Dear Diary,
I had an extremely hectic day today. But somehow I don't feel tired at all. Oh , you want to know why? I am going to meet some of the best people of my life after a long wait of six years. You know them don't you? I have mentioned them to you for years.I so feel like going down the memory lane again with you.There is Nandini, the make up queen of our group,the amount of information of lipsticks that she has can give any make up artist a run for their money 😂😂😂, Sarah, the one who makes the lousiest jokes, she is the only one whose jokes are worse than mine🤣🤣. Maya, the whip lash that she can give to people is an art actually. She is a true fighter but a real softie at heart. 🤗🤗Ziya, her words can make anyone laugh and cry at the same time.♥️And Megha, she is my bracelet bud(Friends Reference😂) and of course Sayantika , my sister.
You know , when I first met them I didn't know who was who. For me Sarah was just the girl with Annika's DP and Nandini the girl whose birthday Sanyatika was celebrating. The only interaction that I had was a good morning and a good night. And today my morning is incomplete without having a stupid discussion and I can't sleep without talking to them. It's been such a hell of a ride. I have shared a bond with all of them. Sarah is like the emotional support of our group. It's because of her that i didn't lose Sayantika. The way she can lift up your mood , is something that has to be experienced. I don't feel hesitant to approach her because she is always welcoming you. Diary, if you ever see her you would go gaga about her. Never has she given a wrong advice nor has she broken someone's heart. She is just perfect. And her eyes are so beautiful. You have to see them to believe just how pretty they are.
With Nandini , you have to go all out to get something out of her. After every sentence of hers you have to ask her to continue the story because she can't otherwise. She is an emotional fool. I can't say she is like Ron with an emotional range of just a teaspoon. She is just not comfortable with the love declaration 🤦♀️And I love that about her. She thinks she can't convey what she means but she can actually. Once she wasn't her usual sarcastic self and we talked , and I think that was the first time when we interacted on such a personal basis. She can never take my advice because she doesn't see me as a grown up. She treats me like a baccha. But then I never stop giving her advice, because I am a stubborn ass ,as you know. Nandini is like the girl whom everyone would want to be friends with. And did I mention how beautiful she looks in a saree? You would fall in love with her when you see her in one.
Maya, she makes me smile. She is the youngest among us. Everyone says that she is the fighter and when I met her for the first time even I thought so but today I know better. She is a real loyal friend. The world can tear apart but she won't tear her friendship. She is for keeps. She is s fighter yes but for her friends. She jokes about being mature but actually she is quite mature , it's just that we don't like to tell her that she is. Her loyalty and her commitment makes her a rock solid person.I guess the word to describe her would be 'She is love.'. And D, Maya can make you fall head first when you see her in the blue suit,. Oh so pretty.🙈
Ziya,she is the sweetheart of the group. The eldest and the one who protects us. She and I go a long way. She was the one who gave me my first nick name. Her words can make you think hard that how can anyone be so deep and meaningful yet have a childish streak in them. She just has to tweet something and she knows I will be there by her side. She talks a lot 😂 She is sensitive yet a strong lady. She doesn't get hurt easily but when she does it pains me to see her get broken. I don't think anyone should ever hurt her because she just can't be bad and I keep telling her to be a bitch at times but she doesn't listen. That's how she is, a pure soul.
I have never seen her but today my wish would her fulfilled and I know I will see the most pretty girl because that's what her heart will reflect.
Megha ., she is the unproblematic person of the group. She will never moan about her past but will take her present as it comes. She is strong , very strong and sometimes you get amazed to see her strength. She keeps friendship above everything and I guess that's because she is a friends fanatic. Okay bad joke. But Megha is the light of the group. It feels lonely without her. She loves to tease others with her ice cream pics and her love for Maggi as food is so cute. And you know, although LBD's are in style, when you see her in her little yellow dress you would change your mind.
And there is of course my sister Sayantika. I don't have to tell you about her again because you already what she is to me. We have stuck with each other even when things didn't seem too bright in our friendship. She has made me a better person and a better friend. I was on the verge of losing her but then she didn't let got and we pulled back ourselves from falling apart.
These friends of mine are the ones who let me be myself and make me feel proud of myself. They are miles apart but still I know that they think of me sometime or the other. They are indeed the true definition of a second family. I love them and I don't know what I would do without them.They are like the imperfectly perfect set of girls whom you would love to hang out with. It's tough luck that they live so far. But today, at my place our distances will finish.D, today I have cooked for them to show how much they mean to me because you know how much I hate cooking. And then we will take to the road and go on a long drive to Mussoorie for a holiday together. Eeeks, I am practically dancing thinking about our trips together. Oh , that's the bell I think. They must be here. Will write again soon, till then toodles.
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