Key West

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On the 10th of September 1964 there was a hurricane and the Beatles were stuck at a hotel in Key West.
They ended up drinking a lot and getting quite emotional.
'We were in Key West in 1964. We were due to fly into Jacksonville, in Florida, and do a concert there, but we'd been diverted because of a hurricane. We stayed there for a couple of days, not knowing what to do except, like, drink. I remember drinking way too much, and having one of those talking-to-the-toilet bowl evenings. It was during that night, when we'd all stayed up way too late, and we got so pissed that we ended up crying – about, you know, how wonderful we were, and how much we loved each other, even though we'd never said anything. It was a good one: you never say anything like that. Especially if you're a Northern Man'

Neither Paul or John sound like they'd cry with George or Ringo, that sounds like something they'd do with each other. It also wouldn't make sense to include it in Paul's tribute song to John if it was all of them.
"What about the night we cried / Because there wasn't any reason left to keep it all inside"
This sounds to me like it could have been a love confession. Especially if they were drunk - there's a saying that drunk words are sober thoughts.

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