Now, most people said that they didn't want a harem, so i wont be doing that but.... i will be doing two love interests. The first is.....
Blake! Thanks to IsmaelCervantes385 for the idea, the next is.....
Neo! Im sorry if you dont want two love interests but ive thought about it and i think these two would be great, so thank you for reading this, and enjoy!
Ozpin pov
After i called team RWBY up to my office, i keep looking at his file. Y/n Senju, the great grandson of Hashirama Senju, one of the best hunters in all existence. And hes the son of Tsunade Senju, one of the best medical-nins. I hope he accepts the invitation to Beacon, we need someone like him on our side, then i hear a knock on my door
Ozpin: Come in!
Team RWBY walks through the door and stands infront of my desk
Weiss: First off, i wanna say im sorry for whatever Yang did--
Ozpin: No, no, its nothing like that. Considering its the days of school, i have a mission for your team
I pull up Y/n's file and show it to them
Ozpin: This young man has come to my attention and i want him at Beacon
Yang: Whats so special about him? I dont see anything
Ozpin: Well.... im sure you've heard of Hashirama Senju?
Blake: Yes, he was one of the best hunters to ever exist
Ozpin: Correct, Ms. Belladonna. Well, this is his great grandson, Y/n Senju
Immediately when i said that they're eyes go wide in shock
Ruby: Since when?!
Ozpin: Judging how old he is.... he should be around you're age Ms. Rose
Ruby: Well, you can count on us to find him!
I send them the location of the Senju estate and they leave
(T I M E S K I P)
Blake pov
The bullhead drops us off a minutes away from the place Professor Ozpin said he would be, after walking for a couple minutes we find a stone pathway. We follow it until we reach a massive house with lights around it
All: Whoaaaah!
We go up to the front door and i see a sign that says "Senju" so i knock
Ruby: *Knock, knock, knock, knock!*
After a couple seconds a woman answered the door. She had blonde hair, a small diamond in the middle of her forehead, massive..... assets, a green coat, a grey kimono with no sleeves, and some black open toed sandals. I looked over towards Yang and saw her looking at her chest then back at the woman's
Woman: Can i help you?
Ruby: Yes, does Y/n Senju live here?
Woman: Why, what do you want to know about my son?
Blake: We were sent by Professor Ozpin from Beacon, he said he wanted to speak to him
She looks at us for a couple seconds before waving us in, right when we walked in everything got bigger. It was one of those houses that looks big on the outside but even bigger on the inside
Yang pov
I kept looking back and forth between my chest and the woman's chest, man i would kill to have a chest like that
Yang: *thoughts* Why cant mine be like that?
Back to Blake
Blake pov
We kept looking around the house while walking, it was quiet so Ruby decided to ask a question
Ruby: Excuse me, but you said Y/n was your son, so your his mom then?
Tsunade: Yep, my names is Tsunade Senju, its nice to meet you miss....?
Ruby: Ruby, Ruby Rose. Im the leader of the team
Yang: Im Yang, Ruby's half sister
Weiss: Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company
Blake: Blake Belladonna
Tsunade: Its nice to meet you all
Blake: Wait, Tsunade, ive heard you're name before
Tsunade: Yes, you may know me by my huntress name, the 5th Hokage
Ruby: What, you're the 5th Hokage?!
Yang: Hokage, who?
Weiss: How do you not know of the Hokages?!
Yang just shrugs her shoulders
Weiss: *quietly* Dolt.... the Hokage is a name that has been passed down through generations. The first Hokage was Hashirama Senju, the second was his younger brother Tobirama Senju, the third was Hiruzen Sarutobi, the fouth was Minato Namikaze, the fifth was of course Tsunade Senju, the sixth was Kakashi Hatake, and today's Hokage is Naruto Uzumaki. All of them are and were amazing hunters and huntress
Right as Weiss finished explaining the Hokage's we reached a massive area
Then we hear....
???: Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!!
???: Raging Lions Mane!!
We look and see Y/n along with a man with long, spikey white hair, red lines underneath his face, a short green kimono, hand guards, a red haori with two yellow circles, a big scroll on the bottom of his back, a forehead protector with "oil" written on it, and some traditional Japanese wooden sandals
Y/n: Hey, Uncle Jiraiya! How 'bout we up the stakes?
Jiraiya: Couldn't have said it better myself, my boy!
Jiraiya's eyes changed into orange oval slits and the red markings on his face thickened while the red had expanded around his eyes, Y/n though had a circle with a dot on his forehead and some black markings that went around and under his eyes
Then a blue ball formed in each of their hands and they changed at each other
Y/n+Jiraiya: RASENGAN!!
Both of the Rasengans collided and made sparks fly out, it explodes and after a couple seconds the smoke clears and we see Y/n on his back while Jiraiya is still standing
Jiraiya: I win once again, Y/n!
Y/n: Look at your foot
He looks down and sees a wire wrapped around his foot, he instantly gets yanked down to the ground
Jiraiya: Okay, we'll call it a tie
They get up and walk over to us, they get closer and i get a better look at Y/n. He has beautiful E/c eyes, medium H/c, and a necklace with a crystal in the center, for some reason i felt my face heat up
Y/n: What can i do for you pretty ladies?
I felt my face heat up even more while the others blushed
Blake: T-The headmaster at Beacon w-wants to speak to you
Weiss: So would y-you come with us, Y/n?
Y/n: Thats Mr. Senju to you
We all seemed shocked that he said that
Weiss: R-Right, s-sorry, Mr. Senju
Then he starts to shudder a bit but then he bursts out laughing
Y/n: Ahahahaha! You should have seen the look on your faces! Ahahahaha! Im kidding, im kidding! Of course ill come with!
