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"Leave that Yeon, the others will handle it. You go get your bag. I'm dropping you off." Kun says gently but sternly as he takes the used plates from Seoyeon's hands and keeps it back on the table.

"What? Why? Kun I'm-"

"No, you're not." Kun interjects firmly, crossing his arms.


"No buts. For god's sake think about your health." Kun scolds.

At Kun's words, Seoyeon's eyes dart to Jeno and Jaemin, who had stayed back to help clear the table. Their expressions did not look as if they had heard anything but Seoyeon did not want to take any chances. So, before Kun can say anything more, Seoyeon agrees, surprising the older man. 

Saying their goodbye, the two leave. As soon as they are out of earshot, Jeno and Jaemin turn to each other. 

"What was that about?"

Jaemin shrugs. "No idea man. It seemed as if..."

"She's not well?" Jeno completes. Jaemin nods slowly. "She does look a little pale and... how do I put it, weak? Like she's lost so much weight."

"Right? Everyone here seems to be concerned about her health. And then there's that sleep thing also that her colleague mentioned." Jeno thinks out loud which makes Jaemin also ponder on the events so far. 

"Aren't you guys done?"

The two men almost jump at the abrupt voice. They look towards the door to see their friend, who went by the name Haechan, standing in his night clothes.

"Haechan? What are you doing down here?" 

"Mark hyung wanted to know what was taking you both so long." He moved towards the fridge, taking a bottle of water. "Plus, I wanted to get water." Taking a sip from the bottle, he leans back slightly on the kitchen counter. "So?"

"Yeah, yeah. We're almost done."  

Haechan doesn't reply but simply remains standing there. 

"What? You want us to get you a glass or something?" Jaemin asks, shaking his head.

"No." Haechan clenches his fingers around the bottle. "I... heard you guys talking."

Jaemin and Jeno halt. Sharing a look with Jaemin, Jeno nods. "Go ahead with him. I'll inform Xiaojun that we've finished here." 


"I'm worried about Mark hyung." Haechan starts as the three were making their way to their given rooms. Jaemin and Jeno can only silently nod.

"Which is why-" Haechan halts abruptly, just as they reach their doors. "-no matter what you hear or see, I suggest you steer clear of that woman."


"No." Haechan cuts off Jeno sternly. "She is bad news and you both know that. Atleast learn from Mark hyung's mistakes."

Saying so he opens the door and bangs it shut behind him.


Jeno and Jaemin look to the side and find Jisung standing nervously with his hands clutching something tightly in his hoodie pocket.

"Ji, did you need something?" 

Jisung glances between Haechan's door and the confused faces of his two hyungs. "Actually... nevermind. Good night hyung."

"Stop. What have you got there in your pocket?" Jeno takes a step closer to Jisung, making the latter take a step back and look everywhere but at his hyungs. 

"N-nothing. What are you talking about?"

"Not convincing Ji." This time Jaemin steps up behind Jeno. 

Jisung scrunches his nose, as is his habit whenever he is contemplating something hard. Then with a sigh, he slowly takes his hand out of the pocket and shows it to Jeno and Jaemin.

His nervous hands hold up a handkerchief, one which was full of reddish-brown patches. Jeno and Jaemin look at each other in alarm. 

"What the hell Jisung?" Jeno asks sharply.

"Did you get hurt? Are you sick? Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Jaemin quickly adds.

Jisung shuts his eyes close. "It's not mine!"

"Don't you dare lie to us." Jeno threatened.

"Jisung-ah, you shouldn't hide such things." Jaemin shakes his head in disappointment.

"For god's sake, I picked it up!"

"You are not lying to us?"

"Why would I- Seriously hyung? I'm a doctor too."

"Being a doctor doesn't guarantee-"

Jaemin puts a hand on Jeno's shoulder. Then he stares straight into Jisung's eyes. "Alright Ji, we get it. But why bring it to us? What's the catch?"

Jeno lets out a confused noise. Jaemin in turn just continues. "If you just picked it up, you would have gone to one of the employees here. But since you have brought it to us instead..."

Jaemin doesn't finish, wanting for Jisung to speak himself. Jisung purses his lips. 

"I- this dropped from Seoyeon noona's bag." He blurts out in a breath.

An uncomfortable silence hangs in the air before Jeno decides to break it. "Are you sure it was her bag?"

Jisung nods. "She was locking her room door in a hurry.  While searching for her keys, she dropped this. Before I could do anything, she left."

Jaemin who had his hand on his chin all this while, straightens. "Meeting in Renjun's room. Right now."


"Why are you guys here at this ungodly hour?" Renjun scowls as he watches Jaemin, Jeno and an apologetic Jisung trudge into his and Chenle's room.

Chenle looks equally unamused, having had to wake up to Jaemin's constant knocks.

"Jisung has something to say." Jeno said, sitting and putting an arm around Chenle.

"What? When did I-?"

"We think something is seriously wrong with Seoyeon." Jaemin announces.

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