The Queen Marry p2

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Srry if there are ever typos 😂 I hate re reading because I know or think oh yeah it'll be fine I'm pretty good at grammer but auto correct comes to mess things up and sometimes I use voice text ... Then I re read and I will fix it but Srry


Y/n pov

I was sat snuggled into Andrews chest half asleep eyes closed as we drove, he tilted his head down and whispered if I was comfortable and I nodded. I then felt his lips press to my head and I snuggled closer if that was even possible for me to do, but anytime I'm with him I just want to be like this ... Lately more then normal but that was how it was between us and I know we both loved it

Omg there it is ryland said

Andrew moved grabing the camera , I shifted for him to film he rested his head on my shoulder as he did turning me with him to film garrets reaction in the back

When ryland came up to valet we filled out of the jeep i moved hugging onto Andrews waist from behind as he filmed, I was so tiered and just wanted to snuggle him I know he didn't mind because he looked back to me and smiled. I saw him mouth "your so cute" and I smiled .

We walked boarding onto the ship

Omg im so scared Shane said genuinely nervous

Omg princess Diana garret said and I heard ryland let out a small gasp

I wonder if she's been here ryland said

Andrew paned to Shane who had a look of omg why on his face

We then stepped on a elevator and ryland saw a picture of a room ad

So did we get one of these fancy first class state rooms or what Shane ryland said with a bit of sass

If there is a employee this attractive on this ship in going to lose my mind Garrett said

Shane looked at him like what ??

We stepped out of the elevator and Shane gushed at the view and waved like he was on titanic

You think it'll sink Shane said

With me on it yeah Shane and garret both said and laughed

We walked though the entrance to go to the front desk when Somthing cought my eye

Ouu they have merch I said

Wait why is it better then mine Shane said

I want a shirt before we leave ....... Andrew I said looking to him with puppy eyes and he laughed nodding

Yay I said kinda hopping over to him all smiley

We checked into our rooms and the girl explained to us what the rooms ghost are
Then another girl explained to us about the isolation ward

After we headed to the elevators to go set up in our room

We got off the suite and Garrett told us we where going to the duke of Edinburgh suite

The duke of Edinburgh I repeated him in a British accent and Andrew laughed along with garrett

We got to the room and the atmosphere just shifted completely

Ew no no I said shaking my head as we entered , why does it feel like this I said ryland and Shane agreed Morgan and garret on the other hand weren't so objecting

We walked through the room and garret came to a darker part of the room and Shane pulled his night vision camera out and garret started using it and it would not focus

Ew I hate this room garret said shaking his head , I prefer this room he said walking back to what seemed like the main room

We still have a room on the more haunted deck garret said

More haunted!?! I asked with a face of um wtf

The lights started to flicker and we where all together so it couldn't have been any of us

Ew no I said huddling closer to Andrew

Ok nope Shane said moving and walking to another area

Wait ew did you just rip one Shane asked

You know they say there are smells from the past garret said opening a window

There's another room , wait what is this Shane said how much is this he continued

That's not important Shane , garret said

Shane then walked over to a latch door above the couch

Wait no what is this he said

Its Probaly glued shut because its the next room over ryland said but it opened

O my gosh Morgan said

Wait is somebody asleep in there wait sorry garret said

That feels .... Shane said

What if people where like ..... Fucking in there Morgan said and lightly laughed with Shane

Why would it be that easy to open Shane said

Can I go in there Morgan whispered

Ew why would you want to I asked

To explore she said and I shook my head like oh no your not gonna catch me doing that

Garret gasped wait I got a orb in this picture he said

Wait this room feels really fucked up Shane said

Well I'm not - well ok ill go in there ryland said

Shane looked to the camera and made a wierd what face

Does anyone else hear knocking Morgan asked

With that shane slid it closed

Look at this picture Garrett said and shane gasped

That's a orb thats not dust at all he said

No thats crazy garret said

Wait im scared shane said

Thats litteraly crazy the walls are paper thin if someone was in there we could litteraly hear their conversation ryland said

Omg ryland said

What shane asked turning to him

Are we taking off? There was a woerd noise ryland said

Its like a sqrick scream ryland said over Morgan who was trying to explain it

Can we get the fuck out of this room shane asked a goofy smile on his face

Morgan was over at a closet and ryland and shane walked over

See of you can fit shane told ryland , take off your little gay backpack he continued as ryland crouched in and morgan tried shutting the door

Owe my hips dont get any smaller ryland said

Meee shane said with a deep voice

I felt that in my bones morgan said her and Shane laughing

Nope guys shanes the demon I said and we all laughed

-small cut-

Ok so we have this room and another room that's on level B which is said to be the most haunted floor so we have access two rooms we can set up in what ever we also have a contact here whos gonna take us to some really creepy ass places so we gotta go meet him and we gotta go get food because we"er hungry garret said

I have a question ok shane said point to me amd Andrew more andrew now I can do this Shane said taking the camera turning to me amd Andrew.

I was currently hugging onto him because (A) ya girl dont do ghost (B) hes my cuddle buggy bug , when the camera was out of his hands he shifted wrapping his arm around me

Andrew Shane said and kate he added smiling behind the camera

Awe look at them garret said

How do you guys feel right now Shane asked

Ive never been in any sort of haunted locations in my life so this is he was saying then a camera flash made us both flinch

Omg garret shane said

What they are just so cut garret said

So do you feel anything wierd shane asked

Yeah for sure he said

Well I hope tonight you see your first ghost shane said and me and andrew shared this look and I know he could tell i didnt really like the sound of that because he know what had happend with a friend of mine from childhood

(Ouija gone wrong)

We walked down to the B level room and it felt worse then the other the lights where shut off

Who wants to play bloody Mary Morgan asked when we where in the room

No thank you I said and she gave a soft laugh

We looked around the room and we where all just feeling very wierd

And thats when Shane started messing in the closet and everyone followed

(Im not describing everything because it's all in the video above)

After they where all done with going in garret started looking over photos with shane and he showed him one of ryland coming out of the closet

Omg ive never seen a photo like that shane said

Wait y/n come here check this out andrew said and I moved looking over the photo

No no no can we like get out of this room I said walking to the door so not kidding

Wait wait why shane asked concerned

Thats no you dont see it I asked

They all shook their heads

I hesitantly walked over to explain

Ok well you can tell rylands either walking through Somthing or it was behind him because its taller I pointed to the top and the haors darker ... Then the hand thats clearly not his hand the fingers are way longer ........ Then the shadow in the back  I said picking the photo appart

Ew ew ew no no shane ryland said ready to get out of the room and I was on board with that

We decided to leave then room after discussing but before we did shane left a note

We then left to meet the tour guide

Andrew pulled me aside for a momment after we looked at a siteing story and going over photos once more

Are you ok he asked and I shook my head

The atmosphere is just I shook my head not able to really explain

He pulled me into his arms running his hand in my hair

Your ok y/n your ok , as long as I'm here and with you im always going to keep you safe I promise you that I promise he said in a sweet soft voice

I was speachless to be honest I pulled back and I looked at him this was something hes never said this was a feeling that was new
And I just said the first thing in my head

I love you

He looked over my face and a huge smile spread across his

I love you to ... Not the place or how I wanted to tell you he said getting a goofy look on his face and I smiled

Well you can tell me again later and how you wanted to tell me I said hugging him and smiling up at him

Are you two done being cute we have to go meet the guide garret said and I giggled

No we are not but we will hold it for now andrew Said and i smiled


Sorry this took so like to get out but .. Its here ... I added more cutesyniss with andrew in this part and in part three theee is gonna be more to hope you enjoyed much love -Kate

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