Chapter Three

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"Genevieve." Metatron sighed.

Castiel looked around to see Genevieve.

"What?" Castiel asked confused.

"Genevieve you've been hiding fit quite some time now. But it doesn't surprise me that your out now. Your angel lover is dead now." Metatron said going to circle Genevieve.

"Don't you dare talk about Gabriel like you know him. He died protecting what he created. He died protecting me from Lucifer because you and I both know you'd be screwed if Lucifer had gotten me." Genevieve warned.

"What is going on?" Cas asked.

"Poor confused little Cas. It doesn't surprise me you don't know about dear little Genevieve. Not many do." Metatron told Castiel trailing his hand over her shoulder.

"Stop playing coy Metatron. Tell him and then get on with it." Genevieve sighed.

"Oh do call me by the name. I love it." Metatron smiled. "You gave us all such lovely pet names."

"Daisy." Genevieve whispered.

"Ah yes there it is. I remember you always giving me daisies. I was constantly wearing flower crowns made of them. One day you came in laughing happily and placed one on my head. Smiling you told me your were going to start calling me daisy." Metatron smiled.

"That was a long time ago." She sighed.

"That it was my dear. Castiel Genevieve was made from our fathers grace and some other things that no one really knows of but him. She was truly a gift to us all." Metatron explained." So my dear why would you take Castiel's place?" He asked.

"Gabriel." Genevieve answered.

"He was always very fond of Castiel." Metatron confirmed.

"Why? Why doesn't anyone know about you? Why are we talking about Gabriel?" Castiel asked confused.

"The boys were at each other's throats. Fighting over everything. Micheal was crazed over getting approval. Lucifer was misunderstood and wanted love and when the brother he thought would always stick with didn't he wanted revenge. Uriel was angry and wanted to inflict pain on anyone he could. You and Raphael were obsessed with power. Gabriel. My Gabriel didn't want anything to do with the fighting. The only thing he ever wanted was me to be happy and safe. That's all he ever wanted which is why we hid." Genevieve explained tears prickling her eyes. "Which is why you know me."

Genevieve turned around to Castiel.

"I will take his place. I will fight against you."

"Let me go deal with Castiel's soldiers and I will be back with my answer." Metatron said leaving.

"Why are you trying to take my place?" Castiel asked.

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