We all sighed and blushed at the same time as Tsunade ruffles Y/n's hair
Tsunade: You really are Hashirama's great grandson. Go on and go with, just make sure you're back in time for dinner
Then Y/n hugged her
Y/n: Thanks, mom!
Ruby pov
We started to leave until i looked over towards Blake and see her holding a book signed by Jiraiya called "Make out Paradise"
Ruby: Hey Blake, whats that?
She instantly hides it behind her back
Blake: NOTHING!!
(T I M E S K I P)
Y/n pov
We had walked up into Ozpin's office and i sat down while the others stood
Ozpin: Mr. Senju, im glad you could join us
Y/n: Its a honor meeting you, and please call me Y/n
Ozpin: Well Y/n, i have a proposition for you
Y/n: And that is....?
Ozpin: I want you to join Beacon
I was kinda surprised, i was surprised that the HEADMASTER of Beacon had personally offered me a spot at Beacon. Yet at the same time i wasn't really surprised since my family name has been hunters and huntresses for a long time and it was only a matter of time before i was offered a place in Beacon or Atlas
Y/n: *long inhale and exhale* Alright, ill join Beacon
Ozpin: Excellent, tomorrow you will take an initiation
Y/n: Okay, have a good day Ozpin
(T I M E S K I P)
I walk up to the cliff and see Ozpin and his assistant, Glynda Goodwitch, standing by a silver pad
Ozpin: Are you ready, Mr. Senju?
Y/n: Yeah.... i got a lot of people watching me today..... my mom, my Uncle, the whole school, even the sixth and seventh Hokage came to see my initiation. So yes, im ready
I noticed Glynda starring at me with a light blush
Y/n: do you like what you see, Miss Goodwitch~?
This caused her to blush harder and turn away as Ozpin chuckles
Ozpin: im surprised, no one has been able to make Glynda blush like that
Glynda: Ozpin!
Ozpin: *chuckles* anyways, you'll be heading into the forest to find a temple with relics in it while this camera follows you
A drone type camera comes out from behind him, i go and step on the pad
Glynda: Ready, Mr. Senju?
Y/n: *long inhale and exhale*..... Yes
I get launched into the forest and right before i hit the ground i summon multiple shadow clones and they break my fall, i get up and look around and i dont see any grimm so just to be sure i clasped my hands together to focus on my sensory abilities. I dont sense any grimm so i take out the grim reaper in its scythe version and start running in the direction of the temple, after a couple minutes of running i see the temple but then some grimm come from the bushes. Two beowolves, a Ursa, and a death stalker
Y/n: *thoughts* Alright, no reason to revile i can use wood style just yet
I turn grim reaper into its MG and i killed both of the beowolves, the Ursa charges me but i quickly jump off its back and slice it a couple times with grim reaper. I quickly jump sideways to avoid the death stalker's stinger
Y/n: Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!
The large water dragon gets launched at the death stalker and stuns it, it gives me enough time to jump in the air and charge up a lot of chakra in my leg
Y/n: Heavenly Foot of Pain!
I bring my foot down on the Ursa and its skull mask cracks as it starts to dissolve, i turn my attention to the death stalker in time to dodge its claws. I turn around and start to make hand signs
Y/n: Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!
As the fireballs start going towards the death stalker, i used one more jutsu to make sure i kill it
Y/n: Wind Style: Great Breach!
The Great Breach sucks in the fireballs and makes them hit one area on the death stalker, the fire and air drills straight through it and it starts to disappear
I quickly run into the temple and see a bunch of chess pieces from pawn to king, i get a bit closer and see they're all made out of wood
I chuckle to myself as i grab the knight, i turn around only to see a bunch of grimm. Beowolves, Ursa, Death Stalkers, and more, i think now would be a good time
Y/n: Alright, Wood Style: Deep Forest Bloom!
Four massive flowers rise from the ground and start to produce large amounts of pollen, some of the grimm start to fall down and die but an Ursa charges at me. I quickly dodge out if the way and make more hand signs
Y/n: Now, Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence!
The jutsu starts to over take some of the grimm but some were smart and dodged the jutsu and ran at me
Y/n: 'Heavenly Weeping'
I transform some chakra into water, then i hardened it into a throwing needle (Senbon) and shot the Senbons out of my mouth, they stick into some of the grimms masks and bodies and they struggle to get them off
Y/n: Earth Style: Great Mud River!
The ground below the grimm starts to turn to mud and they start to sink into the ground
Y/n: Now, to finish this! Sage Art: Wood Style: Veritable 1000-Armed Kan'on!
The rest of the grimm get beat on by 1000 arms in second, the massive Buddha disappeared and all the grimm started to dissolve. I was tired but not exhausted and i still had plenty of chakra left, i quickly make my way back to the cliffs. I concentrate my chakra to my feet and climb up the cliff, i get to the top and see Ozpin with a smile and Glynda with a shocked expression while i just smile as i hand the chess piece to Ozpin
Ozpin: Congratulations, Mr. Senju. You passed the initiation
Y/n: Thank you very mu--
I was cut off by a loud roar, we look past the cliffs and saw....
Glynda: We must evacuate the students!
I step towards the edge of the cliff and bite my thumbs to draw blood
Ozpin: Im guessing you have a plan, Mr. Senju?
Y/n: Yes
I finish making the hand signs and slam my hands on the ground
Y/n: Summoning Jutsu!
Two clouds of smoke appear on my left and right, the smoke clears to revile two wolfs. A blue, orange, and gold wolf with a sword in its mouth and another dark purple, red, gold, and silver wolf with shield like armour
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