Hello everyone! Here I am, finally finishing my requests from Azureman136. Since I took so long, I made it a little longer than normal. I should just stop saying that I will complete something by a certain time, because I am clearly not capable of writing chapters on time. Thank you for reading, and I hope you like it!
My breathing was constant as I tried my hardest to get enough oxygen. Hueco Mundo wasn't kind to me as I kept pushing myself to fight hollow after hollow. The only thing that was on my side in this cruel place was my sword, as I am one of the only remaining arrancar. My arm had gotten torn off in battle, and blood is pouring out of my body in various places as I struggle to stay conscious. If I can make to the human world than I think that I can make it through this, because I won't be getting constantly attacked. 'I just need an opening where I am not being attacked so I can open a Garganta to the human world' I thought to myself. Almost as if the gods were on my side, I finally found an opening where I wasn't being mobbed by hollows.
Being an Espada level arrancar payed off as I used descorrer* and opened a Garganta to the human world. A grin covered my bloodied face as I began travelling through the Garganta, and I made it to the human world. It's not over yet though, I still have to figure out where I can take shelter so I can take my time recovering from these stupid wounds. 'I don't have much time left to find a place to stay' I thought as my vision began to blur more. Quickly, I was able to sense someone's spiritual pressure, and I wasted no time in finding them. I ran in the sky with as much power that I could muster up until I reached the place where I sensed the spiritual pressure. I hopped in through a small open window where I found a orange-haired girl.
We stared at one another for a few seconds before I realized I don't have time for this shit. "Hey *orange-haired girl, I won't be able to stay conscious for long, but I am going to stay here for a while" I spoke with as much fierceness that I could to intimidate the woman before I completely blacked out.
*Timeskip to when you wake up*
I slowly peeled my eyes open and was instantly blinded by the Sun's bright rays. I looked over where my missing arm was supposed to be and realized it was no longer missing. 'What the hell, did I just dream all of that?' I questioned myself. I looked around the room that I was currently in, and went to move but ended up letting out a cry of pain. Did I get run over by a truck or something, because this is how I imagine you would feel after. I heard quick footsteps coming towards me, as I was greeted by the orange-haired girl with a worried look on her face. "Oh you are finally up, are you okay?" she asked. "I feel like crap, but yeah I am alive and okay. Are you the one who helped me?" I questioned her as I looked at the bandages that covered my body.
"Mhm, I didn't know what happened to you because you suddenly passed out, but I figured I would help you out since you looked like you were in pain. My name is Inoue Orihime" she spoke as her look changed from worried to a bright smile. My face that usually wore a slight frown couldn't help but smile a bit at the air-headed girl. What kind of idiot just helps a random person that broke into their house and tried to threaten them. Well I can't be mad because she ended up saving my life. "My name is (Y/N). Thanks for taking care of me, also quick question but how the hell did you bring my arm back" I asked Orihime as I was baffled at the sight of my arm being there and perfectly normal.
"Oh that, my hairpins actually have fairies in them that can be offensive, defensive, and they can heal" she explained like it was the most normal thing on the planet. So I was saved by magical, fairy hairpins... you know what it doesn't matter, all that matters is I have my freaking arm back and that I am alive. " I see, well uh thank you and the fairies for helping me out" I spoke slowly as I pondered on what to do next. Orihime seemed to be day dreaming as I got sucked up in my thoughts on my next plan of action. The day dreaming and thinking came to a stop as my stomach loudly grumbled. "Oh, I just finished cooking lunch before I came in to check on you, do you want some" she said as she walked to the kitchen without hearing my answer first.
I can't wait to finally eat some food. It looks like she lives alone, so she has to be pretty good at cooking so she doesn't starve herself to death right? Yeah, I bet this will be a great meal. Orihime walked back into the room that I was resting in and revealed the food to me. I cried at the sight of the weird mixture of food that was presented in front of me. I wanted to complain, but she looked so happy to serve this food like she was proud of it, and I am starving so why the hell not just eat. I picked up the chopsticks and began eating the food. (For some reason I imagine you eating pineapple and mayonnaise) It was definitely the weirdest meal I have eaten, but I continued to chow down on the weird mixture.
"Woah I have never seen anyone so happy to eat my cooking that they cried. I am happy that you really enjoy it." Orihime spoke clueless of the real reason behind my tears. "Y-Yeah it's amazing food, I have never had anything like it before" I managed to choke out trying not to spit out the contents in my mouth.
My next few days went like that, I continued to recover, Orihime fed me such weird food that I cried at every meal, and slowly I felt myself get sad at the thought of leaving the orange-haired girl once I figure out what I want to do with my life.
*Timeskip to about 2 weeks or so later*
"Hey (Y/N), you should come with me to meet my friends" Orihime said out of the blue, as we were lazing around her house like normal. "Your friends?" I questioned as I raised my eyebrow. "Yeah, you should meet Ichigo, and Chad, and Ishida, and-" "Okay, I get it, but what brought this up all of a sudden" I interrupted her. "Well, my friends want me to come over today and hang out, so I figured you should come with" she stated as a blush rose to her cheeks. I sighed as I knew I couldn't resist doing what Orhime wanted me to do. What a troublesome human she is, although I am an arrancar I know very well what this feeling I have towards her is. I am slowly falling in love with this girl. "Okay, I will go. When are we going" I stated as I gave into Orihime's wishes. She smiled brightly as she responded "We should leave right now."
