03 | Being sinful is not easy

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03 | Being sinful not easy


Lili walks back and forth, striding long steps from one corner of the room to the other. She's going breathless from the moment she entered the bedroom of her selene named Jeon Jungkook, in where, she's still drawing out strategies and tactics to accomplish her mission within the limited time she has––no, they have. The noise of the main door is heard, first opened and then briskly closed against the frame.

Her nervousness starts creeping under her skin as she hears the footsteps nearing from the stairs. She's not used to being on an alien place, in fact it's her first time on Earth and she already feels the gravity making her knees weak instead of she being intangible. Lili's loyal, but at the same time irresponsible towards her serene, who is in his early twenties and she never in this last 5 Blisses and nth glissandos bothered to look after him. I mean, she's had her own life to live––her excuse. Who'd care about a human when she'd the luxurious and privileged life in Felicia and she enjoyed it to fullest, it never crossed or piqued her mind to go and give a look at a human who's name was printed in Lili's stellar-astero diary the moment he was born, as if being sealed with fate the second he breathed oxygen with its own nostrils.

The door-knob turns down and a guy enters, in casual black T-shirt and trousers, hair messed up and his face fell-down––seemingly dog-tired. It's Lili's first time to see a human that close and she's close to fainting, not that there's a big difference between the appearances of humans and angels. It's a matter of minute distinction. Humans are exposed to all kind of vulnerabilities––from the UV rays of the Sun, to the impurities in air, and rashes over skin to the in-depth stone in kidneys, from microorganisms to the gigantic wild animals, in all––humans are intertwine with pros and con. While angels are celestial and heavenly.

Lili diminishes herself in the corner. In spite of being invisible, she's really insecure about the whole place, her swan-white feathery wings shrink and adjusts besides the cold walls. The instant the man enters the room, a certain warmth emanates which makes Lili more scared of the consequences. She's supposed to be audacious, but her timidness is being too high in here, and she just stares down the man who throws the bag he's been holding on the bed.

With a deep exhale, he slumps against the fluffy cushion, his eyelids involuntarily curtains his eyes. Lili heedfully tip toe towards him and glances in different directions, as if she might get caught doing something forbidden. She positions her face just above Jungkook's, gingerly, and stares down at him. His creamy face is drenched with sweat making it look awkwardly intriguing to her. And his hair strands are sticking to each other with moisture gluing it, exposing his forehead. Lili's eyes travel to his thin lips, which are slightly apart. A mole, beauty spot, is engraved just below––almost at the edge of his lower-full lip. He's got baby lips––she thought, and then shifts back her gaze over his closed eyes.

Just then, very unexpectedly, he slid open his eyes, and like the fairy she is, with the twist of impalpable air above, she disappears within milliseconds into the thinness, leaving blue stardust and a white feather behind which slowly settles down over the bed. Jungkook scratches his head in confusion, still unaware and undeniably oblivious to the fact that his guardian angel just had a brief visit. For a second, he thought he saw something glittering in the air but with the blink of an eye, it was gone. But of course he hasn't failed to notice the fragile feather which particularly isn't as normal as it looks––it's extraterrestrial after all.

"I'm sure, there's a woman who saved me," a protesting high pitched male voice echoes in the VIP-ward of Seoul-Life Hospital.

"Stop talking nonsense, there's no trace of any woman," a female voice retorts, nearly spitting venom, but still, there's this softness in her voice which is inscrutable, "there's no woman with cherry blon-"

"Strawberry blonde, I said," the man interrupts. And from the hallways it is evident that the patient isn't as easy to handle as he looks. He's been seemingly arguing with his Personal Assistant about some blonde lady whom he claims to be his savior. Although, according to doctors, he was drugged on the day he was being attempted to kill, and it must be his hallucinations, but no, he's quite firm to his words and gripped on to them till this day. A whole week. And despite denying his claims again and again by the people around, from doctors to cops, and even his close friends, his description about the lady is quite precise, precise enough to believe. But for goodness shakes, not a single CCTV camera caught her––how's this possible if she do exists?––the questions which are being thrown on him over and over again.

"Let's be clear, how she's like? you sure, she exists?"
There was a minute silence before the same voice spoke again. "Then how the heck did she disappear out of nowhere? Nobody saw her, no cameras caught her, and there's absolutely nothing she left as a clue. I mean, is that even possible for a woman to show up at the terrace of the hotel building you were staying, saving you and then, disappearing like a fairy godmother? And who the heck wears flower crowns these days? It's just your mind, Jimin."

The door slams against the frame, and click of heels resonates in the hallways––and as the tall lady in white blouse and black pencil skirt disappears in the lift, Rosie pops up at the entrance of the room at breakneck speed, where apparently a cocky man named Park Jimin, was admitted in. She charily peeps into the room forward-tilting her head and makes sure she's not under his visionary radar. It's weird how a person can sometimes surprisingly witness an Angel while other times, even if an Angel slaps a human––he'll doubtlessly regard it his own creative hat-snatching delusion. And it is well noted that humans tend to gain the ability of seeing angels at their extreme ends, either birth––when they can't even spell a single alphabet, or at the time of their twilight years, where end is just few minutes apart––just the case how Jimin happened to see her.

Jimin presses his forehead in distraught, his free hand is holding a wilting-pinkish white rose, which was apparently a part of Rosie's crown and the only proof that someone really was there, if not, then the flower's a mirage and the woman a chimera. His defends seem to be worthless, no one seems to believe him after all the drama. Everyone thinks he's not in his right mind. Although being tired of convincing people, he's not yet ready to lose hope. How could he hope not?

But unaware of the presence of the woman whom he's been searching for a week with all his limits possible, from money to all the knots and connections, nevertheless, failure seems to be reality. Suddenly, his left hand senses a twitching and fluttering movement, and the moment his eyes land on the said hand, he gasps in astonishment. His rose is now blossoming brighter than the first time he held it, and glinting with sparkling dew-dusts. The owner's presence is being discerned by the dainty rose, which to Roseanne's surprise alerted and even hinted Jimin to swivel his head towards her. This suddenness only created agitation in her. She chooses to disappears in a split second, but Jimin's senses are quicker to mark her presence. She's here––he mentally yelled and hauled out of his bed to chase what's already gone.


A/N : haha. Lol poor Jimin. Aah, I'm excited to write down the encounter of Yoongi and Jennie. And also, Jisoo and.... (Let's keep you in suspense )

Hit vote and leave views. Although there's not much readers yet, but I'm still enjoying writing it so much coz it's totally different from my other fanfics. And ah, I'll work on the characters' appearances more after the 4 angels descend to earth as punishment.


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