Katherine's Father

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 Sitting across from her brother in the carriage, Katherine kept her gaze on the passing countryside. She couldn't bring herself to even glance over when her brother spoke up for the first time of their journey. "I will warn you, Katherine," Pierre said. "Your father most likely will not recognize you. He is heavily sedated for his own safety."

Her eyes narrowing, Katherine said nothing in response. The carriage turned down a long, tree lined drive. When she finally got a look at the institution her father was being kept at, the young lady couldn't repress a shudder. Even with the sun shining, the large brick building had a gloomy and depressing air about it.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Pierre climbed out and turned to assist his sister. Ignoring his offered hand, Katherine stepped out and looked up at the hospital with a concerned frown. The idea that her father had been imprisoned here sent a chill down her back. Resolutely, Pierre took her arm and escorted her up the steps.

An older, shrewish woman met them in the foyer, looking them over calculatingly. "How pleasant to see you again, Madame," Pierre said to her. Katherine stared at him in shock at his politeness. "We are here to see Dr. Le Beau."

"I will ask if he is available, Monsieur," the woman said before hurrying off, leaving the pair standing in the foyer.

Glancing around, Katherine saw men and women sitting in chairs and wandering along several hallways aimlessly. All of them had lost looks in their eyes, and Katherine's heart went out to them. "My father is like one of these poor people?" she whispered to herself.

The nurse returned before she could think any more about it. "The doctor will see you," she announced, her tone more gracious. "If you would follow me?"

Nodding his thanks, Pierre took Katherine's arm again and propelled her after the woman as they went down a hallway. The nurse knocked on a door and then opened it when a voice inside bade her to do so. Acting as though Katherine would resist, Pierre firmly pushed his sister in and the door shut behind them.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to see us, Doctor," Pierre said, making a half bow in greeting. "I would like to introduce you to my half sister, Katherine Hemway. She is Henry Hemway's only child as I mentioned to you before."

The thin, grey haired man rose from his seat behind his desk. "I am delighted to meet you, Mademoiselle," he said, coming around the desk. He studied the young lady closely as he gestured to a group of chairs in front of the window. "Please sit down, and we will have a cozy chat."

"Pardon me, sir. I did not come here to talk. I came to see my father," Katherine told him without making a move to the chairs. "Please take me to him. We can talk after that."

"Mademoiselle, I don't think that is a good idea," Dr. Le Beau responded, his tone regretful. Katherine stared at him. "Your father is a very unstable man. Seeing you after all this time will only upset him unnecessarily. You must admit you are very upset yourself at the moment."

Katherine's eyes narrowed further. "Indeed I am," she answered, her tone sharp. "I should have been told of this months ago and to have it revealed to me so abruptly is upsetting. My father and I are very close, Doctor, and have never been apart for long without some kind of communication. I must see him. Now."

"Calm yourself, Mademoiselle, please," Dr. Le Beau advised, his tone chiding. He looked over at Pierre. "She is displaying a violent temper, as her father has. This may be significant."

Pierre nodded in agreement. Eyes flashing in anger, Katherine put her hands on her hips. "Temper?" she repeated, her voice a deadly calm. "Monsieur, you have not seen my temper yet, but I assure you, you will if you do not allow me to see my father at once!"

"In time, my dear lady," the doctor said his tone soothing. "I only wish to warn you that this reckless action will have consequences. Your father has not been prepared for your visit, and he will be most upset by it, as you will be." He went to the wall and pulled the bell-rope. "However, I will acquiesce to your demands this once."

The door opened and the woman from before appeared in the doorway. "Please take Mademoiselle Hemway to see her father, Madame Tilley," Dr. Le Beau instructed. He turned back to Katherine. "Just follow Madame Tilley, Mademoiselle, and you will be reunited with your father."

"One question, Monsieur," Katherine said. The doctor made a bow to her. "Has my family's physician, Dr. Brown, come to see my father at anytime?"

Dr. Le Beau shook his head. "We have our own resident physician, if we have need of one," he answered. Katherine frowned. "Don't look so concerned, Mademoiselle! We take quite good care of all our patients here. Your father is no exception. You will see he has not been neglected."

Casting one last glare at the doctor and Pierre, Katherine left the room with her escort. The door shut, and Pierre looked at the doctor. "So?" he asked. "What is your professional opinion? Do we have cause for concern?"

Sighing, the doctor went back to his desk and sat down. "I'm afraid so," he responded, making notes on a pad of paper. "She is showing the early symptoms of the same madness as her father. Rare in one so young, I must say, but it is unmistakable. She is unusually attached to Monsieur Hemway. Being kept from him might be the trigger for the madness as the destruction of the Opera Populaire was for her father."

"She has also shown a strange obsession with the same opera house," Pierre informed him. "She is constantly there."

Shaking his head, the doctor put his pen down. "She will have to be watched very carefully," he advised.

"Oh, she will be," Pierre said with a smirk.


Nervously, Katherine followed Madame Tilley down several hallways. The cries and screams of some patients made her jump. It was with relief that she stepped outside. She saw more lost looking people as she moved across the yard. As they neared a gazebo, she recognized a tall figure sitting in a chair.

"Papa!" Katherine exclaimed, rushing forward. Madame Tilley wisely stayed back, her sharp eyes watching on. Entering the gazebo, she reached out and caught the man's limp hand. To her horror, he made no reaction. "Papa, it's me, Katherine!"

Slowly, Henry Hemway turned his head and looked at his daughter. Gasping, Katherine almost stumbled back. His hazel eyes, almost identical to her own, stared at her with no recognition in them. He was thinner than Katherine had ever seen him, and his face had a worn look to it.

