[10] Where are we?

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I slowly opened my eyes and groaned in pain. I sat up and saw that I was in a room. I was laying on a bed and looked around and saw a fireplace out, paintings all over the room with paintings of sunsets. The windows were covered with blinds. I panicked I had no idea where I was.. I Colby and my friends.. I rushed out of bed and quietly searched the nightstand. Nothing. I opened the door and quietly walked out closing the door behind me. The halls were long with many other doors. I looked for a weapon or some kind but was stopped with someone's wrist stopping me. I gasped and punched them in the face

???: Ow!

He held his face and looked at me like I was crazy

Y/n: who are you?!
???: You don't remember me?
Y/n: am I supposed to?
???: I was your dad's partner back then!
Y/n: what? No..
???: Don't believe me?
Y/n: no I don't. And where are my friends?! What have you done!
???: Nothing! I swear! Theyre in other rooms. And I am your dad's partner. Or well, used to be partner
Y/n: how am I supposed to believe you were actually my dad's partner?

He looks away thinking before looking back at me with a smile

???: Follow me.
Y/n: how do I know you won't trap me?
???: You can tie my hands. I don't care but I promise you that I was your dad's partner.
Y/n: ...Fine. Show me what you want to show me.

He nodded and lead me upstairs where I saw many other doors and paintings.

He must be a painter..

He took me to some room and put his palm on his wooded wall. It opened some door and he took me in with him. I looked behind me and saw the entrance zip close quickly. I hesitantly followed him. The only things I saw were weapons.. lots of them. He opened his eye and a flash of red light copied his retina and entered it in the device. It opened a metal door. He let me go first and pushed him in making him do a face at me. He turned on a light and saw loads of weapons, gear, ammo, pretty much what you see in the Stark lab.

???: Here.

He handed me an old dusty box. I opened it and saw dad's old tranquilizer darts. I laughed

Y/n: guess you are his partner..
???: Yep. I told you. I remember when he used to say, "I'm a professional aimer" but always missed
Y/n: *laughs* he even write his name on these too.

I close the box and smile at him

Y/n: it's nice to see you again, Griffin (I need help w/ names >~<)
Griffin: nice to see you too, Y/n. Now, I think you want to see your friends right?
Y/n: yea.
Griffin: come on.

As we walked to one of the rooms he faced me

Griffin: you know you remind me alot of your father
Y/n: not the first time ive heard that one
Griffin: cause its true. You have the same personality as him. Brave, loyal, strong, and a smartass

I chuckled at that as he opened the door for me. I saw Tara on a bed still unconcious, Jake was on the floor with many blankets and him as a matress, Colby next to him on the same thing, and Sam on a chair that leans back so it makes it like a bed kind thingy.. (😓)

Y/n: are they okay?
Griffin: yea. They just passed out.. warmwholing can cause a person to pass out sometimes. But don't worry it's normal.

I hear Colby groan and I rush to his side holding his hand as he sat up and held his head

Colby: wha-
Y/n: don't worry everyone else is here.
Colby: where are we?
Y/n: at my dad's partner house
Colby: oh.

Everyone else started waking up so I checked them to see if they were ok

Griffin checks them and smiles at me telling me that they were all ok

Tara: where-
Y/n: were at my dad's partner house
Tara: oh.

They get up and look at Griffin. He awkwardly smiles at them and they wave at him

Corey: what world did.we get stuck at?
Y/n: yea what world are we in?
Griffin: you guys didn't just visit me?
Y/n: no. Our- my world gog attacked by a goblin.. one.of the guards blew it up..
Griffin: oh no.. that means-
Y/n: yea. Me and Sam don't have alot of time so we have to get back to our world and kill the bastards and get our world back before they take it over.
Griffin: did- did you say a goblin..?
Y/n: yea?
Griffin: oh no.. come on. You guys need to train and- and get rid of him and his people before it's too late. Come on get geared up..

