If I fell

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Valentine's Day 1964. John Lennon gives Paul McCartney a Valentine's Day card. Later on the back of that card he writes the heartfelt, sensitive ballad 'If I fell'
He confesses this later in an interview.
'That's my first attempt at a – at a ballad. Proper. That was the precursor to 'In My Life'. It's the same chord sequence as 'In My Life', but – just about 'round D, and B minor, and E minor, those kind of – things. And uh, it's... semi-autobiographical, but not that conscious, you know. It's really about – it's not about Cyn, my first wife. If I fell in love with you, would you promise to be true... I used to like intros like they had on forties songs, you know, that have a long intro, and then the song would start. So that's all mine. The harmony's Paul's. [...] So that shows that I wrote sentimental love ballads – silly love songs, as you call them – way back when.'

Now the film. If I fell is used in the film 'A hard days night' where John sings it it Ringo to cheer him up. The scene had to have a lot of takes because John kept singing it to Paul instead.

George and Ringo shoot a few looks at each other, they caught on quickly.

And for the last part, here is my analysis of the song 'If I fell'

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