Mind Filled With The Thoughts Of Amber

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I slowly walk towards the hill that isn't too far from me, when I arrived I slowly looked around the now silent hill. He vanished, no trace of him whatsoever. At that moment I began to feel dull, It made me feel like I was dreaming everything that has happened.

"Maybe this restless night has finally gotten to me, I should get back to the village." I said to myself with a sigh.

I went down to the lower hill and picked up my blanket and koto, I took another look at the higher hill and begin to walk back to the village. I return to the inn that I'm staying at, I put aside my koto and sat down onto my futon. I look out the wooden window and I see  the bright crescent moon, it reminds me of the moon mark on the man's forehead. I scooted down and I finally lay down. I looked up at the wooden roof. My mind is becoming numb and sleep is taking over me, I gradually close my eyes. As I drift into a misty dream, the gorgeous amber colored eyes shines brightly in mind. The sun rises and the ebony sky gradually turns pale blue. It feels like it's going to rain tonight, but everyone still goes on with their day. The news that I play music has spread last night. Someone asks me if I can play for a lord's birthday banquet and I accept the request. Dark clouds begin to slowly form outside, and people begin to say to each other to keep themselves dry from the rain. When I finished performing for the banquet I bid farewell to the lords, I received my pay and return to the inn to take cover from the upcoming rain. Soon the ground slowly were covered with water, the session of rainfall finally starts. I sat in my room with my koto in front of me, I decide to pass time by composing new tunes. As I compose, I remember the golden eyes that was so gorgeous and captivating. I became lost in my own world. I'm in the middle of composing my new song when the ground suddenly shakes violently. I look up with a gasp, the candle light in my room flickers from the vibration.

"An earthquake?!" I wondered.

I get up and run outside, the rain is pouring down on the village. My hair became soaked within seconds, people are running around the large village in panics. A young girl runs into me all of a sudden crying, and I grab onto her before she falls backwards.

"Hey are you alright? What's happening?" I asks her calmly.

"A demon suddenly came on this village, it's a large flying bird demon with hard plates on its wings. We need to run!" She says with worry.

"Demon? Alright stay calm, I'm going to take you to a safe place." I said taking her hand and running with the other villagers to the other end of the large village to find a safe area to hide.

The chief of the village guided the villagers to a nearby cave, along the way I look up and can see a large demon bird with red feathers and hard organic plates on its wings, its eyes were glowing purple and there were flames coming off from the crest on its head. Its beak is long with jagged teeth, in a way it looks like a demented phoenix. It flies over the village trying to find prey and swoop down towards it. After everyone entered the cave and huddles up in the corner of the cave I went up to the chief.

"Chief, I'll go back to the village and see if there's anyone else left." I said to him.

"Alone and a woman, I would not allow that." He says with wide eyes.

"I'll be fine, I'll stay in hiding as much as I can, hiding in the trees along the way is best since the demon flies above, the tree branches and leaves will cover me. Besides we want to make sure that everyone's safe." I said.

The chief looks at me with worry but then nods.

"Alright, but let me send some guards along with you." He says calling on 2 village guards.

"Alright thank you chief." I said leaving with the guards.

We managed to avoid the demon bird who is still back in the village circling and trying to find someone outside. The guards and I split up and went into different huts to see if there were anyone left behind. I went into two houses and I was signaled by one of the guards that there were no one left, I gestured to them to head back to the hideout. They nodded. I begin to head back with them when I hear faint crying from within a hut close to the edge of the village, the rain and the fog makes the village look like a ghost town at this point. I look ahead and I see that the guards were heading back already without noticing me still behind. I sneak into the hut with the demon still circling above. In the corner of the hut, there is a young boy crying. I go up to him and take his hand.

"Hey hey it's alright, you're ok now. Let's get out of here." I said with a soft voice.

