Time out

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"Do you have everything you need. I'll be back in a couple days. Ugh I miss you guys already." Genevieve smiled.

"Genevieve seriously." Sam called from the car.

"Okay okay I'm coming. I love you guys." She said kissing Cas quickly.

Cas smiled waving as they drove off in the impala." Let's go feed you."

Little Caela giggled in Cas's arms. Cas tickled her slightly pulling more giggles from her.

Time skip

"Dean Winchester what the hell do you think your doing?" Genevieve asked putting a hand on her hip.

"What does it look like sweet heart." Dean retorted.

"Oh god." Sam whispered.

Genevieve gave Sam a look before staring back at Dean. The knife of Cain flew into Genevieve's hand.

"Hey." Dean yelled.

"If your going to act like a spoiled brat I'm going to treat you like one." Genevieve stated snapping her fingers.

Dean threw his hand out meaning to fling them away but nothing happened." What did you do to me?" Dean asked enraged.

"Nothing much. Come on now your grounded."

"What no I'm not." Dean said.

Sam laughed doubling over. He knew that in a few seconds Genevieve would give her excellent mom look and Dean demon or not would cave in.

"Yes ma'am." Dean sighed waiting Genevieve to stop looking at him like that.

"This is why I brought you." Sam told her.

Snapping her fingers they were all back at the bunker." Cas were back. "

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