♡#82-Drunk Michael♡

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Michael's POV:

I was really bored laying on my bed staring at the vent that is directly right above my bed.

I had pissed Noah off so he was not talking too me.

"Noah! I'm bored!!"

No response.


Again, no response.

"God dammit Noah, how are you still pissed? That was an hour ago!"

I heard movement and he looked down at me.

"You literally cut off my wire. On purpose!!"

"It's not my fault! I warned you, your fault! You should've listened too me!!"

He looked even more pissed and closed the vent.

"Noah, I am sorry pleaseee! I am boreddddd!"

"Fuck off."

"I won't do it again!!"

He went silent.

I cursed under my breath and stood up on my bed.

I opened the vent and jumped up grabbing it.

I huffed and climbed inside of it.

"I'm sorry."

I stared at Noah as he stared back at me with an unpleased look on his face.

I went over to him and kissed him.

He kissed me back and placed his hands on my waist.

I pulled away and smiled.

"Do you forgive me now!"

He groanded and slowly nodded.


He pulled me closer to him and held me.

I put my arms around him and lay my head on his shoulder.

We stayed in that position for a bit.

I heard my door slam open and I jumped and hit my head on something that was above me.

I put my hand over my head.

"Are you okay??"

Noah put his hand over mine.

I nodded.

I crawled back to the enterance to the vent and looked down.

I saw my dad.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Have you seen your siblings?"

"What! No!! Get out!"

He rolled his eyes and shut the door.

I shook my head and looked back at Noah.

He was messing with one of his wires.

"Can we go to a bar!"

He quickly looked at me.

"Absolutely not."


"No. Not happening. Remember last time?"

"But Noah! Pleasee!! I'll fix your wire!"

He looked at his wire then back at me.


"Yes! Thank you!"

I jumped down from the vent to get changed.

I changed into one of my black hoodies, some ripped jeans, well...

One side was ripped, the other side it ended at my thigh.

One side was normal but had rips in it obviously, the other side stopped at my thigh.

I got on some socks and walked out of my closet to get my shoes.

Noah was staring at the floor.

I got my shoes on and walked over too him.

He looked at what I was wearing and stared at me.

"Why does that half stop at your thigh?"

I looked at it.

"Because. That's how they are."

"I don't like them.."

"Awh, that sucks... I don't care. Come on!"

I grabbed his hand and we walked out the door.

We walked in silence to the bar holding hands.

Once we got there we sat down.

Noah didn't drink anything, I did.

I had... four, drinks?

I don't remember.

I was definitely drunk though.


I looked at Noah and smiled.


He sighed.


I felt someone tap my shoulder.

I looked at them.

It was a female.

"Hello.. Um-"

I felt Noah put his hands on my waist and I felt him move me on his lap.

"He's taken, now get the fuck away."

I laughed a bit.

I hugged Noah tightly and kissed his cheek.

"We need to get home."

"But.. I like it here! It's pretty.."

"Sorry. We have to go home."


I tried getting out of his lap.

"No, Michael, come on."

"But it's so pretty here!!"

"If you let me take you home we can.. Cuddle, and I will do the best I can to make our room pretty?"

"Yes!! Let's go!"


Noah took me home into our room.

I stumbled and fell onto the floor.

"You okay?!"

I laughed and nodded.

"Good. Get on the bed I'll try to make it pretty in here."


I got on the bed and lay there.

Noah turned off the light and put some colored lamps in the room.

He got in the bed with me.

He put his arms around me and held me.

I lay in his arms rubbing circles on his chest.

He lay there in silence letting me rub circles in his chest.

I fell asleep soon.

I woke up feeling like complete shit.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

I felt like I was gonna throw up.

I moved Noah's arm off of me and got up quickly to go to the bathroom.

About 13 minutes later I changed and flopped into the bed.

I groaned a bit.

"You alright?"


I cuddled back into Noah.

"Can I sleep the whole day."

"I-... Sure."

I smiled.

"Thank you."

I fell back asleep like 20 minutes later.

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