"Oh, Papa," Katherine breathed. Kneeling down in front of him, she stared up at her father's worn face. He slowly reached out and touched her cheek. She leaned into his hand and begged, "Please, talk to me Papa."

"I think...I know you," her father said very slowly, his words slurring together. A faint frown appeared and then he shook his head. Dropping his hand, he turned his attention back to the horizon, seeming to completely forget his daughter's presence.

Tears in her eyes, Katherine straightened up. She leaned down and kissed her father's forehead. "Good-bye, Papa," she whispered. "I will be back soon. I promise. Somehow, I will get you out of this mess."

Her father didn't respond. Turning, Katherine ran out of the gazebo. Madame Tilley grabbed her arm, but the young lady twisted away. As fast as she could, the young lady ran around the building to where she knew the carriage waited. The driver jumped to open the door for her, looking concerned.

"Paris, Greaves," Katherine ordered, swiping at the tears that ran down her face.

"Shouldn't we wait for Mr. Everson?" Greaves asked in concern.

Shaking her head, Katherine climbed into the carriage and slammed the door shut. She stuck her head out the window. "He'll find his own way back," she said, an unfamiliar maliciousness in her tone. "Take me to Paris immediately."

Quickly, the footman jumped aboard and the carriage took off. As they went down the driveway, Pierre came running out of the hospital, shouting for them to stop. Looking back, Katherine let a smirk curve her lips as she saw him standing in the middle of the driveway. As she pulled her head back in, she burst into uncontrollable sobs.


Looking around, Pip frowned. He leaned out of the opera house door as far as he could, trying to see far down the street. "She hasn't come?" the Phantom's voice from behind made the boy jump.

"No," Pip admitted, turning around to face his tutor. His eyes showed deep concern. "What if something happened to her?"

"She is a woman," Erik commented. "They are known for being late. Come inside."


On the verge of going out, Michaela looked out the open door in time to see a familiar carriage stopping. "Katherine is here," she called out to her family. She hurried outside to greet her friend. Her cheerful greeting was halted as soon as Katherine stepped down. "Katherine! What's happened?"

"My dear!" Mrs. D'Arcy exclaimed in astonishment. "Come in! What has happened?"

Reaching the doorway of the D'Arcy home, Katherine burst into fresh tears as she was pulled into the family's arms.


Sitting on the edge of the stage, Pip bit his lip nervously. "She's never been late before," he said quietly. Behind him, the phantom stopped pacing. "I don't think even she would be this late."

"You should go," Erik advised. "Otherwise you'll have to stay here."

Stubbornly, Pip shook his head. "I promised I wouldn't go wandering around," he said.

They both heard the sound of footsteps at the same time. Pip perked up as the Phantom blended into the shadows. The nine year old boy scrambled to his feet and set off down the aisles. Pip slid to a halt as Katherine entered. "Miss Katherine!" he exclaimed.

Frowning, Erik left the shadows and followed the boy. "I'm so sorry I am late, Pip," Katherine said, her voice trembling. She took a ragged breath and raised her hand to her face. "Can you forgive me?"

Eyes wide, Pip looked up at his friend. "Who hurt you?" he demanded, balling up his hands. "I'll find them and make them pay! No one should make a lady cry."

Smiling through her tears, Katherine reached out and hugged him. "Oh, Pip," she said, vainly trying to choke back a sob. She released the boy. "Go out to the carriage, alright? Things are going to be changing and I'll tell you about it when I come out."

Backing away, Pip obediently hurried out. "I'm so sorry," Katherine said, turning. To her surprise, she found herself within inches of the Phantom. Closing her eyes, she let her meager control slip and sobbed into the man's chest.

Taken aback, Erik looked down at the sobbing woman. Tentatively, he put his arms around her. They stood like that for several minutes until Katherine took a deep breath and stepped away. "I'm alright," she said, wiping away stray tears. "I have had a very bad day. I'm sorry if I worried Pip, or inconvenienced you in anyway. I've had to make...other arrangements for Pip."

"What happened?" Erik asked. His eyes darkened dangerously. "Who hurt you?"

Shaking her head, Katherine hesitated. "I told you my father was missing?" she asked. Warily, the Phantom nodded. "My brother finally told me the truth. My father... went mad and has been admitted into an institution."

"I am sorry," Erik said uncomfortably.

Katherine forced a smile. "I hope I will be able to help him recover," she said. "But, I won't be able to be involved with pip's education any more. My brother has all but accused me of being insane like my father. He would not hesitate to use Pip against me, and I do not want to drag Pip into it."

"Why would he accuse you of being mad?"

"I don't know, but he has," Katherine answered, shaking her head again. "Pip will stay with some friends of mine and they will see that he is at his lessons on time."

"You are a strange woman, Katherine Hemway," the Phantom commented. Startled, Katherine met his gaze. He explained, "You have been risking your life for a child that is not your own. Not many people would do that."

Amused, Katherine smiled genuinely. "I do not have much of a reputation to risk," she answered. "Being half French and half English means both sides consider me unworthy of notice, unless I do something horrible. I can do as I please otherwise."

"Pip will miss you at his lessons," the Phantom informed her. He hesitated before he added, "And I will miss our conversations."

Surprised, Katherine studied his masked face. "I will miss coming as well," she responded, starting to turn. She paused. "My brother is having a masked ball. Christine de Chagny will be attending. I thought if you wanted to see her again, one more time, you could come to the ball."

"I would like that."

"I thought you would. It's in three days," Katherine told him, nodding sadly. She hurried away from him.

"Christine," the phantom whispered.

"Sing once again with me

Our strange duet.

My power over you

Grows stronger yet.

And though you turn from me

To glance behind,

The phantom of the opera is there

Inside your mind..."  

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