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Breakfast that next morning was successful, both Brent and Maisie very grateful that the waffles were so good, leaving them to use stuffing their face as an excuse to keep the talking to a minimum. Not that they didn't want to be around each other, it's just that they didn't really know what to say and neither of them wanted to be the one to screw things up again. 

Ecstatic was an understatement to describe Brent's emotions as Maisie walked over to the passenger side of his car so that they could trek to work together. Granted, this time they would actually have to use words to fill their mouths with instead of waffles. 

"So...." Maisie started. 

"So," Brent repeated, both of them at a loss for words. 

Why had it been so easy to start a conversation after not talking for two weeks but it was so difficult now? 

"How have you been these past couple of weeks? Like, how have you really  been?" Maisie started again. 

"I've been quite, I guess. Kind of lonely, a little bit on edge but, nonetheless, I've been okay. How have you  been, Mace?" 

Trying to pretend like the familiar nickname didn't bring a zoo to her stomach, Maisie answered, "I've been worried, honestly. Worried how you were doing, worried that your mom might fire me, worried that I may burn my house down trying to cook, but mostly worried about you." 

"You could've just asked me how I was doing, you know, like two weeks ago, you know that, right?" 

"I thought that we went over this already, Brent, I really thought you hated me!"

"First of all, like I already said, never in million years could I hate you - no matter how much I wish I could sometimes. Secondly, was the one that kissed you.  It was totally my move, therefore, I shouldn't logically have a reason to hate you." 

"Wait, what's that supposed to mean? No matter how much you wish you could hate me sometimes?" Maisie asked, feigning offence. 

"It's simple," Brent said, parking the car in front of his building, "If the pretty girl who was supposed to be helping me, and I quote, "work on my anger issues "  was physically possible to not like, I would have a lot less feelings coursing through me and, in turn, that would make my life a hell of a lot easier." 

Neither of them said another word as they stepped onto the elevator and made their way up to the office. Brent was cursing himself for seeming so vulnerable in front of her and Maisie was having the most brutal battle with her face, contorting it in many impressive ways to make sure that she didn't have the biggest and cheesiest grin stretching itself across it. 

They walked at a leisurely pace from the elevator to his office doors. Brent, while still cursing himself, was beginning to realize on major detail: it was now or never. Either Masie felt the same way about him as he did about her - which he was still avoiding admitting to himself - and she wanted to continue whatever it was that they could have started that night at her parents vacation home or she regretted that kiss, realized it was a mistake, and only wanted to continue on with a strictly professional relationship. 

Brent decided that the decision was entirely up to Masie, in no way was he going to influence her one way or another - no matter how much he was hoping she'd go for the first option. He came to the conclusion that he wasn't going to waste any more time with these thoughts brooding in the back of his mind and that as soon as they stepped through his office doors, which were approaching at a dangerously fast speed, he was just going to come right out and say it. 

They were placing their items on their respective desks when both of them took a deep breath and turned around. 



They both started at the same time. 

"You first," Maisie quickly insisted, happily putting off her question for as long as she possibly could. 

Knowing that if he didn't do it now then he never would, Brent began, "Listen, I know we have both established that neither one of us regret kissing each other that night but - God, I can't believe I'm about to just say it - before it tortures me any longer, do you wanna, you know, keep that whole thing going or go back to us pretending like we only have platonic feelings for each other?" 

They both stood there, neither one of them having the courage to do much of anything. 

Until Brent's nerves got the best of him. 

"You know what? That was totally stupid of me to ask. I mean, who does things like that? Please, for the love of all that is good, Mace, forget everything I just said. It was so idiotic of me to even think that you wou-," his rambling was soon ended my Masie. 

In two very long strides she had made her way over to him, took his face in between her hands, and brought his lips down to meet hers. 

Their smiles cut the kiss short and Maisie was the first to speak. "Actually, I think I want to keep that whole thing going," she said, repeating his words. 

With his hands still on her waist, their bodies still pressed up against each other, and smiles the size of a small country still on their faces, Brent asked, "So, what was it you were going to ask me a couple of minutes ago?" 

"That doesn't matter now, I think you just answered my question." 


If anybody was actually reading and enjoying this book before, then I am SO SORRY that I waited almost six months to update another chapter. To be honest, it didn't even feel like it was that long and I don't have any real excuses other than I got super busy and distracted in my personal life and lost motive to keep this going for a while. 

If I even have anybody out there that likes Anger Issues, then I sincerely apologize and I promise that I am going to try and get back into the swing of things! 

I appreciate you all 


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