Kamui Part 2 ~~ Gintama

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Hello everyone! Someone commented on a one shot I posted a while ago asking for a part 2 of the Kamui one shot. I don't know if they were just kidding or not, but here we are. Thank you for reading!

"Kamuiiiiii" I whined out laying across a chair in his office area. "Stop whining (Y/N), it won't be much longer until we get there" Kamui said trying to get me to quiet down. "Where are we going again?" I questioned my boyfriend. "... I don't remember, but I heard that there is supposed to be someone strong here" he explained to me. I giggled at him knowing nothing about the planet we were going to besides it having a strong person on it. "Do you at least know the name of the person we are looking for?" I asked. "Nope, not a clue" he responded. That's my Kamui, not thinking about anything else besides its a strong man. "Oi Captain, (Y/N). We are stationing at uh... what was the name of this place again?" Abuto interrupted. "Dunno" Kamui and I responded in unison. "Whatever, it doesn't matter" Abuto shrugged off the fact that none of us knew where we were landing.

I looked out the ship's window and saw a  shady looking planet. The atmosphere was very gloomy, and it seemed as if this was a gloom that never left. It kinda reminded me of Rakuyou, but there are plenty of planets out there which are gloomy, rainy, and harbor some crazy people.  "(Y/N) we've docked, let's go" Kamui spoke as he grabbed my hand. I smiled at how cute he can be even though he is a bloodthirsty Yato. I reached over to grab my umbrella, that was leaning next to the door, as we walked out into the ship's corridors. Kamui already had his umbrella opened and propped on his shoulder, which left me to figure out how to open up the umbrella when one of my hands is occupied. I was able to partially open it, and I began shaking it violently in attempt to get it to fling itself open. Kamui was watching me struggle the whole time and slightly laughed, "Can I let go?" I asked him. "I think it would be more entertaining to watch you struggle" he said with a happy smile on his face

Oh, that's right! He's a sadistic bastard,  I almost forgot. I glared at him before going back to shaking my umbrella, sooner or later it will click open. "What the hell are you doing?" Abuto questioned as he walked up next to me. "I am trying to open my umbrella with one hand, because sadist prince over here won't let go of me hand" I grumbled out. "You better hurry up (Y/N), we are almost out of the corridor" Kamui teased. I glanced forward and saw the pouring rain that we would soon be entering. "You're on your own kid" Abuto said to me as he popped open his umbrella and walked ahead. I don't mind getting wet from the rain, but I personally don't feel like being in wet, sticky, and cold clothing while hunting for a random person. "Hmm, Kamui, you know if I go into the rain my clothes are going to get all wet" I stated. He gave me a weird look, probably wondering where I am going with this, "The wet clothing is going to cling to my body, and I can't imagine how many men are going to stare at me" I said smirking.

Kamui was clearly affected by this as a look on anger and jealously washed over his face. He immediately let go of my hand, and snatched the umbrella out of my hands. He was not gentle with the poor umbrella as he slammed it open, surprisingly not breaking it. He placed it back into my hand before tightly gripping my other hand with his. "If any man looks at you I'll kill him" he said with a serious tone. I just smiled, even though I knew he was a 100% serious that he would kill any man who looks at me for too long. We stepped out of the corridor, onto the wet ground of the gloomy planet. "Do you even know what the dude we are hunting looks like?" I asked the vermilion haired boy. "No, but if I see him I'll know it's him" he stated, causing me to sweat drop.

I glanced around and saw groups of people, gathered around in the different alleyways we passed. I wasn't afraid since I am strong, and Kamui is here, but some of these people are giving me the creeps. What weirdos. I focused my sight to an upcoming alleyway, which had bounty posters stuck all over the building's walls. "Kamui, let's go look at the posters and see if you recognize any of the people there" I said as I began to pull him with me to the poster wall. He hummed as he glanced over all the poster hung up, "That dude there! He is my prey" Kamui said pointing to a poster of a man with a twirly mustache. The man was apparently called Jun Sugase, has a super twirly mustache, blonde hair, brown eyes and looked quite handsome. Not my type though, because I am more into a bloodthirsty Yato with vermilion colored hair. "Let's go check out bars, he seems like the kind of dude you'd see at a bar perving on ladies" I said. "He really does seem like he would be the kind of guy to do that" Kamui agreed with my thoughts. And now it's time to wander until we find Jun.

