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I locked my phone and turned around seeing Andrew, AJ, Brent and Lexi walking towards us. I stopped dead in my tracks and blushed when I saw Andrew smiling at me.

"Well this is awkward," Nora said pushing my shoulder softly.

"Let's head to the beach," Brent said and everyone cheered.

"I'll meet you guys there. I left something in the car," I said turning around and going back to the car.

"I'll go with you," AJ said and I nodded.

We walked back to the car and I took a deep breath, opening the trunk and grabbing beach umbrella. I handed it to AJ and took the volleyball.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person," AJ said as we walked back to our friends.

"Same," I said pulling him in a side hug.

"So you and Andrew, huh?" He questioned, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I mean, he's cute and all but I just met him," I said shrugging.

"Just give him a chance." He whispered as we got close to the group.

"What were you guys talking about?" Talia asked.

"Doesn't matter." AJ answered and winked at me.

Talia gave me a questioning look and I just smiled with a small huff.

We found the perfect spot and put our things down in the hot sand, setting up the umbrella. Everyone got ready to go swimming. I slipped off my shirt and laid down on my towel.

"The last thing we need is you getting sunburnt," Brent said handing me suncream.

"Sorry dad," I said taking it and putting some on.

"Are you going to go swimming?" Andrew asked sitting next to me.

"Maybe later. I think I'm just going to tan for a while," I said putting my sunglasses on.

"Okay," he said slightly frowning.

He got up and went over to join the rest of the group, who were about to start a game of soccer.

"I wanna play," I said getting up and running towards them.

"Are you sure you can handle it?" AJ asked and I glared at him, grabbing the ball from him.

We stood in a line waiting for Nora and AJ to pick their teams. Nora, of course, chose Talia and me, but Lexi was unfortunately taken by AJ.

"Do you know anything about soccer?" Andrew asked me.

"I grew up with my dad who happens to be soccer coach." I explained. "I bet I play better than you." I smiled at him.

"We'll see." He smirked.

"We start with the ball because Nora chose first," AJ said and I tossed him the ball.


We finished the first game and sat down for a water break before the next game started. Our team won and AJ and Andrew were still mad at Lexi because she couldn't play well. Brent didn't want to play so he just laughed at all of us.

I noticed someone walking towards us so I got up running over to them.

"Caleb!" I yelled and hugged him. "It's not like we saw each other yesterday." I laughed.

"Sorry we're late," he said hugging me back.

"I was wondering what took you so long," I said before going over to Ben and hugging him.

"We got stuck in traffic." Ben replied, kissing me on top of my head.

"You guys missed a great game of soccer," Brent said when we got back to the group.

"Hey, do you want to go get some ice cream?" Andrew asked standing next to me.

"Sure." I replied smiling.

He smiled and went over to his towel to get his shoes and wallet. I slipped on my t-shirt and flip flops, grabbing my phone out of my bag.

"We'll be back," I said grabbing ahold of Andrew's hand and walking towards the ice cream shop.

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