your words caught him off guard. "I mean, he's such a nice kid. He's cute, he's artsy, and kind, and he obviously wants to help Ladybug. I wonder why they don't give him a Miraculous."

"Uhhhhhhh, yeah....." Bakugou just nodded and agreed. Looks like he's going to be stuck watching this monstrosity for a while.

You spent your afternoon watching t.v with Bakugou. For some reason neither the medicine nor the food coma was kicking in for you. While the cramp was going away, your mind was becoming more and more awake while watching hours of Miraculous Ladybug. Before you knew it, the sun was already starting to set. You looked over towards Bakugou, only to find him already passed out on the couch, probably bored of your hour long rants of how blind Adrien was and how stupid Marinette was.

You couldn't help but smile at the sight of Bakugou sleeping soundly on the couch. You knew how hard it must have been for him today to deal with you. For someone with such a fiery attitude, he sure held it in well today. Thanks to him, you were feeling much better. The piercing pain has gone away, leaving only a slight cramp in your lower belly, not enough to hinder your movements. The hormones have settled, and all the crying and mental breakdown earlier just felt silly.

You turned down the t.v volume a little bit, but you didn't turn off the t.v, for the drastic change in environment would wake him up. You got up from the couch, gently pulled the blanket over him, and went to prepare dinner. He always makes your comfort food when you're not feeling good, and you felt that he deserved some comfort food for everything he's done.

You weren't the best cook, mainly because you weren't given much of a chance to practice with Bakugou around, but the one thing you were good at making was spicy curry. Curry was one of the most popular dishes in Japan, and also one of the easiest to prepare. You remembered how surprised you were to find out that Bakugou, who was such a harsh food critic, favored curry over all the other gourmet food he made.

You weren't as passionate about cooking as Bakugou, but it was just as important to you to be able to make each other's comfort food. You don't say it enough, but you feel extremely lucky to be his lover, and sometimes you feel like you don't give back enough for what he's done for you. A lot of people justify getting princess treatment on their period because of the hormones and the pain their body goes through, but the people who have to deal with that deserve just as much credit, and you want him to know just how much you appreciate him for being there, even if he was too scared to approach you.

"Katsuki?" You were done with preparing dinner, and it was time to wake him up. You knelt in front of the couch, poking at his cheeks. "Katsuki, wake up."

His brows twitched as he stirred from his slumber. "Babe?"

"Get up, I made dinner."

Bakugou smelled the curry aroma in the air, his groggy eyes darting towards the kitchen before he plopped back on the couch with his arms over his eyes. "I thought I'd be making dinner," he muttered with some rasp in his voice.

"Well you were tired and I was feeling better, so I got it this time," you chuckled as you helped pull him up.

"You sure? You could've just woken me up you know," he said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"I'm really fine now Katsuki. Sorry you had to put up with all of that this morning," you replied as you pulled out his seat for him, but he didn't sit down. Instead, he pulled your seat out and sat you down first before sitting down himself.

"You don't need to apologize for anything," he said. "You were in pain, and I wasn't there for you." His hands balled into fists over the table as he looked down.

Your eyes softened as you placed your hand over his. "You were there for me Katsuki. You were there all morning. The coffee, the care package, the hot tea, the ice cream; you even sat through hours of Miraculous Ladybug today for me. It means a lot. I know you never show it but you do feel tired, and you deserve as much of a break as I do. I hate it when you beat yourself up for nothing, just like how you hate it when I do the same."

Bakugou rarely ever smiles non-sarcastically; he can't even do it for pictures. Every once in a while, however, you'll catch the faintest curl in his lips, the most genuine yet unnoticeable smile, and he had one on his face right now.

"And I've never said this before, but, you're the most caring, thoughtful, and romantic boyfriend I've ever had Katsuki."

Bakugou scoffed. "Considering I'm the only boyfriend you've ever had Fluff Buns, it's not much of a compliment."

You smacked him lightly on the shoulder. "Thanks for ruining the moment, King Explosion Murder. You could've just taken the compliment and go."

"Not gonna happen." He smirked as he leaned over, cupping your cheeks and planted a long kiss on your forehead. His lips were a bit chapped, but so warm and gentle against your skin. You felt his warmth travel from your forehead through every inch of your body, relaxing your muscles. Even the slightest discomfort you felt up till that moment seemed to get blown away.

Bakugou eventually pulled apart, but that warmth in your body didn't go away. He playgully ruffled your hair, his eyes softening at you with a loving gaze. "And you're the best lover I've ever had as well."

"You had someone before me?"

"No, but that's not the point."

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