The boy nods and I take him outside. I motioned to him to stay quiet or else we'll be detected. The rain is still pouring down hard on us. I take his hand and started running. We didn't get far when we hear loud screeching from above us. We gasped and run as fast as we can, eventually I decided that I have to give the kid a head start. I let go of his hand and tells him to run towards a cave not too far out of the village while I distract the demon. I stop and I watch as the boy runs ahead, I turn around and I ran to the opposite direction to confuse the demon. I decide to run towards the hills to lose it. As I run I tripped on a rock on the ground. I land on my hands and in my mind I think that I'm doomed. I turn around and look up to see the demon bird flying towards me with his beak aiming at me. I put my left hand out to at least shield myself, and I shut my eyes tightly waiting for my fate. Suddenly I hear a loud crack of a whip and I open my eyes in a shock. I see a glowing green whip like aura in the sky and whoever is controlling it, whips it towards the demon bird. The whip cuts through the air from behind me as I watch it cut through the bird's neck from the side, after cutting through the bird it hits one of the plates on its wings. The tip of the whip bounces off and comes flying towards my hand. Without a moment to react, the tip of the whip grazes the back of my left hand. The momentum of the graze causes my hand to fling back a little, the bird's headless body crashes to the ground and I cover my head from the shaking ground of the landing impact. The rumble stops almost immediately and I look up, I look at the lifeless body and I turn around and through the rain and fog, I see the whip recoil and disappear to the fingertips of a young man standing at the edge of the nearby forest. My eyes went wide as I realize that it's the same young man that I saw last night on the hills, his lean structure standing perfectly like a statue as he lower his arm slowly. I couldn't see his face clearly due to the distance but I can tell he's looking at me. His amber eyes looking at me through the fog. The wind gently breezes over the village and he turns and disappears into the woods with the bundle of fur traveling on the ground behind him, and his silver hair swaying in the air like silk. I want to get up and run after him but something else came into my mind. I have to return back to the cave and tell everyone that the demon has been slained. I get up slowly from the muddy ground, and a slight pain runs through my left hand. I look at the back of my hand and I see a slight long deep wound on my skin, blood is coming out the opening. It stings a little but it's nothing serious, I'm more thankful that he saved me than anything. My once pale blue kimono is now brown and muddy, my neatly braided hair now tangled and a mess. The rain seem to calm down greatly after the death of the demon, I return to the cave and tell everyone that the village is safe again. The rest of the day the men got rid of the demon while the women cleaned everything else up. Some of the elders treated my wound and the children were all resting. The rest of the day I couldn't think of anything else except for the young man, my savior. The next day, I asked the women if I can borrow a kimono for the day while I go and wash my own, they happily landed me one of theirs. I take my kimono that I received for my birthday and my koto, I walk towards a small waterfall not too far from the village but is in the forest. The sky is clear once again with birds flying and chirping in the trees. I finally arrive at the beautiful waterfall and I wash my kimono gently, I also washed my hair and rebraid it neatly. As I wait for my hair and kimono to dry up a little, I played on my koto. After about an hour or so, I folded my kimono and I picked up my koto. I walked through the green forest for a few minutes when I stopped to readjust my koto's position. A gentle wind blows pass me and I looked around, once again the wind feels so familiar. I decided to follow the direction that the wind is blowing vaguely towards, and not long and come upon a grassy area in the woods with tall trees. As I walk a bit further, I see something and I hid behind a tree trunk. I make sure not to make too much sound, I peek out from the side. Not far away is a tree and leaning against it is a young man, his long silver hair and the stripes on his face were so easy to identify. His eyes were closed and he is leaning against the trunk with the big bundle of fur acting as his head rest and surrounding him in softness. His right leg is slightly bent and it made him look elegant. Beside him is a small imp like creature sleeping on a bigger creature with two heads that resembles a horse but with a long scaley tail and claws. He looks so peaceful and captivating as I watch his chest expand and fall gradually, with each breath. It seems like I didn't manage to wake him, how I wanted to thank him for saving me yesterday but I thought it's better if I let him rest. I gazed at him in a distance as I admired his beauty and his strong aura. His amber eyes hidden from me underneath his eyelids lined with a thin streak of magenta color, I'm glad that I get to admire him peacefully and knowing that he isn't just an illusion.

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