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Caela as your looking at Gabe I'll be doing the same thing.

"Gabriel and now Castiel. All that lost love must take a toll on you." Metatron said.

"You never loved anyone but yourself and power." Genevieve stated.

"On the contrary dear. We were all in love with you. But you feel for Gabriel even if he wasn't your soulmate."

"Goodbye Metatron. War starts tomorrow." Genevieve said.

Metatron kissed her cheek before she disappearing.

Genevieve sat on the ground of the house her and Gabriel had lived in not long ago. She closed her eyes pressing her knees to her chest.

Genevieve opened her eyes even she heard one of her favorite songs to dance to come on the radio that had previously been off. Looking around she saw rose petals and candles all over the floor.

"May I have this dance?"

Genevieve whipped around to see Gabriel or an illusion of him. Gabriel offered his hand to her smiling. He wiggled his eyebrows at her. Genevieve laughed taking his hand.

"Happy anniversary my love." Gabriel whispered pulling her closer.

"Happy anniversary Gabriel." Genevieve smiled.

She rested her head on his shoulder breathing in his scent for maybe the last time.

"I miss you." Genevieve sighed.

The song has played on repeat so they'd danced until their feet hurt. Now they were sitting on the couch cuddling and eating candy.

"I feel so lost without you. You always helped me but now you can't. I don't if your hiding or if your." Genevieve choked.

"Hey, listen to me baby girl." Gabriel said pulling her into a sitting position." Your going to be just fine and so am I. You my dear are so strong. This is nothing compared to what we've been through. Your going to get through this."

Genevieve wrapped her arms around him as she cried into his chest. Gabriel sat there combing his fingers through his hair until she fell asleep. Gabriel sighed snapping his fingers. A small golden colored lynx with black ears appeared. As the lynx cuddled it's way into Genevieve's arms Gabriel laid roses and salted caramels on the table.

"I love you so so much. I'm so sorry I had to leave." He apologized.

Gabriel kissed her forehead before disappearing.

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