september 14 2020
📍 unknown
"CAMARA IS ROLLING.." one of the managers spoke behind the camara. "uh.. we're here in the of blue hour.. uh were actually about to get up on this tree."
jie walked over to the tree, passing by yeonjun who shot a peace sign. "this tree isn't real! and i'm actually scared because i'm going to be on top of it!" jie whine a bit.
"but that isn't important.. everyone look at my outfit." it was some light wash jeans, white vans, a navy blue shirt with a white denin jean jacket.
"everyone has been saying i look adorable.. i don't know what they're talking about, i'm sexy!"
jie did a sexy pose and then the camara rotates around to see all the members faces with disgust. "jiji will always be cute.." yeonjun walked over and cupped his cheeks.
the camara fanned over to the rest of the boys, who all went 'aweee' at the same time. "yeah i just can't see jie as sexy." soobin said while hueningkai let out a giant laugh.
"why are you laughing? you're the maknae, that's your role." jie backed away from them, pointing his finger towards kai.
"huening has his sexy moments!" taehyun added.
september 15 2020
📍 unknown
"GO ITS GOING!" jie got up from the chair he
"it's so hummid today.. i would've stayed home today if we weren't shooting.." jie took a moment to collect korean words in his head to say.
"um.. i don't know what else to say." jie remembered he had his phone in his lap the whole time, he pressed the side button and the time immediately showed. "ah it's 5:53 pm.. you can say we were meant to be."
jie winked at the camara and looked back at the manager behind the camara who was trying hard not to say something. "ah.. unnie is trying not to say something mean." jie put the fan down and took the camara off her hands.
"what are you doing?" the manager mouthed. "im taking a walk." jie spoke in his language, which the manager could understand since they were also from china.
"now let's take a walk should we?" jie spoke in chines, forgetting about the korean language. putting his phone back in his pocket he walked around the field.
"i didnt want to get out the shade but.. i'll do it for moas." jie held the camara close to him, another camara man was recording him too, walking in front of him.
"let's go see what the members are doing.." caching the other camara man off guard he began to run. jie ran into some managers, stylist and camara crew muttering a few sorries till he was in front of beomgyu, soobin and taehyun.
they were getting theyre hair styled. "what are y'all doing?" the three boys in front of him stood confused. "huh?"
it took a second for jie to process what went wrong. jie groaned and slammed his forehead, he forgot he was speaking in chinese.
"sorry, i meant what are y'all doing?" jie pointed the camara back to them. "we're playing among us." soobin shower his samsung to the camara.
"that game is really lame.." jie said and jie knew taehyun was going to say something smart. "you literally only played the game for one minute because you got killed."
"for that whole one minute it wasn't even fun!" jie walked away and walked over to huening, who was getting a re- touch up. "our maknae huening looks so cute.." jie recorded the stylist adding lip tint to hueningkai's lips.
hueningkai threw in a peace sign at the camara, since he was unable to move. "he seems to be busy, ill leave." jie walked away and took a search for the oldest.
"where is the old man at?" doing a little more walking he saw yeonjun from afar practicing the choreo. "we've been practicing every day and he's still going.. he really is a dance machine."
jie zoomed into the camara to yeonjun dancing to blue hour. it stayed like that for atleast seven seconds till yeonjun turned around and saw jie recording him.
yeonjun got shy immediately and stoped doing what he was doing and just stood there awkwardly. "yeonjun is in the perfect spot. the sun is coming down and he just looks amazing."
jie turned the camara back towards him and smiled cutely. "that's the end for today.. see you all till next time!"
jie has peach hair now! ^ -^ would
anyone like it if i made a chapter
on dying his hair?
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