~Back At Class~
As I waited for Midoriya to say something, I whisperd to Tenya, "Man, he sure is nervous." I said, "Yeah, but it's okay. Maybe he's just a shy-type." He said, and Midoriya spoke,
"N-Now, let us decide on the other class officers... But first, can I say something?" He Said nervously, I looked at him, waiting of what is he gonna say, "I think...that Tenya Iida should be the class rep after all!"
He said and I looked over to Tenya, smiled and gave a thumbs up, "He was able to get everyone's attention in such a cool way... I think it would be better for Iida to be class rep." I smiled while clapping softly, but fast.
"I'm good with that too," Kirishima said, "Midoriya's said it, and it's true that Iida was a big help at the cafeteria today." He continued, and goes on and on with positive comments from other students and then Aizawa interrupts, "You"re wasting time. I don't care what you do, just hurry up and do it." He said and I just chuckled at Midoriya's reaction.
"If the class representative has nominated me, then it cannot be helped," Tenya said as he stood up from his chair, "From this day forth, I, Tenya Iida, promise to do my best to carry put duties of class representative." He said, "Woohoo!" I cheered while clapping my hands, "We're counting on you, Emergency Exit!" The boy with the red-hair said, I laughed at his new nickname.
*Time-Skip, after Aizawa gave his speech about the USJ*
"You can decide of you want to wear your costume or not this time." He said as he clicked a button, "Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities, too." He added, "The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus. That's all, start getting ready."
*Short notice, I knew I forgot to add the part where there all fighting, y'know, where Tenya acts like an actual villan and Bakugo trying to kill Midoriya because he didn't show his quirk? Yeah, that. Well, sorry because that's the part where your hero costume is suppose to be, but since I didn't know how to put it, I just skipped it! Sorry! Here's your hero costume! *
"Class 1-A, gather round! Form two lines by your students numbers in order to make boarding the bus go smoothly!" Tenya said and I laughed, "T-Tenya! Wh-wh-where did that whistle came from?!" I laughed at his seriousness of class rep. Tenya blushed a bit and we started to board the bus.
"Oh my, didn't turn out what we had in our minds, right Tenya?" I sat next to him, "Shoot. I didn't think it'll be this type of bus.." he said, I just patted his back, "It's okay, Tenya. No need to be embarrassed." I cooed. "There was no point, huh?" Mina said.
"I say whatever comes to mind. Midoriya," Asui said, "Call me, Tsu" she corrected him, "Your quirk is like All Might's." She said, "H-Huh?! You think so? But i'm..uh.." Midoriya said, obviously nervous about the question, "What a sec, Tsu. All Might dosen't get hurt when he uses his." Kirishima said,
"I have to agree. But Kirishima, don't you think that All Might used to get hurt when he first got his quirk?" I said, "That could be.." he said, "Don't worry, it's just a hunch. Nothing is real, unless it is." I added, "But it's nice to have a quirk like yours, Midoriya. You can do lot's of flashy stuff. My hardening's strong against others, but unfortunately it dosen't look like much." He said,
"That's not true, Kirishima! Your's is flashy too, I kind of like it. It looks like a sword when you use it with your arms!" I said while chopping my hands, "I think it's really cool!" Midoriya said, "It's a quirk that can definitely pass as a pro's!" He added, "A pro's huh? But you have to think about popularity as a hero too, you know?" Kirishima said, and other people started talking about their quirks.
"Bakugou's always mad, so he dosen't seem like he'll be popular, though." Asui said, "WHAT THE HELL! YOU WANNA FIGHT ME, SHITHEAD!?" Bakugou yelled, "See?" And I just laughed so hard I had a stomach ache, "STOP LAUGHING YOU BITCH!" He screamed at me,
"We haven't known each other that long, so it's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in sweage." Kaminari said and I lauhed even harder, "S-S-STOP M-MAKING THE *inhales* SE THINGS SO FU-HU-HUNY!" I said, "L/N, quiet down!" Aizawa shouted, "Sorry! I just can't help it!" I said, still laughing.
~At ze USJ~
"We're here, stop messing around." Aizawa spoke, "Yes, sir!" When we reached, there stood The Space Hero, Thirteen.
And then Kirishima spoke, "Wow! It looks like Univarsal Studios Japan!" And I laughed, gaining another stomach ache.
So it is really U.S.J. sUuUUgOI!
HELLO! Heeey, I just wanna thank ya'll for reading this book. Now I have over 20 votes and 200+ reads! Whewhoo! The more I get, the more I update! Reminder, some of these won't be related to the show or manga, so, yeah. Sorrrrryyyyyyyy... >^< I feel so bad for my Precious readers, oh well. I'll see you to the next chapter, bye! Also, hope you guys like your hero costume...heh.
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