Confused Beginnings

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Tubbo pov:

I set him slowly down onto my couch, and then quickly run to find any bandages I have.

Wait. He's not bleeding, bandages won't do much...Ok! New plan! A towel.

I quickly run into the bathroom and grab a few towels.

Rushing back to the couch I see that he's still just passed out. I guess that makes my job easier.

I wrap his long hair in the towel first, and then take off his shirt. His shirt was wet too and I couldn't leave it to stick on his skin! I threw the shirt to a corner of the room and wrap another towel around his chest before running to my room and grabbing an oversized hoodie. Well, oversized for me; but it should be just about perfect for him.

I make it back to him and take off the towels, quickly putting him in the hoodie instead. It's a bit difficult but eventually I get it fully on him, and I was right it fits perfectly.

The clothes he was wearing were very simple, a black shirt, the one I just threw in the corner, and white shorts. I'll leave him to change out of those himself later. He didn't even have any shoes on, which is a bit strange. I grab another towel and dry his legs.

That should be good, although he'll freak out when he sees me. I should've thought this through more, he could be dangerous...I'm in too deep now, I can't just give up on him.

After some intense arguing with myself, I decide on making some food for him. I don't have much so I settle on a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich and milk. Not a lot but enough for now, I'll have to buy some more food later. But when literally all you need is some flowers to keep you full, you don't end up keeping lots of food in your house.

I set the sandwich and milk on the table in front of him, deciding I should go to Phil to ask what I should do.

But before I can even open the door I hear some movement. I run back to the couch and see him slowly rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

When he opens his eyes, for a split second I can see one green eye and one red, but in an instant they turn purple. He looks around panicked and soon his eyes land on me.

"⍙⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⏃⋔ ⟟!? ⍙⊑⍜ ⏃⍀⟒ ⊬⍜⎍!?"
He screeches, oh god he must be speaking enderman.

He stands up, and holy shit he's tall, and a lot more intimidating. I guess it didn't register when I picked him up and set him down on my couch, but he is so much taller than me.

"Um, I don't know enderman but I'm not here to hurt you. I'm helping you! Friiiiend."

I try using my hands to help communicate with him but I don't know if it helped, he looks at me confused but slowly his eyes fade from purple and back to one green on red.


"You can speak english?"

"Yeah...I was taught how. So- so tell me who you are and where I am."

I can tell he's faking his confidence, his face looks very unsure and scared. I feel bad for putting him in this situation, but it's better than him being dead.

"I'm Tubbo. I saved you, you were out under a tree. It rained yesterday so you were all wet and burning, so I brought you here. This is my house, I dried you off and gave you that hoodie. I can find some shorts for you as well if you want?"

He looks down at the hoodie he's wearing, only just now noticing it.

"Alright, but how can I trust you?"

"How can I trust you?"

"Fair enough..."

He looked around uncomfortably, which makes sense.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, but it was either this or leave you out for dead."

"Y-yeah, can I ask you something else?"


"What's this?"

He walks over to a vase full of flowers on a nearby shelf.

"Heh, those are flowers. I'm a bee hybrid," I open up my wings to show him. He stares at them, fascinated. "so I rely on flowers for energy. Flowers won't hurt you, smell them!"

The tall enderman hybrid looks at me a bit unsure but leans down and sniffs.

Instantly, a huge smile forms on his face as he picks up all the flowers and digs his face into them.

"These are amazing!"

He says excitedly looking down at me.

"Pfft, yeah! You've never seen flowers before?"

"No, I h-haven't. I live in the nether. I guess lived now, I don't think I can go back there..."

"Why not?"

I guess I shouldn't have asked that because he starts to panick, staring at the ground breathing heavily and gripping the flowers strongly.

"Um- Hey, what's your name anyways?"
I ask, trying to redirect the conversation.

"...It's- it's Ranboo."

"Nice to meet you Ranboo!"

"Nice to meet you too Tubbo."

"I made you a sandwich as well."

I gesture towards the table which still holds the uneaten sandwich and milk

"Oh um ok."

Ranboo makes his way over to the table and sits down on the couch.

Watching him cautiously taking a bite out of a sandwich and then stuffing the rest into his mouth once he realized it tasted good, was pretty funny. And I suppose it gives me some insight on how the rest of the week is gonna go.

This'll be fun.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

another chapterrrr, feeling exciteddddd

hope you guys are enjoying this so far because I love writing it!

aaaand have a good morning afternoon or night :D

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