Chapter 7: Sleepover

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Yuri was welcomed into a spacious apartment with a minimalist interior. The place was decked with expensive-looking furniture, and the atmosphere really emanated that of a rich kid's house. Ayumi entered the suite before he did, taking off her shoes and placing it on the shoe rack near the entrance. He noticed the wall of shoes facing him, ranging from running shoes to high heels. The girl took out two pairs of house slippers, wearing one and giving him the other.

Oh yeah. Taking shoes off before entering a house was an Asian thing, or so he's been told. He followed suit, placing his run-down shoes next to hers on the rack.

"Good evening, Miss Ayumi. May I ask why your rink mate is here with you tonight?"

Yuri saw the old man that often accompanied Ayumi on practices, especially on her first year under Yakov's tutelage. He has never seen him not wearing a formal suit. He knew the man was Ayumi's butler and all that, but the close relationship the two seemed to have has always made him curious.

"Don't worry about it Kamoshita. He's a friend of mine. It was getting really late, so I invited him over to spend the night." The girl then smirked, teasing the man. "I bragged about your cooking, you know. I think there's no better way to show my pride than to invite someone over to actually taste it."

Kamoshita's face turned up in amusement. "Very well, miss. I'm hoping tonight's dinner won't disappoint."

"I'm sure it won't," Ayumi smiled, then turned to Yuri. "Yura, this is Kamoshita. Kamoshita, this is Yuri Plisetsky."

He held out his hand, but Kamoshita responded with a bow. "Good evening, Mister Plisetsky."

That was unexpected.

The man led them to the quaint dining area near the kitchen, where the table has been set with a hot plate filled with beef and another one with vegetables placed in the middle. The smell of the food was incredibly good, and Yuri was looking forward to the meal despite having no idea what a 'bulgogi' was.

"If both of you are ready to eat, I will go on and set up the bed for Mister Plisetsky and then I'll be going."

"Are you not going to eat with us, Kamoshita?"

Kamoshita looked at his young charge and smiled. "Do not worry, miss. I already have food prepared in my own unit. I'm sure it would be very uncomfortable for both of you if an old man like me were to watch you two eat."

Yuri blushed and looked away. Ayumi sighed. "Ok, if that's what you want. Please don't worry about coming over to do the dishes tonight--  I can easily put it in the dishwasher. I wouldn't want to bother you any further than I already have."

"Understood, Miss Ayumi. I hope you both enjoy the food." With that, he left to prepare the air mattress.

Ayumi then turned to Yuri with a soft smile. "So, shall we eat?"

Dinner was over and done with. Yuri was surprised to discover how much he liked the taste of bulgogi, as he has never had anything like it before. Ayumi told him that it was quite normal for her butler to cook a variety of Asian food, mostly due to the specifications of her mother. The girl did admit to having a stronger preference for Asian dishes, but she promised to have Kamoshita make Russian dishes the next time he comes over.

Yuri was strangely happy to know that he was welcome to visit her again after that night.

They both changed into more appropriate clothes for sleeping, with Yuri wearing a spare set of clothes he just happened to have in his bag. Yuri was inside the bedroom, sprawled onto the air mattress laid out for him and snuggling a pillow. Ayumi soon came in wearing silk pajamas and sat in front of her work desk, which was bombarded with folders and papers. She turned on the flat-screen TV for him as she opened her laptop, ready to face the other half of her life.

"Do you do that every night? Seems like a lot."

"You don't know the half of it," Ayumi answered, not bothering to look up from the screen. "Mother says it's a necessity. Can't say she's wrong about that."

She opened Skype and scrolled through the contact list, finally finding the one person she vowed to call that night. A couple of rings sounded before the person picked up.

"Miwako? I heard wha... Anyway. Are you doing alright?"

The girl from the other side of the call answered with a weak voice. "You always worry too much about me, Yumi. I'm fine. I just lost it for a second, but I'm okay now."

"I can't help it. We all worry about you."

Miwako sighed, then looked at the girl with an eyebrow raised. "You know you don't need to speak English when talking to me, right?"

Ayumi noticed the slip-up, but it wasn't unintentional. "Sorry. It's just that I have a friend over tonight. I think he might get weirded out if I start talking in Japanese."

"A friend? And a 'he'? Why don't you introduce me?"

The girl chuckled. "I was just planning to." She looked over at Yuri who raised an eyebrow. "Come here, Yura." He hesitated a bit before going over to her, scooting closer to fit the video screen.

"Miwako, this is my friend and rink mate Yuri Plisetsky. Yura, this is Miwako Ogawa."

Yuri greeted the girl in his heavily accented English. Miwako gave a weak smile. "Ahh, the Ice Tiger of Russia. It's nice to meet you."

The boy was surprised. "Miwako is a sports buff. She watches figure skating closely," Ayumi explained.

"So... what is Yuri Plisetsky doing in your house, Yumi? If I recall correctly, you guys weren't on good terms at last year's final."

Yuri blushed. "No, we're okay now."

"We're just having a simple sleepover Mi," Ayumi added. "And we've settled that issue weeks ago. Haven't you seen all the stuff on social media lately?"

The people who were eagerly watching the two on that fateful day by the river have basically put the rumors to rest when they uploaded photos of them talking and listening to music together on Twitter and Instagram. Yuri's image was cleared, and Ayumi no longer had to deal with critics questioning her 'temper problem'. Needless to say, they were old news. The people who scouted their movements became a lot less with each passing day.

"Sorry. My mom hasn't been all that generous with my access to the internet. I have to give my laptop back in a few minutes for breakfast, actually."

"What time is it there, anyway?"

"About 6 a.m."

Ayumi looked at her questioningly. "How are you even awake?"


Both heard Miwako's maid coming in, a tray filled with breakfast in hand.

"It looks like you've got to eat now. I'll leave you be. Promise you'll take care of yourself."

Miwako paused for a bit. "Sure, Yumi." She turned and nodded to her maid and asked her to set the food down. "Bye you two. Have fun on your sleepover, I guess?"

Yuri and Ayumi waved goodbye as the call ended. The girl looked towards him. "So, movie?"

He chuckled at that. "Why not? What movie do you wanna watch?"

Ayumi gave an almost menacing laugh. "You'll see."

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