He takes us to the room we were previously in but I stop him before he takes us all in the Stark looking lab

Y/n: why? What's wrong?
Griffin: 1: you and your friend Sam will disappear 2: the goblin will take over many other worlds and before you know it, all worlds will bsides over.. nobody will be around besides the goblins.. again..
Y/n: you're telling me theyve done this before?
Griffin: yes.. 1,000 years ago..
Y/n: dad..
Griffin: yes. The war wasn't about the dragon.. it was about the goblins. The dragon did get fought and the dragon did belong to the demons but that Dragon was originally from the goblins before the demon gods decided to steal the dragon as their own and that lead to a war between the goblins and the demons. Not the dragon.
Corey: woah..

I couldn't form any words.. everything.. everything that my parents ever told me was a lie.. it wasn't bout the stupid dragon.. it was the goblins..

Y/n: but why didn't they just tell us that it was-
Griffin: it was the goblins? They didn't dare to speak of it again.. it tramatized them. The same problem yall are having is the same problem they delt with when they were your age.

I looked down. I saw Colby's hand reach mine and reach it wanting to tell me that he's there for me.

Griffin: that's why I need you all of you to take down that bastard for once and for all.
Jake: so you're gonna give us badass gear? Sweet.
Corey: Jake.
Jake: what? I'm just trying to lighten the mood
Tara: you're doing a great job.
Jake: *rolls eyes*
Griffin: come along. Now, Corey?
Corey: yea?
Griffin: I give you the suit of a caring young man. It's called something more fancy but I call it the 'nice guy suit'. For you being a weredog, the suit will atomatically change itself into your transformation. (pls imagine the suit for the characters. I'm lost uhhh 😂) Jake.
Jake: yes sirrr?
Griffin: for you being the groups light, and joy, I give you the 'happy suit'.
Jake: yes! The happy suit!
Griffin: Tara
Tara: yesss
Griffin: since you have the same transformation as Jake, and being a badass at times, I give you the 'badass girl suit'
Tara: told you I was badass
Jake: whatever.
Griffin: Colby. The demon. The kind hearted but seen as a cold hearted person from people who don't understand you.

Colby looks down. He looks up at him again once he feels Griffin's hand on his shoulder

Griffin: but you're not cold hearted or a Demon to us. So I give you 'the bold' because you may not see yourself bold and bright because of what other people have called and seen you as. But you're just.. like all of us.

Colby smiles and hugs him taking the suit

Colby: thank you.
Griffin: no problem. And Y/n. I have a special one for you.
Y/n: um. Ok.

He goes to a glass case and opens us and shows me the suit that my mother wore

Y/n: is this?
Griffin: yep. This is your father's old suit. I mean yea it's a boys suit but maybe it'll look good in you.
Y/n: wow.. thank you! I- I have no words um.
Griffin: *chuckles* it's fine. Now a way home.
Colby: you have a portal opener or something?
Griffin: ..we don't have those in this world..
Corey: what?
Griffin: the only thing we have identical to a portal opener, is a power transfer.
Jake: a wha?
Griffin: it's a really old thing travellers used before we invented portal openers
Tara: alright. Where is it?
Griffin: oh that old thing? Oh that's wayyyy too far. Plus they have really high security over that thing in some town.
Jake: well let's get there now! We have protection!
Griffin: you have to go through many obstacles before you even reach that power transfer
Y/n: let's just take chances. If we get caught there will be a way out. There always is.
Griffin: you sure you want to go there?
Tara: yes! We're ready! We took down goblins and many other things how bad could it be?
Griffin: very bad.
Jake: wow thanks for the motivation
Griffin: would you rather be lied to? Or told the truth?

Jake shut his mouth na d mumbled truth. I looked at Griffin seriously

Y/n: now where is this town you said had the Power Transfer?

Griffin looked at me and took a nap out of one of the suits and opened it putting it on the Table in front of them. He grabbed a red sharpie and circled the town. My eyes widened


1642 words

Sorry I haven't updated I just always seem to click on this book but then say "eh I'll do it later". The Trollsvill thing yeaaaa I just had no idea what name to call it heh. I'm gonna start school in 3 days so updates will be slow but don't worry I'll try to update this book again and I'll prob update Colby Brock Gif Imagines tomorrow cause it's 3:43 rn heh.

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