*TImeskip to when they are searching the last bar*

"I guess your prediction may not be completely accurate (Y/N), we have checked just about every bar on this planet and we haven't found him" Kamui hummed out. "There is still one more bar to check Kamui, be more optimistic!" I shouted pointing toward the bar in front of us. Kamui didn't respond as he just pushed the bar door open and walked in. We both scanned the room for Jun and I whispered out a faint "Holy shit." I burst out laughing as I spotted a short old man, with blonde hair, brown eyes, and an extremely curly mustache. He had his arms wrapped around two young women, and he was hitting on the other women sitting at the bar.  "What are you laughing at (Y/N)?" Kamui questioned. I didn't respond as I approached the old man, "Oi, old man are you Jun Sugase?" The old man looked at me before letting go of the ladies and hopping off the bar stool. As he landed, his back cracked loudly as he shouted a few curses, "Jun Sugase be me young lady how can I help you." I looked over at Kamui who began approaching me and the old man. "You really don't look like your picture on your bounty poster" I said in between laughs.

"It's called Photoshop, all the youngsters use it nowadays. It always brings cuties like you to me" the creepy old man said pinching my ass. I pulled my fist back to sock the old man, put Kamui interrupted me. "I came here to kill you anyways old man, I heard you were strong. Now I'll definitely kill you for touching my woman!" Kamui said with a sadistic smile whilst cracking his knuckles. The old man didn't seem fearful, while Kamui pulled his arm back and slammed his fist into the old man's face. Blood spattered out of Jun's mouth as he slammed through the wall of the bar and a few other neighboring buildings. I didn't expect the old man to react, but he was able to get his feet on the ground and get stable, "My, my, this is the strongest punch I have felt from a youngster like you... but you are still weak!" The old man launched himself towards Kamui and slammed a sidekick into his face, breaking through the walls of neighboring buildings on the other side of the bar.

I am glad we are leaving after this, because the building owners are going to be pissed. The old man and Kamui began fiercely throwing barrages of attacks at one another, while I just calmly watched while dodging any attacks that came near me. This whole situation was odd, and amusing for me to watch. An old man, who doesn't seem to be a Yato, is keeping up with Kamui? "Kamui! Beat his ass into the next galaxy!" I shouted out to cheer on my boyfriend. I saw a bloodthirsty smirk form on his blood splattered face. Aww, Kamui is just so precious, smiling like that after hearing my words of encouragement. Yeah... our relationship is... strange? Well to be fair, I am pretty sure we are both psychopaths, so it's expected that things are like this.

The fight continued to drag on as the old man dished out blows, Kamui equally returning them. I completely zoned out as I focused my complete attention onto the fight occurring in front of me. Fighting was always my thing, which defines helped me and Kamui to find common ground about our interests. It was always so thrilling to be fighting against someone incredibly strong, and being able to put your all into every attack. The old man now seemed to be struggling to keep up with Kamui, as his movements got more sluggish. That was where it all ended, Kamui had thrown an uppercut at the old man and utterly destroyed him with the strength behind his punch. The old man flew upwards before slamming into the ground, unconscious. Kamui was stood victoriously, panting and splattered with blood.

I quickly ran to the man and gave him a big hug and a peck on the cheek. "You really whooped his ass Kamui, but I gotta say, that old fart put up a better fight than most people" I said to him while still holding onto his arm. "That's not how you treat a winner," he said as he pulled my chin up to look at him, "this is" he whispered put before pulling me into a kiss. After pulling away he sighed, "I can't believe he just turned out to be another weakling." I patted his shoulder knowing he was probably a mixture of angry and disappointed at the fact that the twirly stache dude turned out to be weaker than him. "HEY YOU ASSHOLES BETTER PAY FOR THIS" "YOU DESTROYED MY BAR THAT I INVESTED MY LIFE SAVINGS INTO" "YOU STUPID BRAT" was shouted at us from the mob of angry people surrounding us. "Well (Y/N), it seems like we should run back to the ship now" Kamui said while grabbing my hand. "Agreed" was all I responded while sprinting with him back to the ship. As we ran through the streets, I caught sight of Abuto and quickly warned him, "RUN ABUTO, KAMUI PISSED SOME PEOPLE OFF AGAIN!" We already passed Abuto before I could hear his response, however I did hear him release a loud sigh as we passed.

I laughed happily as Kamui and I continued to run through the streets. While running I couldn't help but turn my attention to Kamui as he overtook me. It was quite random, but I began to mentally think about how much I loved the vermillion haired boy and our crazy antics. I was mesmerized by Kamui as I watched his braid bounce on his back, and his eyes focus in on the path before him. It reminded me about how happy I am to be not only reunited with him, but to also have become his lover. I picked up my pace to be equal with Kamui, as I intertwined our hands together. He simply looked over at me with a light smile on his face before gripping my hand tight and running forward. Laughter erupted from me, as I felt so excited to be hand in hand with my psychopathic boyfriend. However, the mobs of angry citizens behind us didn't matter as I could only think about the crazy future I would experience along with Kamui.

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