Pastor Nath 2

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Five years ago, on a cold evening, a group of guys were excited about finally becoming men. They were about to storm the club and they all wanted to leave the club that day without their virginity, that was their idea of being men, pathetic. Among them was a young Nath and with him were sons of great men of God so he fitted in perfectly.

They approached the club ready to carve a path for themselves, ready to leave their father's will for them and choose what they wanted for themselves, they felt like they had been starved all there lives from fun and enjoyment and most of them could see through their dads act to keep a good name rather than being good people so they lost faith in God as well, they had a motto "God called my father not me, it's not a conference call". This motto was true for all except one, Nath who was confused he wanted to have a fun life and still be his father's pride so he decided to do both and like his father always said: "Grace is sufficient for all" and is God's chosen which his father always told him he was that means more grace will be sufficient for him. So let me enjoy myself when I'm done I'll ask for forgiveness he thought to himself so he set out to have fun that night. Loud music banging out, youths dripping in sweat were packed on the dance floor, strippers, drinks, the scent of weed filled the air, money flying the boys came with a lot to spend by the way. 

A dark-skinned beauty caught the eye of our young Nath, I must see more, must have more he thought as he began searching for the glowing brown queen in the dim light of the club after much searching to no avail he gave up and enjoyed himself. A night broke out at the club, everyone ran helter-skelter. Looking out to find his friends but he couldn't see any of them, the police barged in and this was the last place he wanted to be caught. He felt a smooth skin hold his hand and a soothing voice whispered to him, this would be the same voice which would hear five years later on the pulpit. It was the brown skin queen he saw earlier, "You don't belong here", with that she pulled him away from the crowd and led him to where he didn't know but he was glad to follow. Thoughts filled his head as he followed her out of the club. Does she like me, did I catch her eyes, what does she want to do with me. After much running they came to a broken-down hotel and it was clear to see it was now a brothel, girls standing outside waiting for men to come to do business with them so they could have food for tomorrow, most of them here didn't choose this life for themselves but it is what it is, the pair ran inside the building, she led him to the room which had been given to her by her master, a guy who wasted no time in telling her and the girls there how worthless they were and the only thing good they have was what was in between their legs and after hearing that for a while they eventually came to believe that as their truth.

As they reached her room, Nath got in as she shut the door behind them, he was saved from the cops and finally found the brown queen, his luck was on a roll God does care he thought as a smirk appeared on his face. After much observation of a broken down room which was small but very scarce with materials, the smell of the place was not what he was used to, how can someone live here, Ohhh that person is behind me he, he thought. "I know it isn't much but--" She said as she broke the awkward silence "I was just thinking the same thing, sorry I shouldn't have said that out loud" Nath ended his statement laughingThey stared at each other and burst into laughter.It was obvious they were from different backgrounds and the way Nath looked at her, made sure she didn't forget that but as their laughter grew louder, she felt happy."You don't belong here though" Nath added"And you don't belong in the club" she answered immediately"Good point" They burst in to laughter againWhen last did I laugh like this, or when have I ever laughed Ada thought to herself."You are beautiful can we have sex" Nath blurted out before apologising.He told her the reason why he was at the club, they laugh from time to time his gaze made her remember that they were different and at the same time his gaze made her feel safe, she wanted to know about this naive young boy wrapped in an enigma. Though it wasn't for long he made her feel like a person and for the first time, she enjoyed sex.They spent the night talking, he didn't know why but he felt at ease with her. He made a promise to take her out of there. Where did it all go wrong for them, was it never meant to be.
Back in the present day, Nath was barely standing and his father came to his aid, some others rushed to scene, whispers filled the halls as everything was going on. This is not a good sign, his father thought I'm in a tight situation then an idea popped into his head. "Get your act together", he whispered to his son."This is a good sign," Pastor Jeff said as he took the mic, "For anyone to be a leader in the church you have to be drunk in the spirit just as you have seen here", he went on about how his son was God's selected, slowly the people stopped their whispers, he had taken over the situation, he had the people back in his control, he hoped his son would snap out from his trance any time soon as he tried to buy time for him. Meanwhile, Nath was having a confrontation of a life time, his brain was melting how, why, when, the sense of guilt which was there now heighten, he could still see her, she was real, but how

"Hey, Nath" she called out to him "A crowd is waiting for you to go play their prince as you've always wanted, I just came to support you as I've always done".Nath began to regain consciousness, his breathing was fine everything was back to normal, except his mind which was racing with fear.He got back to his feet, look ahead to see his father, the man he had always wanted to be but at that moment he was scared of being like his father, he felt like running off the pulpit but once again he put a reputation ahead of his feelings. He walked up to his father grabbed the mic and in that short instance his father's told him it's all set for you "Praise the Lord" He shouted"I said somebody praise the Lord" wit that the crowd went wild on a normal day he would be one of the happiest men on earth, but today he was the most terror-stricken man on earth.As he spoke he tried his best to ignore Ada's ghost which also cheered him on from the crowd.He gave his speech like he had practice and with that, the congregation forgot about the whole scenario which had just happened.

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