Addiction #6: Gore, GORE, and some MORE

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I like seeing guts, and hearts...intestines, pancreases, veins, nerves (they look a little nasty once you roll them together), etc.

Who doesn't?

Well...that's you...

To be truly honest, I have almost always been a fan of gore since I was a kid.

Wanna know something??

I kind of want to be a surgeon. Wanna know why? It's because most of the time you have to open, a part(s) of, the person up (don't think like that😂😂). That means I would be able to see blood and maybe even the organs. Feeling the squishy-ness in it. But I also want to be one to help the people get better and even save their lives. That's something I usually did when talking with an emotionally distressed person. Or even myself. I'd try to help them, save their life, and/or make them feel better.

Question: What do you want to be? Don't feel embarrassed if it's not something many people do, or even if you think people may make a "sweet" remark on it.


If a movie has gore in it, count me in. If it's about something stupid but has gore in it, count me in dude.

Long story short, I like gore.

I, have wanted to actually eat a persons organs. You know, to see what it TRULY tastes like. I am just curious about what we taste like. I know it's probably not edible...well...maybe putting it above a fire for a while would make it edible.

...just saying though

I would not like to hurt the life of one or even take it away. Therefore, I have not tried to capture a human and eat them.

I am too not dumb for that.

Gore, gore, blood and gore
I need gore, I need much more
Gore is good, gore is great
Organs gone, sealing fate
Gore, gore, gore galore
Time has come, and I need more
Gore is good, gore means red
Many wounds, yep, you're dead
This is fun, this is cool
So much joy, gore does rule

I made that song in less than five minutes. It's short and silly so it makes sense why it didn't take much time. Cool right?

It's actually sort of corny and weird but that's okay.

Moving on now....




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