*Timeskip to when they all meet up*
I almost felt a little nervous as we approached Ichigo's house. I want to get along with Orihime's and I want to be on their good side. I questioned Orihime about her friends the whole walk, and she explained how they can all see me, and she explained their previous encounters with arrancars and how they weren't so good. That is why I am feeling nervous, because I have a bad feeling that her friends definitely won't want to see me. Falling in love with this human isn't good for my mental health, making me stress out from something as stupid as meeting her friends. Through the door I could hear laughter and people bickering, as she knocked gently on the door to get the attention of her friends.
A carrot-haired boy opened the door and smiled at Orihime before glaring at me. Damn, not even in the door yet and he hates me. "Name's Ichigo, Orihime has told us a lot about you. Including the fact you are an arrancar" carrot boy said with menace in his voice. Returning his glare I spoke up "My name is (Y/N), Orihime has told me a lot about you. Including the fact you are a shinigami." Orihime noticed the tense atmosphere between us and began to get flustered as she started trying to get us to calm down. Ichigo launched a volley of punches at me within an instant, and I pushed Orihime into the house knowing things would get ugly.
"Tsk, seems like carrot boy can't handle having his sass returned to him" I sneered as I dodged his punches. I pulled my arm back and slammed my fist into his face throwing him back. He didn't respond to me as he stood back up and sprinted towards me. His fist smashed into my nose, and I felt blood begin to pour out of it. I glared at him so menacingly that even Satan would have been terrified. Things escalated from here as we went into an all out brawl. Both of us were so focused on beating the shit out of each other that we didn't notice Orihime as she approached us.
"STOP FIGHTING" Orihime's voice boomed and immediately dragged our attention to her. Tears begin to roll down her cheeks "(Y/N) is my friend Ichigo, it doesn't matter if they are an arrancar or not. He hasn't tried to hurt me this whole time, and we have been living together for the past two weeks. If he was our enemy, he could have easily killed me or taken me hostage within that time. Please just give him a chance." Ichigo's glare softened and he let out a loud sigh before staring at me. "I'll give you a chance (Y/N), but if you hurt my friends I'll beat the shit out of you" I smiled at carrot boy. Who knows, maybe this will be the start of the first friendship between an arrancar and a shinigami.
*Timeskip to when everyone becomes besties*
I mowed down on popcorn as everyone was gathered on the Kurosaki's couch, intently watching the horror movie. I laughed as another one of the idiots in the movie got chopped to pieces. No one batted an eye at me, as they knew that I am just the kind of person to laugh at something like that. I spent the past 2-3 weeks getting to know Orihime's friends, and although we butted heads at first I would consider us all decent friends now. Our little group of friends got together at carrot boy's house, in order to watch this very popular horror movie that recently came out. I don't know why it's so popular, but hey it gives me a reason for Orihime to get closer to me.
Not too much time passed before the movie ended, and we all called it a day before we parted ways. Me and Orihime started walking towards the place we call home, as I have officially begun to live with her. I grabbed her hand as we walked, ensuring the the air-head wouldn't do something stupid like get run over by a car. I still haven't found the courage to ask her out even after realizing my feelings for her weeks ago. Don't worry though, you will get to witness my awkwardness as I ask her out today.
"Orihime" I murmured, almost wanting her to not hear me. "Yeah (Y/N)?" she returned. I Inhaled and exhaled deeply before stopping and looking at her. "Look, I know this is stupid and cheesy, but Orihime I have been in love with you since we first met" I said quickly as red tinted my face. She stood there with shock clearly in her eyes, as she registered the words I said. I wasn't going to walk an inch till I got an answer from her, whether she rejects me or loves me back. She grabbed my hands and smiled towards the ground. Her face was tomato red, as she slowly lifted her head and spoke with a bright smile "I am so glad we feel the same way."
It was my turn to be shocked, as happiness filled me with her response. I gently moved my hands from hers to her waist and back as I pulled her into a kiss. I felt her arms wrap around my neck which pulled me deeper into the kiss. The seconds that passed were heavenly, as I felt the heavy burden that I had carried fall off of my shoulders. Breaking away, I held her hand as we continued our walk home. I had the largest smile on my face as I asked a question I already knew the answer to "Orihime, will you be my girlfriend?" She let out a giggle before responding "Of course I will be your girlfriend!"
*Timeskip to a month later*
"Hey (Y/N), do you want me to make lunch" Orihime questioned after hearing my stomach loudly grumble. I sighed "Look Orihime, I love you a lot, but please let me do all the cooking." She frowned a little before responding with a smile "I love you too."
~~The End~~
*Not 100% sure, but I am pretty sure that descorrer or something like that was the name of the technique that the Espada used to get to the human world.
*Uh, so I know people call orange-haired people red-haired, but it feels weird to call Orihime the red-haired girl when her hair is orange. Just wanted to clear this up so wars don't start in the chat between whether it's red-haired or orange-haired.
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