Skates and Presents ( πŸŽ„ Christmas 2k19 Spc. πŸŽ„ )

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Merry 4 Days Late Christmas!

     It was the time of the year again, it's Christmas! Everyone in U.A had been given a christmas break until January, which means free AC and Hot Chocolate!

   It was Christmas Eve today and I just got out of bed, 9 in the morning, I got in the shower and took a long hot shower. Then, I got ready to go out and get breakfast, I wore a hoodie Tenya left in my room a few weeks ago, still smells like him, and went out.

   As I walked to the living room, I realised that there were more decorations to the dorms than before. It looked amazing! When I reached the living room, I saw almost everyone there, I greeted them and went to the kitchen to have breakfast.

   I made myself some simple breakfast, two layered pancakes and ( Some extra fruits of your choice ), with maple syrup of course. I sat down and ate my breakfast peacefully as I checked on whats new on social media. Nothing much actually, just the usual, just people posting about their decorations for christmas. It was nice to see other people celebrating christmas too.

  When I finished my breakfast I wen't to Tenya's dorm to greet him good morning, because he always dosen't pick up my good morning texts until about 12 p.m. As I walked around, the decorations for the boys dorm are very different from the girls. But it's a good different.
   I knocked on his door but no answer, 'Is he out? It's quite early,' I thought, I knocked about but still no answer. I opened the door only too see him on the balcony with the door closed. 'No wonder.' I thought. I walked up to him and opened the door, "Tenya" I said, he looked behind and saw me, "Oh, good morning ( Y/N )." He said as he kissed my forhead.

   "What are you doing out here?" I asked, "I'm just watching the snow fall. It's really pretty." He said, "You're not wrong, snow is really pretty." I said, "But it's not as pretty as my own girlfriend." He said. I giggled and punched his arm playfully.

   We both watched in silence until something caught my eye, "Hey Tenya, look!" I said as I pointed to a lake, "Theres people skating! We should go too!" I said, "I would love to, ( Y/N ), but I can't really skate.."He said, "Don't worry! I can teach you!" I said. He looked at me for a while as I gave him my pleading eyes, "I can't say no to that face.." He said, "Yay! Let's go ask Yaomomo for some skates!" I said as I dragged him out of his dorm.

   After we got our skates from Yaoyorozu, we both went out ( With permission from Aizawa ) to the lake and we put on our skates. When I finished putting on mine, I got up but then i hear a sudden 'Oof' from Tenya, "( Y/N ) just how do you stand in these?" He said as he attemped to stand again, but failed.

    "It's simple, you just gotta keep balance on the center." I said as I helped him up, "Here.. like this.." I said as I corrected his position a bit, "Okay, i'm gonna let go." I said as I let go, "See? You're standing!" I said excitedly and did mini claps, "Let's go!" I said

   I got on the lake and I started skating a bit to see whether it's steady and it is. "Oh right, I forgot you can't skate. Let me help you." I said. I grabbed both of his hands and lead him to the frozen lake, "This will take a while to get used to, but try not to fall." I said, "I'm trying!" He said,

   Once he got used to standing on the lake it was time to try skating, "Okay.. this is like rollerblading but.. different." I said, "Okay, just follow my lead." I said. We held hand in hand as I skated, he followed my foot movements and got on the flow after a few rounds around the lake.

   "You're doing great!" I said, we stopped on the centre of the lake as we watched other people play around and skate. It was very peaceful, everyone was having fun, on ice and on snow. But then tragic happened, the ice started cracking a bit but no one is realising it, that is until it started having a crack from point A to B, everyone started screaming and skating away as they didnt want to get hit by the cold water.

     " ( Y/N ), we should go," Tenya said as he grabbed my hand and used his quirk to get away from the lake. I watched as everyone got off the lake as the lake finally started breaking into big pieces of ice, "What a disaster..." I said. It was a quiet moment but Tenya spoke up, "Hey, how about we go get so,e hot chocolate and then we can just spend the day with the others instead?" He said, "Mm.. Hot chocolate sounds good. Alright." I said.

    While we walked, I looked around at the streets, it was lit up everywhere and covered in christmas decorations. It lasted until we reached to a nearby Cafe thats close to the school. And later, once we got our hot chocolate we headed straight back to the school as it was getting colder and colder.

    We spent the day with the others, playing some games and just relaxing.

Moving on, December 25th, Christmas Day.

    I woke up at the sound of my alarm, alerting me to wake up. It was December 25th, Christmas! I joyfully got out of my bed and went to take a shower. I put on another hoodie I stole from Tenya and some shorts and went to the Lounge room where everyone is gathered around.

   "( Y/N )! You're late!" Denki called out, "Sorry, sorry! I think I set my alarm the wrong time.." I said as I sta down on the round as because every couch was full. "So everyone here?" Tenya said, everyone nodded and we all began to take our presents. The Christmas tree was filled with presents with pretty wrapping papers and bonus decorations.

   When we all took our presents, we all exchanged our exchange gifts to one another. I bought four exchange gifts, for four people who wanna exchange. I exchanged my gifts with Tenya, Midoriya and Uraraka. Of course, the trio that I love. And the last one to Todoroki because I don't think he has ever gotten a gift from someone before.

    Once everyone got their own presents and exchange gifts, we all started opening our gifts. I so far, had gotten 8 presents, and a cake from Sato. As I opened each and everyone of them, I was quite happy with the results, I have

1.A new camera from Tenya,
2.A new phone case from Momo
3.Cute headphones from Jirou,
4.A cool shirt from Kirishima,
5.An All Might Sweater from Deku,
6.Nail Polishes from Uraraka,
7.A bracelet from Hagakure
8.A scarf from Denki

   The gifts were really interesting, but the most on what I liked is the camera Tenya got me. Ever since my last one broke, I wasn't able to take very good photos of my boyfriend because my camera phone quality is trash.

   I said thank you for all the gifts from everyone even though some didnt give me any, it's still fine. Oh yeah, even the teachers joined in aswell. All Might got so many presents from students, Mr Aizawa got a cat mug and sweater from me and never once have I seen a real smile from him before.


   Night time came by, everyone was tired from partying too hard. The only ones that wereleft in the lounge room was me and Tenya.

   "Tenya...." I said, getting his attention, "Yes ( Y/N )?" He answered, "I wanna cuddle.." I said as I reached out my arms for him, "Sure, just come here." As you can see, I am on the other couch infrint of him, "But you're so far away and i'm lazy to walk." I said laughing.

   As I watched him get up, expecting him to sit next to me, he picked me up bridal style and walked somewhere, "Eh?Where are we going?" I said, "To my room. I wanna cuddle in peace." He said, "But theres nobody in the lounge room!" I said, "Hmm I don't trust the lounge room anymore." He said, "But the couch is soft.." I said, "Oh look we're already here." He said.

   And we spent the night cuddling and cracking jokes and doing some other things too ( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°). LIKE READING THE BIBLE CAN I GET AN AMEN ( stolen joke )


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